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Universal acclaim- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 89 out of 99
  2. Negative: 6 out of 99

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  1. Sep 1, 2013
    The Reminder is by no means a game-changer, but it's an extremely enjoyable record nonetheless. Feist has a a very fragile voice and her lyrics are fantastic. Each track holds it's own, especially "So Sorry' and "the Limit To Your Love" which show some of her best vocals on the whole record.

    All In All, The Reminder is a reminder that Feist is a strong singer/songwriter with an absolute
    The Reminder is by no means a game-changer, but it's an extremely enjoyable record nonetheless. Feist has a a very fragile voice and her lyrics are fantastic. Each track holds it's own, especially "So Sorry' and "the Limit To Your Love" which show some of her best vocals on the whole record.

    All In All, The Reminder is a reminder that Feist is a strong singer/songwriter with an absolute gorgeous voice. B+
  2. Feb 7, 2012
    This is great, 1234 and Feel It All are two of the best songs of the last century and the rest grow on you after time. A few songs are plain and hard to relate to but its forgivable.
  3. Oct 8, 2011
    Beatiful. Just that I can say when something like "The Reminder" is made. With GREAT lyrics, and indie beats, the voice of Leslie Feist just fitted so well in the best record of 2007, "1234", and in others like "My Moon, My Man", "So Sorry" and "The Water", and this remarkable CD will be forever remebered as the one that made indie music go back to the highlights of mainstream!
  4. JeffK.
    Jun 25, 2008
  5. TonyR
    Jan 13, 2008
    its pop minus the bubble gum and the nasty flavor you get after chewing on it for hours this album from the first few seconds to end is so good and this alone gives light for future music in the mainstream which honestly is dead
  6. TedR.
    Dec 14, 2007
    Leslie is a refreshing change from the anger filled, hate rap and "clip, clop". A sweet, seductive sound of innocence and real music. She her and her band have my attention and my heart!
  7. JeffK.
    Oct 20, 2007
  8. EthanH
    Oct 8, 2007
    One of the best albums of all time - a surprisingly mature, flowing piece from an already established artist, the Reminder is set to become a classic. Absolutely gorgeous.
  9. TimE.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Let me first state that I do not own this album simply because I can hear practically every song on this album being played on the trendiest commercials on TV. Sounds great though.
  10. RobbieC.
    Sep 23, 2007
    One of the best albums since the turn of the century! Like her last record, this one starts out quietly, and most of the songs seem unadventurous. But unlike her last album, this is a totally current sound and a very original and honest record. Her voice is like honey, her melodies are heart-breaking and her energy is intense, confident and compelling. A+!
  11. FabioL
    Sep 6, 2007
    Very good album. Though there were some songs I could definitely live without hearing once more (esp. "The Park").
  12. Alexandra
    Sep 3, 2007
    I absolutely love this record...I have been listening to it non-stop since I got it. Leslie Feist's voice is so beautiful and passionate, and her songs so truly personal and accessible that this album is an instant classic. I think Sean D. listened to something else because 'The Reminder' absolutely does NOT sound like a Norah Jones is so much more ecclectic in I absolutely love this record...I have been listening to it non-stop since I got it. Leslie Feist's voice is so beautiful and passionate, and her songs so truly personal and accessible that this album is an instant classic. I think Sean D. listened to something else because 'The Reminder' absolutely does NOT sound like a Norah Jones is so much more ecclectic in style. Definitely a must have. Expand
  13. OlivierS
    Aug 7, 2007
    Weston T.'s review says it all - first introduction to Feist is this gem of an album and I hesitate listening to Let It Die in the fear that it wont live up to the beauty of this album. Progression is expected in every artist's repertoire but the bar has been set very high with The Reminder.
  14. Drake
    Aug 1, 2007
    Terrific album, Feist is one of the most brillaint artist working right now in music.
  15. ToddW.
    Aug 1, 2007
    While not exactly on par with Stevie Nicks periodically leaving Fleetwood Mac back in the day to pad her bank account, Feist once again proves she doesn't need the underrated Broken Social Scene to showcase her talent. This girl can flat out sing, as if we need a reminder. But, forgive me for reminding you again, she won't attract flies as the Sewerstream bugs will continue to While not exactly on par with Stevie Nicks periodically leaving Fleetwood Mac back in the day to pad her bank account, Feist once again proves she doesn't need the underrated Broken Social Scene to showcase her talent. This girl can flat out sing, as if we need a reminder. But, forgive me for reminding you again, she won't attract flies as the Sewerstream bugs will continue to feast on the carrion that is Britney, Lindsey, Paris, Kelly, et al. The music alone is worth the price of the CD, but adding one of the best female vocalists of this time to the mix is a Feistian bargain. Expand
  16. JD
    Jul 31, 2007
    To all of the media outlets who rated ths record poorly, I suggest hiring a critic with a soul.
  17. LeonardoP.
    Jul 8, 2007
  18. wisdomprof
    Jun 23, 2007
  19. YepaJA
    Jun 14, 2007
    This is a very good album but you have to admit that not all songs are great.
