• Record Label: Kscope
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jun 8, 2017
    This set is unified, fully realized, and eloquent, on par with the grandest of musical statements, yet utterly accessible.
  2. 80
    As with most of Anathema’s records, this is one that fans of Elbow and Radiohead would love every bit as much as fans of Opeth or Marillion.
  3. Jun 7, 2017
    On The Optimist, Anathema really do cement their title as one of the UK’s most revered rock bands, prog or otherwise: it’s a big jumble of ambitious ideas, executed near-perfectly--a mess, but a big, sprawling, dense, euphoric, beautiful one.
  4. Kerrang!
    Jun 23, 2017
    A band finding new ways to be magnificent so far into their career. [10 Jun 2017, p.52]
  5. Jun 7, 2017
    It may not top what came right before it, but it still beats almost everything else that’s been released so far this year.
  6. Jun 9, 2017
    Listening to The Optimist is an intense experience, and can have wild transitions from one song to the next given how different some tracks are from others. They are able to make it work though, being an adventurous and engaging continuation, and conclusion, of a past record's concept that still sees the band evolving in a rewarding fashion.

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