• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Apr 10, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 492 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 492
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  1. Apr 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not bad, but, come on, there is only one or two songs that have the real 'Strokes' spirit. Expected a little less electronic artifacts in the whole album. Expand
  2. Apr 26, 2020
    I am the odd fan of The Strokes later output. I enjoyed Angles, First Impressions and their last EP. I like but am not in love with their first two albums, mainly because I played them out when they were originally released so I'm very over them. Aywhoo, yeah I didn't really love this album. It just felt like they were experimenting with Rubin and didn't really get to any good bangers.I am the odd fan of The Strokes later output. I enjoyed Angles, First Impressions and their last EP. I like but am not in love with their first two albums, mainly because I played them out when they were originally released so I'm very over them. Aywhoo, yeah I didn't really love this album. It just felt like they were experimenting with Rubin and didn't really get to any good bangers. It's chill out, corporate rock at it's least offensive. I feel like they are unintentionally or maybe intentionally kinda going through the motions here. Meh...maybe I'll grow into it like Angles. Expand
  3. Jul 25, 2020


  4. Apr 26, 2021
    I liked it when it came out but now i cant sit through it. Julian Casablancas continues to falsetto and it just keeps getting worse to me. Alot of people see this as a return to form for the band, but honestly it is one of my least favourites from them. This is the only album by the band that doesnt feature a single song that i would give over an 8/10. Im still holding on to hope that theyI liked it when it came out but now i cant sit through it. Julian Casablancas continues to falsetto and it just keeps getting worse to me. Alot of people see this as a return to form for the band, but honestly it is one of my least favourites from them. This is the only album by the band that doesnt feature a single song that i would give over an 8/10. Im still holding on to hope that they could surprise me with an album that is at least good. Im not asking for great, just good.
    Best Songs: The Adults Are Talking, Eternal Summer, Ode to the Mets
    Worst Songs: Bad Decisions, Selfless, Not the Same Anymore, Why Are Sundays So Depressing
  5. Jun 17, 2020
    This is not an enjoyable album to listen to, for me at least. The Adults Are Talking is the first track and probably the best, even if the drumming beat does become slightly too repetitive by the end as the lead guitars really give the song some life. That life is then sucker-punched by the bland ballad Selfless. The next few tracks are examples of wasted potential. Brooklyn Bridge couldThis is not an enjoyable album to listen to, for me at least. The Adults Are Talking is the first track and probably the best, even if the drumming beat does become slightly too repetitive by the end as the lead guitars really give the song some life. That life is then sucker-punched by the bland ballad Selfless. The next few tracks are examples of wasted potential. Brooklyn Bridge could have been a classic Strokes song without the grating 80s synthesiser that opens the track and continues throughout, while Bad Decisions and At The Door would both have been better off being 2 minutes long rather than close to 5. Eternal Summer sounds like a neglected B-side from one of the new disco-style Two Door Cinema Club records, and even the A-sides to those aren't good. The whiney guitar on 'Sundays' is unpleasant while Not The Same Anymore repeats the same ideas as Selfless but for 5 1/2 minutes rather than 3. Ode to the Mets is annoying as the synthesiser that opens the track is quickly replaced after 8 seconds by a guitar following a completely different tempo. There are elements to some tracks which are good, but overall this album is poor. It gives the impression of an experimental that lacks ideas, direction or charm. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. May 1, 2020
    The band’s bluntest and most contagious — yet experimental — work.
  2. Apr 27, 2020
    Mostly, they passively experiment with synth sounds as they did on Angles and Comedown Machine. At one point, they jack the melody to "Dancing With Myself". Sadly, the most intriguing parts of the record are the numerous times when Casablancas comments on the piss-poor songwriting in realtime.
  3. Apr 22, 2020
    On their latest album, The New Abnormal, The Strokes have mirrored the career of Beck, offering a mimetic approximation of music they think people want, instead of music generated from their raw, inner demons or whatever fueled them on Is This It.