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Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 89
  2. Negative: 7 out of 89
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  1. Oct 22, 2016
    This is one of my favorite albums by them! I didn't have to skip at all, the songs are all great and very well made. I didnt really mind the electronics but I will always love old school Korn and that is exactly what you're getting with this album!
  2. Oct 22, 2016
    Korn are on form here , every song has a crushing break down , epic chorus and great drumming. Easily in the top 5 korn albums ever. Turn it up and break ya neck.
  3. Oct 22, 2016
    Being a Korn fan for many years now and having witnessed their weird ass EDM phase and what not, I am very glad that they are back to their original sound. This entire project is absolutely bonkers and it's exactly what I look for in this type of music. It'll never come close to Follow The Leader, Issues or Take A Look In The Mirror but it'll do for now.
  4. Oct 28, 2016
    KoRn are my favorite band. I own every studio album by them on CD, including The Serenity of Suffering.

    Their debut is #1 to me, but I have to say that this new one is #2 because it's truly an amazing work of art. Jon's vocals are epic. Head and Munky are super heavy with their delicious riffs. Fieldy's playing here is jaw dropping, his best in years and his bass can be heard
    KoRn are my favorite band. I own every studio album by them on CD, including The Serenity of Suffering.

    Their debut is #1 to me, but I have to say that this new one is #2 because it's truly an amazing work of art.

    Jon's vocals are epic. Head and Munky are super heavy with their delicious riffs. Fieldy's playing here is jaw dropping, his best in years and his bass can be heard properly again which I missed terribly. Ray shows why he is indeed here to stay (pun intended).

    I highly recommend that you buy this album because it's their greatest effort in a long time. 10/10
  5. Aug 3, 2021
    Can not count the number of times my friends and I have listened to this album, it is perfect. It might sound too modern for 90s fans, but that's okay.
  6. Oct 22, 2016
    The Serenity of Suffering is the best Korn record in well over a decade. Very heavy, yet quite melodic, the band manages to recapture its old sound and maintain some of the elements of previous albums like The Paradigm Shift. While some may find it very methodical, it's an undeniably powerful formula: head-banging riffs with melodic verses and a huge chorus. It all works very well here,The Serenity of Suffering is the best Korn record in well over a decade. Very heavy, yet quite melodic, the band manages to recapture its old sound and maintain some of the elements of previous albums like The Paradigm Shift. While some may find it very methodical, it's an undeniably powerful formula: head-banging riffs with melodic verses and a huge chorus. It all works very well here, and even though it may not be as original or fresh-sounding and the first 5 albums, The Serenity of Suffering is a big comeback for the band. Expand
  7. Oct 29, 2016
    After losing founding guitarist Brian "Head" Welch in 2005, and seeing their popularity in steady decline, Korn seemed lost. The band spent the next several years dabbling with pop, industrial, and dubstep elements, as well as putting out a throwback album. While these records were (mostly) solid, they saw the band straying away from what made them a major force in the rock scene.After losing founding guitarist Brian "Head" Welch in 2005, and seeing their popularity in steady decline, Korn seemed lost. The band spent the next several years dabbling with pop, industrial, and dubstep elements, as well as putting out a throwback album. While these records were (mostly) solid, they saw the band straying away from what made them a major force in the rock scene. Eventually Brian returned to the band, and 2013's The Paradigm Shift saw the band ease themselves back towards their old sound.

    If The Paradigm Shift was Korn dipping their toes into the band's comfort zone, then The Serenity of Suffering is the equivalent of the band doing a cannonball. The band revives many of the hallmarks of their late 90's/early 00's sound, resulting in an album that feels fresh while simultaneously familiar. Elements from Issues, Untouchables, Take a Look in the Mirror, and a hint of See You On the Other Side combine to see the band running at nearly full strength. Original the album is not, but it's a great return to form that brings back the crushing guitars, melodic choruses, tortured vocals, and thumping bass lines the band is known for.

    That's not to say the album is without problems. Several of the songs are over too quickly, and at only eleven tracks the album is one of the band's shortest. The deluxe edition does feature two additional songs for a premium price, however. Many of the songs also follow the same structure and formula, and while the band gets a lot of mileage out of them it does make the songs a tad predictable.

