
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Oct 20, 2016
    The Serenity of Suffering is a welcome return to a time when Korn were at the top of their game. It's one of their best albums, almost heart-warming in its cathartic familiarity.
  2. 70
    The re-inclusion of guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch to the band has seen Korn embracing their dense roots and they’re all the better for it.
  3. Oct 21, 2016
    Admittedly, some riffs do feel like re-runs of Korn classics, holding the album back from true greatness. That’s charming in itself, though: reminding us how deeply important this band once were and continue to be.
  4. Oct 20, 2016
    The Serenity of Suffering is easily Korn’s most diverse release; featuring melody, aggression, new sounds and old staples in just about equal measures wrapped into some of the band’s strongest songs in years.
  5. Oct 20, 2016
    Monstrously heavy from the opening riff onwards, this is classic Korn.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 89
  2. Negative: 7 out of 89
  1. Oct 22, 2016
    Korn are on form here , every song has a crushing break down , epic chorus and great drumming. Easily in the top 5 korn albums ever. Turn itKorn are on form here , every song has a crushing break down , epic chorus and great drumming. Easily in the top 5 korn albums ever. Turn it up and break ya neck. Full Review »
  2. Jul 25, 2018
    After the atrocity that was "The Paradigm S***" Korn is finally back! "The Serenity Of Suffering" is their best album since "Korn III" andAfter the atrocity that was "The Paradigm S***" Korn is finally back! "The Serenity Of Suffering" is their best album since "Korn III" and it's nice to hear heavy tracks from these guys again! Most of this album is amazing, Jonathan finally starts singing with emotions again, the guitars are heavy, drummer is amazing and Fieldy The Random Bass Generator gives us some new slaps along the way. The only bad thing that I can think of while listening to this album is that it has too much of a "nice singing syndrome". What I mean is that the singing sometimes is too radio-friendly... Jonathan don't be afraid to give us some growls like you did on Break Some Off back in 2003... music needs diversity and Korn needs screams and growls! All in all this album is nice, the 3 bonus tracks are amazing too. Go listen to this record, I'll be watching you! Pickens approves! Full Review »
  3. Oct 26, 2016
    I didn't care for this album. It didn't have that catch that keeps me repeating the music like some of the other stuff they've released. IfI didn't care for this album. It didn't have that catch that keeps me repeating the music like some of the other stuff they've released. If this album is heavy its because they play lots the slow down tuned temples from Issues, but definitely is not anywhere as quick and fun as Life is Peachy or See You On The Otherside. Full Review »