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Universal acclaim- based on 109 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 93 out of 109
  2. Negative: 8 out of 109
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  1. Apr 22, 2022
    Скучный альбом, "Serenity Of Suffering" был хоть и клише на Issues со звуком из 00-х, но гораздо более бодрый. Здесь же заезженный звук с приправой из альбома "Untitled". Определённо шаг назад.
  2. Feb 8, 2022
    Korn's most perfect album. I recommend you to listen to an extremely good album.
  3. Jun 30, 2020
    This album reminded me of Korn's origins, and he has heavy and calm songs, which gives a great balance.
  4. Sep 13, 2019
    I'm impressed. They've come with a better album than the serenity of suffering
  5. Jan 31, 2020
    This is a masterpiece album and its called the nothing cause its everything we ever hoped for in loss and despair as we take a deep view into the master mind of Jonathan Davis. its not only dark but its also authentic and even though similiar in vibe and taste to the album Untouchables it comes fresh and a new decade for the band in a way impossible only to those who have yet toThis is a masterpiece album and its called the nothing cause its everything we ever hoped for in loss and despair as we take a deep view into the master mind of Jonathan Davis. its not only dark but its also authentic and even though similiar in vibe and taste to the album Untouchables it comes fresh and a new decade for the band in a way impossible only to those who have yet to hear the echo of jons truth, love, and emotion in music as a whole and making nothing something out of us and making impossible possible through us (especially in metal) i give thsi a solid score because it deserves no less. as loss is what we get out of this albums deep dark nu metal vibe Expand
  6. Dec 23, 2019
    ____ "The Nothing" excites, evokes emotions. It is like a deafening cry in the middle of the void: you hear and cannot help but react. Because the album is survived and lived. Against the background of the musical power of guitar riffs and rampant drums, we hear Jonathan releasing his inner demons, endowing the composition with a charge of feelings and real emotions.
  7. Oct 20, 2019
    I like the classic comeback strategy here but they actually sound refreshing and Jonathan sounds actually really pissed off and lets the music soar with him instead of grinding against it by being over the top as per se. There are good moments here for the lifelong fans, believe me I’ve been listening to them for 25 years. This is a nu metal album of today. If you don’t feel the stringsI like the classic comeback strategy here but they actually sound refreshing and Jonathan sounds actually really pissed off and lets the music soar with him instead of grinding against it by being over the top as per se. There are good moments here for the lifelong fans, believe me I’ve been listening to them for 25 years. This is a nu metal album of today. If you don’t feel the strings pulling for Jonathan after track one, you have less heart than required to realize the motive yet. It proves that motivated hard working people can pull off some amazing wins and is easily better than “we are not your kind” yet again proving Korn won’t roll over and die because there are faster heavier bands Expand
  8. Oct 26, 2019
    Amazing, bring back the original style, with the new sound... The groovgroov great, but too much pop chorus
  9. Sep 26, 2019
    Best Korn album since Issues. Jonathan Davis agony is plain to hear he really is suffering and you can tell on this record. The production is great and really builds on the Serenity of Sufferings potential. If this ends up being Korns last album I think they could proudly say they went out with a bang.
  10. Sep 26, 2019
    I'm sorry, how are people ranking this album 8-10? I think their opinion is baised because they heard Davis was troubled from his wife dying and this did transfer over to the lyrics. That being said, yes lyrics are a strong point on this album. But vocal delivery - not as much. We've seen Jonathan do better on almost every single album.

    People say it's the heaviest in a while? I mean,
    I'm sorry, how are people ranking this album 8-10? I think their opinion is baised because they heard Davis was troubled from his wife dying and this did transfer over to the lyrics. That being said, yes lyrics are a strong point on this album. But vocal delivery - not as much. We've seen Jonathan do better on almost every single album.

    People say it's the heaviest in a while? I mean, yes this album is the heaviest since maybe 2003's Take a Look in the Mirror. But compared to current-day releases (and previous catalogues) from similar Nu Metal or Metalcore artists, this level of "heaviness" does not stand out (i.e. Slipknot's 2019 album, Northlane's 2019 album, Nine Shrines' 2019 album, Muddvayne any album). The rhythms were not particularly catchy for most songs. 2016's Serenity of Suffering was the best album since 2003 (and the closest in return to style) and this honestly pushed back what they built.

    So good lyrics? Yes. Emotional delivery? No.
    Heavy (relative to recent Korn releases)? Yes. Heavy (relative to current-day nu metal/metalcore)? No.

    Is Korn at their best on album? Far from it. I would group this with Korn III and Paradigm Shift.
  11. Sep 25, 2019
    Жутко подавленный утратой жены и матери, лидер коллектива Джонатан Дэвис изливает всю свою боль на 13-ую пластинку американских ню-металистов. И хоть на альбоме нет откровенно сильных и цепляющих вещей, это, пожалуй, самая эмоциональная, злая и концептуальная работа группы.