  20. WestonT.
    Jun 10, 2007
    The Reminder is my introduction to Feist, so I'm a little afraid to get her previous efforts for fear they won't be as mature and rich in palette as this. This work is nicely affecting and personal, her voice as warm as any old friend, but will be one of my "guilty pleasures" until I turn 40+ and I can explain my musical tastes to starting down to road to dufferdom.
  21. BBrown
    Jun 6, 2007
    This album makes me so happy. I know it's been said a million times, but I love her voice! I've been playing My Moon My Man and Past in Present over and over again.
  22. Giancarlo
    Jun 3, 2007
    I agree with everyone, this is easily the best album of 2007. If you don't have this album, get it NOW!!!!!
  23. DylanS
    May 28, 2007
    Beautiful, but overlong. The Reminder is a testament to how wonderful a song writer Leslie Feist is, but it also shows how sometimes she just flat you leaves you feeling like you're listening to some Lilith Fair has-been. Hardly a difficult listen The Reminder rewards constant replay and that is when you really learn to love it.
  24. AC
    May 27, 2007
    One of my top 3 best albums of the year, by far. It's solid throghout, not one bad track. I was a huge fan of "Monarch" and "Let It Die", both were wonderful and beautiful but "The Reminder" is her greatest work to date! Listening to the album you really see how much she's progressed both as a singer and song-writer. Each track is amazing-- My Moon My Man, Past In Present, The One of my top 3 best albums of the year, by far. It's solid throghout, not one bad track. I was a huge fan of "Monarch" and "Let It Die", both were wonderful and beautiful but "The Reminder" is her greatest work to date! Listening to the album you really see how much she's progressed both as a singer and song-writer. Each track is amazing-- My Moon My Man, Past In Present, The Limit To Your Love, One Two Three Four, I Feel It All, Brandy Alexander (my favorite song on the album), basically the whole entire album. In the end, Feist ends making another great gem that's sure to be in alot of Critics Top 10 at the end of the year. Great, great album. Expand
  25. david
    May 27, 2007
    Feist is well worth a listen - most tracks are super - a couple are off, but she rocks! Give her a chance
  26. Smith
    May 23, 2007
    The most beautiful album of the year. This is Feist's crowning achievement.
  27. MarvinO
    May 20, 2007
    Best album of the year so far. The Reminder just passed Of Montreal's Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? to become my favorite album that I've heard this year. I consider them both impressive enough that they're actually tied. But yeah, great stuff here. A clear progression from Let It Die, and a joy to listen to. In many ways Feist is the successor to Bjork, or at the Best album of the year so far. The Reminder just passed Of Montreal's Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? to become my favorite album that I've heard this year. I consider them both impressive enough that they're actually tied. But yeah, great stuff here. A clear progression from Let It Die, and a joy to listen to. In many ways Feist is the successor to Bjork, or at the very least a distant relation. This woman will go places. Highlights: Sea Lion Woman, Honey Honey, 1 2 3 4, The Water, My Moon, My Man, and many more. So Sorry serves as the perfect bridge between what we heard and learned in Let It Die, and where this Feist woman is taking us today. I can't wait to discover what tomorrow has in store for us. But in the meantime, The Reminder is right next to my heard for obsessive-compulsive enjoyment and a sense of satisfaction. And that's what the good things in life do for you, isn't it? Expand
  28. Thompson
    May 16, 2007
    Some of the best music released so far this year. Fabulous, that's how I would pretty much sum up this entire album. It's so good it might end up being one of your favorite albums ever. It's that good.
  29. Jose
    May 12, 2007
    Amazing from start to finish! Probably the best album of 07.
  30. RyanM
    May 9, 2007
    ok, I'm chiming in here because the user rating is really too high. This album has 1 stunning song (1234), about 5 solid ones...and about 4 train wrecks (Limit to your love, sealion, the water, intuition). Look, "Let it Die" was so amazing because it caught you off-guard with its minimalist and heady production. The mood was groove oriented throughout. Here we have a tapestry of ok, I'm chiming in here because the user rating is really too high. This album has 1 stunning song (1234), about 5 solid ones...and about 4 train wrecks (Limit to your love, sealion, the water, intuition). Look, "Let it Die" was so amazing because it caught you off-guard with its minimalist and heady production. The mood was groove oriented throughout. Here we have a tapestry of songs, oft-kiltered, and winding through the album. A diversity of sounds is usually fine, but a lack of continuity sort of ruins this album. Too produced in some areas as well. All this being said however..."12 3 4" is one of the greatest pop songs these two ears has even heard. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. “The Reminder” is a modestly scaled but quietly profound pop gem: sometimes intimate, sometimes exuberant, filled with love songs and hints of mystery. [15 Apr 2007]
  2. Under The Radar
    Although it stumbles here and there... it's also littered with the proof that few artists are as adept at crafting such smart, intimate pop and from such a bevy of sources. [#17, p.84]
  3. While nothing here is wholly original, it is a pleasure for as long as it plays.