• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: Oct 8, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 78 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 78
  2. Negative: 6 out of 78
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  1. May 30, 2022
    It's been a long time between new(-ish!) Korn albums for me, and my oh my...their sound hasn't changed one iota (despite the album's title)! I'm sure this is reassuring for some, but I have to ask: how OLD are these guys by now? And how wealthy?

    Here's hoping they find some serenity in their fifties! It can't be pleasant to be that miserable ALL the time...
  2. Feb 20, 2019
    Head is back in the band! Isn't that great? No, it's not. People expected a lot from Korn when they announced that Head reunited with the band. They deceived us by telling lies that "The Paradigm Shift" is going to be as heavy as Issues and Untouchables. "Paradigm" wasn't even in a hundred miles radius of these records. Let's talk about the creation process of the songs. When I've watchedHead is back in the band! Isn't that great? No, it's not. People expected a lot from Korn when they announced that Head reunited with the band. They deceived us by telling lies that "The Paradigm Shift" is going to be as heavy as Issues and Untouchables. "Paradigm" wasn't even in a hundred miles radius of these records. Let's talk about the creation process of the songs. When I've watched the "making of" of this record, I remember Head and Monkey saying that they would first come up with beginning of the songs and after a while they would go back to them and write more. And this is exactly one of the reasons why this album fails miserably at being a good piece of music. Almost every song starts great and heavy, you're getting pumped for what's to come and then... meh. They destroy their own songs with uninspired verses and sh**** choruses that remind me of pop music. The other problem is Jonathan vocals. Guess since "Korn III" he forgot who he was (pun intended) and started living in an alternate timeline where Korn music is pop rock, because he just won't stop singing like he's having a stroke... no emotions in his voice, it all sounds forced and bland. I literally cannot remember any line from the whole album, because it was so forgettable... on the other hand I can clearly remember lines from "The Path" and "Korn III"... on these records vocals were memorable and sometimes shocking! "The Paradigm S**t" sounds like an attempt to cash in on Heads reunion with the band by writing mediocre and repeatable tracks that you won't remember after you finish listening to them. Also I want to say that "Never Never" sounds like it belongs on "See You" and if you've read my See You review then you know that's bad... it's very bad. Now now, you might think I will just keep on pointing out bad things about this album, but there are some good things here. Nah, I'm joking the good things are only reserved for people that bought Japanese deluxe edition which has three bonus tracks: "Die Another Day", "Wish I Wasn't Born Today" and "Tell Me What You Want". These 3 songs are responsible for my rating 3/10, because they're the only good thing about this album. They're nice songs with a little experimental touch to them, I dig'em. Also after "The Paradigm S***" became a big success the band released a World Tour edition which includes two new tracks: "Hater" and "The Game Is Over"... these songs are as bad as "Never Never" and I won't even waste more time by talking about them. Really there's nothing much to say about this record. It's awful and it preys on fans selling false hope, that if Head's back in the band, then they're suddenly writing stuff like "Ball Tongue" and "Good God". Well they're not and this is the worst Korn album after "See You". Do not buy this nor waste your time by listening to it. Leave this album in the dark where it can rot. Pickens condemns! Expand
  3. Jul 25, 2018
    Head is back in the band! Isn't that great? No, it's not. People expected a lot from Korn when they announced that Head reunited with the band. They deceived us by telling lies that "The Paradigm Shift" is going to be as heavy as Issues and Untouchables. "Paradigm" wasn't even in a hundred miles radius of these records. Let's talk about the creation process of the songs. When I've watchedHead is back in the band! Isn't that great? No, it's not. People expected a lot from Korn when they announced that Head reunited with the band. They deceived us by telling lies that "The Paradigm Shift" is going to be as heavy as Issues and Untouchables. "Paradigm" wasn't even in a hundred miles radius of these records. Let's talk about the creation process of the songs. When I've watched the "making of" of this record, I remember Head and Monkey saying that they would first come up with beginning of the songs and after a while they would go back to them and write more. And this is exactly one of the reasons why this album fails miserably at being a good piece of music. Almost every song starts great and heavy, you're getting pumped for what's to come and then... meh. They destroy their own songs with uninspired verses and sh**** choruses that remind me of pop music. The other problem is Jonathan vocals. Guess since "Korn III" he forgot who he was (pun intended) and started living in an alternate timeline where Korn music is pop rock, because he just won't stop singing like he's having a stroke... no emotions in his voice, it all sounds forced and bland. I literally cannot remember any line from the whole album, because it was so forgettable... on the other hand I can clearly remember lines from "The Path" and "Korn III"... on these records vocals were memorable and sometimes shocking! "The Paradigm S**t" sounds like an attempt to cash in on Heads reunion with the band by writing mediocre and repeatable tracks that you won't remember after you finish listening to them. Also I want to say that "Never Never" sounds like it belongs on "See You" and if you've read my See You review then you know that's bad... it's very bad. Now now, you might think I will just keep on pointing out bad things about this album, but there are some good things here. Nah, I'm joking the good things are only reserved for people that bought Japanese deluxe edition which has three bonus tracks: "Die Another Day", "Wish I Wasn't Born Today" and "Tell Me What You Want". These 3 songs are responsible for my rating 3/10, because they're the only good thing about this album. They're nice songs with a little experimental touch to them, I dig'em. Also after "The Paradigm S***" became a big success the band released a World Tour edition which includes two new tracks: "Hater" and "The Game Is Over"... these songs are as bad as "Never Never" and I won't even waste more time by talking about them. Really there's nothing much to say about this record. It's awful and it preys on fans selling false hope, that if Head's back in the band, then they're suddenly writing stuff like "Ball Tongue" and "Good God". Well they're not and this is the worst Korn album after "See You". Do not buy this nor waste your time by listening to it. Leave this album in the dark where it can rot. Pickens condemns! Collapse
