• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Apr 10, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 492 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 492
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  1. Apr 10, 2020
    78 metascore for this album is a disgrace. Majority of music critics are just another arm of the fake news media. Were talking about greatest rock band of the indie era with their best album since Room on Fire and First impressions. Their singles are actually the weakest on the record and are still immensely playable. Best album of 2020 so far by a landslide. Long live the strokes!
  2. Apr 10, 2020
    Easily one of The Strokes best works to date. This album is superb. Very glad to see that they still know what they're doing. Every track is great and with powerful vocals from Julian it really brings everything together
  3. Apr 10, 2020
    Incredible return from The Strokes. I was a latecomer to them but grew to love them very fast and this album is an excellent addition to their discography. I've had it on repeat all day, my favourite tracks at the moment are: Endless Summer, Selfless and Ode to the Mets though there's not one bad track on the record.
  4. Apr 11, 2020
    I can't articulate just how much I needed this record at this moment in time. So I'm just gonna say...that muthafuka slaps.
  5. Apr 10, 2020
    They managed to use a lot of the 80's vibe and still being The Strokes. Loved it.
  6. Apr 12, 2020
    The strokes, the band that has struggled with all the hype for almost 7 years, has released an album that is a sound delight for the most critical ears, with some eighties touches, vibes to pink floyd, sinatra. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, ode to the mets is a masterpiece.
  7. Apr 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is thier best since Room On Fire.
    Souns like Julian tried to make things different this time and it came out amazing. It's new and different from thier other albums. better lyrics so far
  8. Apr 10, 2020
    Incredible consistent, fun album that perfectly mixes the classic sound with something new and exciting. The Strokes’ best album in a decade and a half, with not a bad song on it, but opened and closed with two of their very best songs.
  9. Apr 10, 2020
    Ode to chaos and beauty. It's a 20 years long story, the adults are talking now and in front of us a part of our life. Julian's voice has never been so majestic, nuanced and each piece of the album is emotionally powerful. There is probably not the passion of the first times but it shows with splendor that the Strokes mark once again history of rock music with a new chapter opens to us.Ode to chaos and beauty. It's a 20 years long story, the adults are talking now and in front of us a part of our life. Julian's voice has never been so majestic, nuanced and each piece of the album is emotionally powerful. There is probably not the passion of the first times but it shows with splendor that the Strokes mark once again history of rock music with a new chapter opens to us. And we need this in the strange times we live. Old friends, long forgotten. Expand
  10. Apr 19, 2020
    The Strokes are back, and this time they have brought along the best album they have put out since the release of Room on Fire. While each member of the Strokes has their own side project or solo act that are all great in their own way, The New Abnormal proves that they are at their very best when their powers are combined. Selfless and Ode to the Mets are two personal favorites. Check outThe Strokes are back, and this time they have brought along the best album they have put out since the release of Room on Fire. While each member of the Strokes has their own side project or solo act that are all great in their own way, The New Abnormal proves that they are at their very best when their powers are combined. Selfless and Ode to the Mets are two personal favorites. Check out this album, you will not be disappointed! Expand
  11. Apr 17, 2020
    I did not see this one coming... wow! This is the best album I’ve heard all year, such a wonderful reinvention of their sound.
  12. Apr 10, 2020
    Honestly I’ve been waiting for this album ever since they performed The Adults Are Talking live for the first time back in may. It didn’t disappoint! Al the songs sound so different yet fit together perfectly as a whole. No momentum is lost throughout the album. You can definitely hear some “Voidz” sounds in there but in the end they’re just Strokes trying something new, yet staying trueHonestly I’ve been waiting for this album ever since they performed The Adults Are Talking live for the first time back in may. It didn’t disappoint! Al the songs sound so different yet fit together perfectly as a whole. No momentum is lost throughout the album. You can definitely hear some “Voidz” sounds in there but in the end they’re just Strokes trying something new, yet staying true to themselves. It’s amazing what a band can do even 20 years after they formed. Thank you The Strokes for this, I think we all needed it. Expand
  13. Apr 12, 2020
    A triumphant return from The Strokes, every song in The New Abnormal has its magic! Fans will be right at home with this LP, the guys deliver with great passion here.
  14. Apr 17, 2020
    This is the TRUE third album of The Strokes. I'm glad they finally reeled one in; it's been a long time waiting. 'Selfless' and 'Ode to Mets' are now among the Strokes' best hits. So satisfying to say the least.
  15. Apr 10, 2020
    Amazing. Not a single dud on this album. These guys didn't miss a beat after seven years. Just finished my first listen and I already think this might go on to be one of my favorite Strokes albums
  16. Apr 10, 2020
    Their best album in years. Julian Casablancas’ voice never sounded better. Every track flows into the next track. Album production is also top notch.. Thank you The Strokes for this amazing album.
  17. Apr 14, 2020
    Amazing, this is what i call a comeback! All the people who can’t see that might be considered **** IMO.
  18. Apr 12, 2020
    This album sees The Strokes finding their way back to the classic sound we all love while still keeping it new and interesting. Definitely plenty of borrowed sounds here but reimagined enough for my taste. Glad to see the band that changed it all almost 20 years ago still getting together and knocking out great new rock songs after all this time.
  19. Apr 11, 2020
    The Strokes new album is truly abnormal but in an entirely good way. The strokes have truly innovated their sound in this album. By incorporating synth and other effects into their sound it shows innovation to their sound. The past is over its time to accept change and innovate like the strokes.
  20. Apr 16, 2020
    Just the absolute best. Heartbreaking, heartfelt, more clever than people seem to give it credit. This is The Strokes at their most comfortable, and the weirdness plays so well together. It's a perfect album for this uncertain time.
  21. Apr 18, 2020
    A delightful one-piece album. I do not want to miss any of the songs - a rarity at the present time. Melodious, thoughtful, with a great sound (thanks, Rick Rubin!). The best album of the group after 2001.
  22. Apr 10, 2020
    Their best album since Room on Fire. Julian Casablancas prints his trademark synthpop mixed with traditional Strokes sound perfectly and ends up on a great album.
  23. Apr 17, 2020
    The Strokes are back with more excellent music, throwbacks and new styles together in one fantastic album. I love it.
  24. Apr 15, 2020
    The best album I have heard in years. And easily The Strokes best since Is This It.
  25. Apr 10, 2020
    Love me some Strokes baby. Some really great songs here but my personal favorites are Ode To The Mets and The Adults Are Talking. Of course Selfless and their single Bad Decisions were also great listens. An underrated song might be Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus. Such amazing lyrics in this album. Their flow is as good as ever. It’s honestly amazing how consistent The Strokes have been sinceLove me some Strokes baby. Some really great songs here but my personal favorites are Ode To The Mets and The Adults Are Talking. Of course Selfless and their single Bad Decisions were also great listens. An underrated song might be Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus. Such amazing lyrics in this album. Their flow is as good as ever. It’s honestly amazing how consistent The Strokes have been since their debut in 2001 Expand
  26. Apr 10, 2020
    I love the whay that they mix de álbum, Crazy and awesome instrumentals, Julien voices sound better than ever, one of the best albuns in 2020 far.
  27. Apr 14, 2020
    Un álbum sólido y bien trabajado. Cada canción es única, con una sensación de frescura, aún conservando el sello caracteristico de la banda. Grandes vocales de Julian Casablancas y también considero un acierto la introducción de sintetizadores y efectos de audio que no les habíamos visto tan común a los neoyorkinos
  28. Apr 10, 2020
    On first listen, I thought that The New Abnormal was a 6 out of 10; a fairly underwhelming return after seven years. 

