
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Q Magazine
    Jan 25, 2013
    Refreshingly simple in its own small way. [Feb 2013, p.103]
  2. Uncut
    Jan 25, 2013
    Sun-dappled, retro Americana dominates their second album, albeit overlaid with an arsenal of sonic tricks. [Feb 2013, p.70]
  3. Jan 25, 2013
    Never bland, the Daredevil Christopher Wright rise from good to great when they let their freak flag fly and allow their true weird personalities to come out.
  4. Jan 25, 2013
    Many of the tracks are sparse, relying more on the vocals of brothers Jon and Jason Sunde than anything else.
  5. Jan 25, 2013
    Overall, The Nature of Things is an incredibly enjoyable listen that's very easy to take in, but it's not quite the classic record that the Daredevil Christopher Wright is clearly capable of making.

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