  4. Jul 29, 2016
    I don't understand why Metacritic scores are so **** harsh. This is a good Korn album with some pretty great songs on it. I really enjoyed listening to it. 7.8/10 There are some flaws with it, but overall a good album. 3.8/5
  5. Mar 26, 2016
    There are some decent tunes on this album, but not very much more, The album as a whole feels formulaic and predictable, lacking the tempo changes and mood swings that made their first few albums disrupt the "tru-metal" equilibrium like no grunge album could. It's obviously more guitar heavy than the dubstep infested predecessor The Path of Totality, but not with the level of fury we'veThere are some decent tunes on this album, but not very much more, The album as a whole feels formulaic and predictable, lacking the tempo changes and mood swings that made their first few albums disrupt the "tru-metal" equilibrium like no grunge album could. It's obviously more guitar heavy than the dubstep infested predecessor The Path of Totality, but not with the level of fury we've come to expect from the band, despite Welch's return. I'd pick Take A Look in the Mirror over this despite its lower critic score! Let's hope their recent touring with Slipknot has pushed them further in the right direction for their next album. Expand
  6. Sep 24, 2015
    It took a second try, but Korn have bounced back into what made them so great in the 90s and 00s. Korn III was a fine album on its own, but The Paradigm Shift is the nu-metal pioneer's real return to form.
  7. Sep 13, 2015
    This album is the best since "Take a Look in The Mirror". I like this record very much.I like every song on this album.It is very good that Korn member came back to old stuff.They made really awesome album and I am not disappointed.Waiting new album...
  8. Sep 9, 2015
    This stinks INCREDIBLY bad............................................................................................................................
  9. Oct 27, 2014
    This is one of my favorite Korn albums.....it is Alot better than "The Path Of Totality" . This album is Heavy, Groovy and its one of those albums that you can listen to a hundred times and never gets a dull moment!
  10. Sep 2, 2014
    "The Paradigm Shift" is definitely not near Korn's best work but it's definitely a step in the right direction. With the return of Head, they added some signature old-school Korn elements to the new modern-day Korn. Much softer tunes than their old material but a lot better than their last couple of albums.
  11. Aug 13, 2014
    First of all Korn is my favorite band and I love every album except for Path Of Totality was a disgrace.
    This album is really good and KoRn made a progressive album. They were inspired by Issues to make this album and the thing is that they made a fusion with Untouchables and Issues. They have a much more heavy sound from Untouchables and they have some dark lyrics from Issues and
    First of all Korn is my favorite band and I love every album except for Path Of Totality was a disgrace.
    This album is really good and KoRn made a progressive album. They were inspired by Issues to make this album and the thing is that they made a fusion with Untouchables and Issues. They have a much more heavy sound from Untouchables and they have some dark lyrics from Issues and combined all of that into The Paradigm Shift. In my opinion its really good I didn't such from them
  12. Jul 7, 2014
    Can definitevly see how korn is coming back. This album is amazing because it mixes all of the other ones. Its got dark lyrics in "Lullaby for a sadist" some interesting riffs, a tiny bit of dubstep which amazingly accompanies the overall metal experience and then this unforgettable melody in for ex. Mass Hysteria (my favorite track from this cd). Id say its korn's 5th best album, becauseCan definitevly see how korn is coming back. This album is amazing because it mixes all of the other ones. Its got dark lyrics in "Lullaby for a sadist" some interesting riffs, a tiny bit of dubstep which amazingly accompanies the overall metal experience and then this unforgettable melody in for ex. Mass Hysteria (my favorite track from this cd). Id say its korn's 5th best album, because I cant say its better than Issues, Life is Peachy, Korn, or FtL. Still definitevly recommend this album to both old-school and new korn fans. Expand
  13. Feb 6, 2014
    This is my first review and felt like I needed to get this out there. Paradigm shift (if you are an old school KoRn fan) is a fantastic album. It blends a lot of the old school hard riffing and removes that dub step nonsense. You can tell Head is back as the guitars are fuller and heavy. The band was never the same after he left. Say what you will about their first single, this is anThis is my first review and felt like I needed to get this out there. Paradigm shift (if you are an old school KoRn fan) is a fantastic album. It blends a lot of the old school hard riffing and removes that dub step nonsense. You can tell Head is back as the guitars are fuller and heavy. The band was never the same after he left. Say what you will about their first single, this is an amazing album that should be looked as the perfect successor to Take a Look in the Mirror.
    People need to get off their high horse. This album is KoRn and there is no mistaking that. Waited 8 long years for this. Thank you KoRn.
  14. Jan 3, 2014
    Experimentation is the key word for Korn last album, the band from Bakersfield take a risk evolving the sound of the predecessor album The Path of Totality. The Reunion with Brian 'Head' brings a more nervous and stronger sound. Ray Luziers's drum gives substance and energy to Munky and Fieldy's groove while Jonathan Davis confirms his levels of inspiration. Prey for me, love and meth andExperimentation is the key word for Korn last album, the band from Bakersfield take a risk evolving the sound of the predecessor album The Path of Totality. The Reunion with Brian 'Head' brings a more nervous and stronger sound. Ray Luziers's drum gives substance and energy to Munky and Fieldy's groove while Jonathan Davis confirms his levels of inspiration. Prey for me, love and meth and Mass Hysteria are songs that definitely are "here to stay". The Paradigm Shift is one of the best 2013 album. Expand
  15. Dec 16, 2013
    Being Korn's first album since their reunion with former second-guitarist: Brian "Head" Welch, the Paradigm Shift provides a stark contrast to the former album: The Path of Totality, which was both a brave and alluring experiment that melded metal and electronic music to create something that has not been heard before.