    Лучшие песни: Idiosyncrasy Can You Hear Me Cold
    Жутко подавленный утратой жены и матери, лидер коллектива Джонатан Дэвис изливает всю свою боль на 13-ую пластинку американских ню-металистов. И хоть на альбоме нет откровенно сильных и цепляющих вещей, это, пожалуй, самая эмоциональная, злая и концептуальная работа группы.

    Лучшие песни:
    Can You Hear Me
  12. Sep 23, 2019
    This shows Korn still got it They amazing after all this time and prove 'Nothing' is going to stop them.
  13. Sep 20, 2019
    One of Korn's best. It's not quite as heavy as The Serenity of Suffering was, but the songwriting is better. This is probably the band's most focused album, centered on themes of grief and loss. Every member of the band is firing on all cylinders here, with great performances all around. It's not perfect, however. The Seduction of Indulgence is a weak track and the songs become predictableOne of Korn's best. It's not quite as heavy as The Serenity of Suffering was, but the songwriting is better. This is probably the band's most focused album, centered on themes of grief and loss. Every member of the band is firing on all cylinders here, with great performances all around. It's not perfect, however. The Seduction of Indulgence is a weak track and the songs become predictable by album's end. But it's still one hell of a ride. Expand
  14. Sep 18, 2019
    To me this the best album since the 90s, its Issues 2.0. It's like a blend of the dark eerie vibes of issues and life is peachy with the chorus of untouchables. It's Fantastic
  15. Sep 18, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Boring as hell, ar least the album is not so long, so it ends like it has never been listened Expand
  16. Sep 18, 2019
    Drawing as much on the frenetic thrash-groove fusion of groups like Lamb of God and Pantera as the swaggering nu metal off of which they made their name, Korn's latest occasionally drifts into self-indulgency but overall represents not simply an exciting stylistic evolution for the group, but also their most mature and consistently excellent work to date.

    Choice Cuts: "Cold", "Can You
    Drawing as much on the frenetic thrash-groove fusion of groups like Lamb of God and Pantera as the swaggering nu metal off of which they made their name, Korn's latest occasionally drifts into self-indulgency but overall represents not simply an exciting stylistic evolution for the group, but also their most mature and consistently excellent work to date.

    Choice Cuts: "Cold", "Can You Hear Me", "H@rd3r", "This Loss"
  17. Sep 17, 2019
    There is nothing i havn't found interesting in this album, yes it has some old vibes, but always playing with some other elements that make this album great.

    Not boring at all, you can feel the emotion in this album
  18. Sep 16, 2019
    First things first, this is a mood album, not an album I would find my self listening to on repeat like the recent Slipknot effort 'We Are Not Your Kind but it is a very solid album'. It's dark, moody and the lyrical content, heavy, featuring references to child abuse and losing loved ones. It doesn't out stay its welcome either, running at under an hour. If you're a long time fan ofFirst things first, this is a mood album, not an album I would find my self listening to on repeat like the recent Slipknot effort 'We Are Not Your Kind but it is a very solid album'. It's dark, moody and the lyrical content, heavy, featuring references to child abuse and losing loved ones. It doesn't out stay its welcome either, running at under an hour. If you're a long time fan of Korn, this album is something to be excited about. Expand
  19. Sep 16, 2019
    Super brzmienie, jedn z moich ulubionych albumów korna. A utwory This loss i H@rd3r to coś pięknego. Szkoda że na plycie nie ma hitu pokroju here to stay. Super powrót :)
  20. Sep 15, 2019
    Нет, я правда старался найти в новом и сильно ожидаемом мной альбоме Korn всё то, за что его так хвалят в ваших интернетах. Давай пройдёмся по The Nothing поподробнее.

    Первое, что я заметил ещё до релиза альбома — крайне слабые синглы. Ни «You'll Never Find Me», ни тем более «Cold», ничем не зацепили и ни на минуту не задержались в голове, будто их и не было. Но ведь это не показатель
    Нет, я правда старался найти в новом и сильно ожидаемом мной альбоме Korn всё то, за что его так хвалят в ваших интернетах. Давай пройдёмся по The Nothing поподробнее.

    Первое, что я заметил ещё до релиза альбома — крайне слабые синглы. Ни «You'll Never Find Me», ни тем более «Cold», ничем не зацепили и ни на минуту не задержались в голове, будто их и не было. Но ведь это не показатель того, что весь альбом будет таким? С выходом The Nothing надежды угасли — практически каждый трек альбома настойчиво кричит "Я детище Korn!", но на большее их не хватило.

    Выделить хочется всего несколько композиций: «The Darkness is Revealing», запоминающуюся своим припевом, и действительно мощную, крепко сбитую «This Loss». Предпоследний трек альбома стал единственным, который попадёт в мой плейлист и который я захочу послушать повторно.

    Всё что я услышал — The Nothing, в целом, абсолютно не музыкальный, средний альбом. Для меня он напичкан различными фирменными фишками Korn, которые просто взывают к ностальгическим чувствам, когда трава была зеленее, а "кукуруза" была жёстче и темнее. С другой стороны, лучше уж такой альбом, чем перенимать опыт Papa Roach с их Who Do You Trust?

