• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Jul 18, 2022
    By turns frustrating and engaging, The Other Side of Make-Believe is decidedly uneven, especially coming after the frequently great Marauder. Nevertheless, it offers plenty of mood and a little bit of innovation from a band still revealing nuances to their sound 20 years after their debut.
  2. Jul 19, 2022
    It plays to their strengths in most places and often challenges them to retain the will to be original and innovative in their established modus.
  3. Jul 14, 2022
    A record packed with solitary voices, the New Yorkers seem to amplify their ability to capture the beauty in melancholy, stripping back the paint of the everyday to reveal the extraordinary underneath.
  4. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 6, 2022
    Their interactions will turn understatement into seductiveness, as Paul Banks's voice and Daniel Kessler's guitars weave sorrow and hope through the shuffling Toni, the keening Fables, and Passenger, which feels like a sequel to their classic NYC. [Summer 2022, p.74]
  5. Jul 14, 2022
    The softer, subtler sound of The Other Side of Make-Believe means it’s never able to reach the greatness of the peak moments of Turn On the Bright Lights or Antics. It simply doesn’t have those powerful moments. Despite that and Banks occasionally singing outside of his range, it’s a solid effort and a welcome splash of color to Interpol’s dour palette.
  6. Mojo
    Jul 6, 2022
    There's something quietly masterful about The Other Side Of Make-Believe. Strong, dignified, scarred but moving forwards, it's the sound of a band charting emotional disturbances, but emerging renewed. [Aug 2022, p.91]
  7. Jul 13, 2022
    The Other Side Of Make-Believe is a dependably great album from a dependably great band.
  8. 80
    Far from a total reinvention, but all adds up to a confident, rewarding and subtly adventurous new chapter for Interpol.
  9. Jul 19, 2022
    Too often, the trio sounds like they’re writing over or past each other instead of locking in.
  10. Jul 12, 2022
    On Make-Believe’s “Passenger,” Banks laments, “Save me, I’m in my head,” which, as every other Interpol album has proven, has been a recurring issue for Banks. But when he and his bandmates loosen up their songwriting, as on Make-Believe, they sound ready to move forward.
  11. Jul 20, 2022
    The Other Side of Make-Believe maintains the charm and intrigue that made Interpol indie darlings 20 years ago, but it also finds the band aging gracefully — these brooding New York boys are now men who embrace their emotions.
  12. Jul 14, 2022
    The Other Side of Make-Believe preserves the band’s haunted post punk proclivities, but the subtle positive messaging from Banks (and occasionally from the instrumentals) adds another layer of depth to the band’s sound. ... This is easily one of the best albums of 2022, and it stands up to some of Interpol’s greatest works.
  13. 70
    The Other Side of Make Believe is an Interpol ready for the new age. It’s proved they can move onto album seven – even when the world was forcing everyone apart – and amidst side projects and other endeavours, the trio are a staple the world would do better to relish in since they deliver a high quality every time without sacrificing any of that brooding integrity we all so know and love.
  14. Uncut
    Jul 6, 2022
    There are no giant leaps here, it’s very much Interpol as you know them, but there’s plenty of micro evolutions, impressive production and subtle tweaks to make this a welcome addition to their catalogue. [Aug 2022, p.28]
  15. Jul 14, 2022
    There is no doubt that The Other Side of Make-Believe remains distinctly Interpol, and that is a good thing. Twenty years on from their debut, the band have endured, continuing to produce tight rhythms and shadowy urban soundscapes.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 29
  2. Negative: 3 out of 29
  1. Jul 15, 2022
    I would consider myself "one of those people" that tend to gravitate around their first two records. For me, Interpol hasn't really had theI would consider myself "one of those people" that tend to gravitate around their first two records. For me, Interpol hasn't really had the punch they had on those two records ever since, besides maybe "El Pintor".

    I don't think this album is bad by any means, but there were a couple times where I wish they dared to add more punch to the songs.

    My highlights would be the singles, as well as "Mr. Credit", "Passengers", "Grand hotel" and "Big Shot City"
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 26, 2022
    No bueno. This album is dark, dull and way too bleak. Maybe 1 playable track for SiriusXM. They lost what made them special. I couldn’t listenNo bueno. This album is dark, dull and way too bleak. Maybe 1 playable track for SiriusXM. They lost what made them special. I couldn’t listen to this album more than 2 times. I wanted to like it but it’s barely better than Marauder. Full Review »
  3. Jul 31, 2022
    This album grew on me quite a bit with repeated listens. It is a bit plodding at times, but there are also plenty of delightful moments andThis album grew on me quite a bit with repeated listens. It is a bit plodding at times, but there are also plenty of delightful moments and surprises. Favorite tracks: Toni, Something Changed, Renegade Hearts, Greenwich, and Gran Hotel. Full Review »