    Then I listened to it again, whilst looking at the track listings on Angles and Comedown Machine. These two previous albums got better with every listen and made me realise that The Strokes are the kings of making an album that grows on you.
 The New Abnormal doesn't
    On first listen, I thought that The New Abnormal was a 6 out of 10; a fairly underwhelming return after seven years. 

    Then I listened to it again, whilst looking at the track listings on Angles and Comedown Machine. These two previous albums got better with every listen and made me realise that The Strokes are the kings of making an album that grows on you.

    The New Abnormal doesn't kick down the doors or blow any minds, but it does make for a very enjoyable 45 minutes.
  29. Apr 10, 2020
    Bands chemistry is on point for most of the album, feels fresh and much needed in these times
  30. Apr 11, 2020
    The Strokes managed to deliver a fantastic album. it's been 7 years since Comedown Machine, which have been very worthwhile. In this abnormal moment "The New Abnormal" came at the right time and this album is one of, if not, for now, the best of 2020!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. May 1, 2020
    The band’s bluntest and most contagious — yet experimental — work.
  2. Apr 27, 2020
    Mostly, they passively experiment with synth sounds as they did on Angles and Comedown Machine. At one point, they jack the melody to "Dancing With Myself". Sadly, the most intriguing parts of the record are the numerous times when Casablancas comments on the piss-poor songwriting in realtime.
  3. Apr 22, 2020
    On their latest album, The New Abnormal, The Strokes have mirrored the career of Beck, offering a mimetic approximation of music they think people want, instead of music generated from their raw, inner demons or whatever fueled them on Is This It.