    Despite all this, The Serenity of Suffering is still a great album. If you were never a Korn fan then this album certainly won't change your mind. Likewise, if you are looking for the band to yet again branch out into new territory then this probably isn't the record for you. But to anyone who was waiting for Korn to return to their late 90's/early 00's heyday, this album is a treat.
  8. Jul 25, 2018
    After the atrocity that was "The Paradigm S***" Korn is finally back! "The Serenity Of Suffering" is their best album since "Korn III" and it's nice to hear heavy tracks from these guys again! Most of this album is amazing, Jonathan finally starts singing with emotions again, the guitars are heavy, drummer is amazing and Fieldy The Random Bass Generator gives us some new slaps along theAfter the atrocity that was "The Paradigm S***" Korn is finally back! "The Serenity Of Suffering" is their best album since "Korn III" and it's nice to hear heavy tracks from these guys again! Most of this album is amazing, Jonathan finally starts singing with emotions again, the guitars are heavy, drummer is amazing and Fieldy The Random Bass Generator gives us some new slaps along the way. The only bad thing that I can think of while listening to this album is that it has too much of a "nice singing syndrome". What I mean is that the singing sometimes is too radio-friendly... Jonathan don't be afraid to give us some growls like you did on Break Some Off back in 2003... music needs diversity and Korn needs screams and growls! All in all this album is nice, the 3 bonus tracks are amazing too. Go listen to this record, I'll be watching you! Pickens approves! Expand
  9. Feb 20, 2019
    After the atrocity that was "The Paradigm S***" Korn is finally back! "The Serenity Of Suffering" is their best album since "Korn III" and it's nice to hear heavy tracks from these guys again! Most of this album is amazing, Jonathan finally starts singing with emotions again, the guitars are heavy, drummer is amazing and Fieldy The Random Bass Generator gives us some new slaps along theAfter the atrocity that was "The Paradigm S***" Korn is finally back! "The Serenity Of Suffering" is their best album since "Korn III" and it's nice to hear heavy tracks from these guys again! Most of this album is amazing, Jonathan finally starts singing with emotions again, the guitars are heavy, drummer is amazing and Fieldy The Random Bass Generator gives us some new slaps along the way. The only bad thing that I can think of while listening to this album is that it has too much of a "nice singing syndrome". What I mean is that the singing sometimes is too radio-friendly... Jonathan don't be afraid to give us some growls like you did on Break Some Off back in 2003... music needs diversity and Korn needs screams and growls! All in all this album is nice, the 3 bonus tracks are amazing too. Go listen to this record, I'll be watching you! Pickens approves! Expand
  10. Sep 26, 2019
    Thank god. Finally a Korn album to be proud of and recommend to friends.

    Most people will say 2003's Look in the Mirror (with original 5-man lineup) is the last good/real Korn album. I would largely argue (although I thoroughly enjoyed See You on the Other Side and Untitled, contrary to popular opinion). But we can all agree between 2010-2015 everything released was CRAP - Korn 3, Path
    Thank god. Finally a Korn album to be proud of and recommend to friends.

    Most people will say 2003's Look in the Mirror (with original 5-man lineup) is the last good/real Korn album. I would largely argue (although I thoroughly enjoyed See You on the Other Side and Untitled, contrary to popular opinion). But we can all agree between 2010-2015 everything released was CRAP - Korn 3, Path of Totality, Paradigm Shift (ultra-pukey). This was the first album that sounded like real Korn in over a decade, and finally you are excited about the MAJORITY of songs (rather than hand-picking the 3 "okay" tracks to salvage).

    Rotting in Vein was impressive and a solid 1st single. Black Is the Soul digs in musically and emotionally. Take Me had a bit of a pop twist that worked well. Everything Falls Apart - omg this is a Korn masterpiece. All the way to the last track, the energy is consistent.

    Would highly recommend ONLY this album to anyone trying to hear the "new Korn".
  11. Feb 8, 2022
    On this album, Korn is finally getting better. You can see that Korn is much more organized in this album compared to other albums.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Oct 27, 2016
    Serenity is certain to scratch an itch. Still, there's a sense of "good enough" with all of their recent releases, and it's a problem this record just can't shake.
  2. Oct 25, 2016
    There are sludgy, down-tuned power chords, there are whiny lyrics about how life is constantly unfair (reminder: Korn frontman Jonathan Davis is 45 years old), there is even that vocal tic where Davis sort of cackles like a disturbed demon.
  3. Oct 21, 2016
    Admittedly, some riffs do feel like re-runs of Korn classics, holding the album back from true greatness. That’s charming in itself, though: reminding us how deeply important this band once were and continue to be.