    By comparison the Paradigm Shift, though still littered with
    Being Korn's first album since their reunion with former second-guitarist: Brian "Head" Welch, the Paradigm Shift provides a stark contrast to the former album: The Path of Totality, which was both a brave and alluring experiment that melded metal and electronic music to create something that has not been heard before.

    By comparison the Paradigm Shift, though still littered with electronics as evidenced by the album's first single: Never Never which some have described as notably "pop-ey", proves to be a far less bold attempt and sees Korn falling back on a more familiar and heavy sound with the electronics taking more of an awkward backseat, with the aforementioned Never Never appearing suddenly and unexpectedly among songs with vastly different sounds such as Mass Hysteria.

    As a result this album feels a little complacent; not daring to aim high and instead playing with a variety of sounds previously seen in former albums with Mass Hysteria sounding like an outtake from the Untouchables while Paranoid and Aroused is reminiscent of Issues with the only major exceptions being Spike in my Veins and Never Never which see the electronic elements balance out with the more traditional sound more effectively, the former having been partially written by Noisia. One track in particular, Lullaby for a Sadist, sees Korn producing their first power ballad since Alone I Break and while it might sound appealing to some the song lacks the creepy and emotional impact it seems to be striving for, thanks in part to poor lyrical content, and as a result the attempt is rendered to little.

    Korn fans who were expecting to see a major improvement with Head's return will be thoroughly disappointed. with the album being very reminiscent of Take a Look in the Mirror in the way in which it fails to establish its own identity, the result is surprisingly empty and lacking, especially in its lyrical content and while it isn't their worst album it isn't a good addition to the Korn collection.
  16. Nov 13, 2013
    Unsure where the paradigm shift is. This album is essentially what you have come to expect from Korn. I would say that this album is maybe a little lighter than their older stuff, but it is still better than their dubstep album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Nov 4, 2013
    "Never Never" is a power ballad, and "Love & Meth" is not as funny as one might hope, though the brilliantly titled "Paranoid and Aroused" is.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 31, 2013
    Essentially this is Korn returning to their familiar discomfort zone. [Dec 2013, p.70]
  3. Kerrang!
    Oct 29, 2013
    This is a more organic effort. [28 Sep 2013, p.52]