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  21. Sep 15, 2019
    Great rhytmic album, love it. Reminds me of the good old days with KoRn album in hands
  22. Sep 14, 2019
    Lyrically wonderful and there are elements of Korn's brilliance in this album album but the songs are largely forgettable. The "Cold", "You'll Never Find Me" and "The Darkness is Revealing" work together as a strong opening triplet. Rather than building, the middle of the album falls flat with "Idosyncrasy", "The Seduction of Indulgence" and "Finally Free" just simply feeling like theyLyrically wonderful and there are elements of Korn's brilliance in this album album but the songs are largely forgettable. The "Cold", "You'll Never Find Me" and "The Darkness is Revealing" work together as a strong opening triplet. Rather than building, the middle of the album falls flat with "Idosyncrasy", "The Seduction of Indulgence" and "Finally Free" just simply feeling like they don't belong on this album. "Can You Hear Me" definitely stems from Korns more modern era albums but picks up strongly and follows well with "The Ring Master". "H@rd3r" is the rawest, most interesting song on this album and the catchiest as it hits harder and harder and harder. You can tell that Korn have been touring heavily with Slipknot over the years. For me "This Loss" is probably the pinnacile of the album and part of me feels that this should have been the song the album ended on with a real stand out performance from JD. Surrender To Failure was a nice bookend but might have been better as an interlude between the first and second halves of the album. One of their better albums but doesn't surpass The Serenity of Suffering Expand
  23. Sep 14, 2019
    It is absolutely marvelous. It gives you constant chills. It is deep, sad and very emotional. True masterpiece. All tracks are very very good.
  24. Sep 14, 2019
    Один из лучших альбомов за последние несколько лет, 13 альбомов из 13 korn лучшие
  25. Sep 14, 2019
    Amazing new sound for the band, i like the new grove. I would like to hear more of Fieldy's bass work, but still a grate albume with a grate new sound
  26. Sep 14, 2019
    Korn's best album since 2002. Listen from start to finish. Highlights for me are Gravity of Discomfort, H@rd3r.
  27. Sep 13, 2019
    The Nothing is one of the best Korn's albums
    Track Finally Free is personal and sad, like Daddy and Liar
    Thanks Korn, I'm your fan forever
  28. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very dark and emotional album. Lyrics is great. Vocal of Jonathan Davis, bass and drums are very cool. I think that "The nothing" much better than previous album, because "The serenity of suffering" was too monotonous. Favorite tracks: "Surremder to failure", " This loss", "Tye end begins", "Finally free" and "Cold". The band is still cool! Expand
  29. Sep 13, 2019
    I wouldn't have never thought that I would be so exited about a new KoRn album but there I was.
    The album is absolutely amazing every song even the interludes/filler songs were great! the closing track is so **** depressing and dark unlike in the new Slipknot album which were so unnecessary and boring.
    If you're a big KoRn fan then you definitely should enjoy this, if you don't then
    I wouldn't have never thought that I would be so exited about a new KoRn album but there I was.
    The album is absolutely amazing every song even the interludes/filler songs were great! the closing track is so **** depressing and dark unlike in the new Slipknot album which were so unnecessary and boring.
    If you're a big KoRn fan then you definitely should enjoy this, if you don't then there's something wrong with you and you should get help
  30. Sep 13, 2019
    Fantastic continuation of their previous album with a lot of new ideas. The big change here is songs have become more intricate with nothing feeling rushed or generically laid out. John has done a great job on his own making some great poetry. The downside however as I felt with the previous album is the mixing isn’t perfect with some stuff being barely audible as they mix with otherFantastic continuation of their previous album with a lot of new ideas. The big change here is songs have become more intricate with nothing feeling rushed or generically laid out. John has done a great job on his own making some great poetry. The downside however as I felt with the previous album is the mixing isn’t perfect with some stuff being barely audible as they mix with other sounds in the same octave. Jon doesn’t go hard like hoping here as he deals with his wife’s death. It’s still the same professional sound and dedicated editing instead of the one off bad ass takes from their early work. The overall tone from him is more that of his recent solo album. It’s not bad, but it’s not like the last album. this album goes hard with a lot of variety and a lot of old school guitar notes, however each time I listened to it I grew tired of it by the time it was finished and I’m suspecting it is due to johns performance, he’s notorious for having difficulty writing and decided to do his parts alone at home with no guidance on this album. His performance doesn’t diminish the album but it falls below par for the course in some aspects of the usual korn sound. I love this album, it’s different though. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Oct 3, 2019
    Perhaps Korn's best album this century. [Oct 2019, p.89]
  2. Sep 16, 2019
    Overall, The Nothing is a huge step back for the band. The Paradigm Shift and The Serenity of Suffering were far from perfect, but they rode a line that balanced a contemporary vision with their stapled characteristics. This tries dearly to be nostalgic yet fresh, but the finished product just comes across forced and derivative.
  3. Sep 13, 2019
    Korn have always excelled at pain, but with The Nothing, this is the most authentic it's ever been.