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Universal acclaim- based on 158 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 10 out of 158
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  1. May 27, 2022
    I don't get it. J. Cole does not impress me on this one, and I was expecting something great after watching the documentary and the process behind the making of this album, but there's not really any significant on this that will push the genre forward at all. It's decent at best, and I somewhat enjoyed it, however grew tired of it very quickly. Morray does a great job though.
  2. Mar 25, 2022
    while j. cole's expert production is still prominent, it feels as if he focuses more on a mainstream style that doesn't work for everyone.

    best song: hunger on hillside

    worst song: applying preasure
  3. May 18, 2021
    A record that seems to come and go, in one ear and out the other. It doesn't push any boundaries and doesn't seem to show any regression either. Seems to fit the tag "run of the mill" quite well.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Jul 13, 2021
    There’s a very real, dare I say relatable feel to Cole’s music that “The Off Season” continues to highlight. Unfortunately, it’s a few songs short of being a great album as Cole experiments with some different styles of production that aren’t always successful. Cole’s nearly-man mentality produces a nearly-great album.
  2. Jun 3, 2021
    Despite the casualness of everything, The Off-Season still earns buckets from the level of microphone craftsmanship he’s developed for himself and the melodies it brings.
  3. Jun 1, 2021
    His performance on The Off-Season will have hip-hop oldheads smiling, nodding, reminiscing on days of old. ... The lack of any poignant through-line either sonically or thematically will have bespectacled journalists shaking their heads and talking about how Kendrick does it better.