
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Disciplined, varied, and often mind-blowing playing.
  2. You can hear the absolute precision, yes; but the head and hands have not left the heart and soul behind.
  3. Mojo
    This is a more consistent set, and, hopefully, a revelation for a few young metal heads. [Feb 2003, p.89]
  4. Fans of the mid-1970s lineup should find the most to enjoy on Power to Believe, as it not only finds King Crimson playing with muscular aggression similar to that period, but also revisiting the group improvisation that set them so far apart from other 70s prog bands.
  5. It is the sound of apocalypse now.
  6. This material is as inconsistent as anything off their past few records, but when they do hit upon a good moment, it tends to be really good.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. Sep 12, 2014
    Excellent album. Superb execution. The best effort since Discipline. "Level 5" is a masterwork that only Fripp can compose. Maybe this is notExcellent album. Superb execution. The best effort since Discipline. "Level 5" is a masterwork that only Fripp can compose. Maybe this is not an album for the classic prog rock music fan. Sure it's an album for someone that appreciate good "outside the box" music of any genre. Full Review »
  2. HippieBoy
    Feb 12, 2007
    this is a really good album, although there are a few low points, or songs that don't work as good. The best part are the first 4 songs, this is a really good album, although there are a few low points, or songs that don't work as good. The best part are the first 4 songs, then a medium song "Facts of life" then a funny/catchy/good song "Happy with what you have to be happy with" the rest is mostly ethereal music, with great highs and various lows. Definitely recommended for younger audience. Full Review »
  3. ChristopherB
    Dec 9, 2003
    Abolutely anything done by King Crimson or any of its current or past members deserves hours and hours of dedicated listening. Each member is Abolutely anything done by King Crimson or any of its current or past members deserves hours and hours of dedicated listening. Each member is a virtuoso, and when assembled together, the result is music that is progressive, mathematical, intense, impossible, sometimes geniusly improvised, other times geniusly compoed, yet melodic and emotional. This album is particularly heavy and industrial-like at times, picking up where Construction of Light left off. Full Review »