• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Oct 2, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9

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  1. MikeB.
    Jun 26, 2008
    While "Shade of Poison Trees" does give a good glimpse back into what made Dashboard one of the most beloved bands for the younger generation, this new album hardly mongers up the emotion that once drove Carraba's songs to "emo" greatness. Songs like "Fever Dreams" and "The Rush" give off some poppy sound that reflect nothing that Dashboard has put off before. Is this a sign of While "Shade of Poison Trees" does give a good glimpse back into what made Dashboard one of the most beloved bands for the younger generation, this new album hardly mongers up the emotion that once drove Carraba's songs to "emo" greatness. Songs like "Fever Dreams" and "The Rush" give off some poppy sound that reflect nothing that Dashboard has put off before. Is this a sign of maturity or a sign of another identity crisis that Carabba seems to go through with every new album. The album does have its brightspots. "Where There's Gold" is one of the best lead tracks on any Dashboard album while "These Bones" give a nice reflection back to the mood setting of Dashboard's "A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar" album. "Little Bombs" finally shows the emotion that Carraba is loved for while "Matters of Blood and Connections" is the truest reflection of the earliest and most beloved Dashboard albums. To sum this album up, it's a mediocre identity crisis with a mess of old and new sounds with the old sounds mongering up the best songs on the album. Overall, Dashboard (or Carraba for that matter) need to find one identity that works, and forget about coveted radio-play and focus on the most important thing...the true beauty of good music Expand
  2. NicholasS
    Nov 7, 2007
    I lost faith in Carrabba a while ago (not long before the Spiderman soundtrack). The lyrics are somewhere out of 2000, just some of the worst lyrics he has every written. He is trying to be sappy, but totally lost his touch. The music isn't very good either. The songs just aren't catchy, you don't want to hum along. You'll find yourself skipping through tracks trying I lost faith in Carrabba a while ago (not long before the Spiderman soundtrack). The lyrics are somewhere out of 2000, just some of the worst lyrics he has every written. He is trying to be sappy, but totally lost his touch. The music isn't very good either. The songs just aren't catchy, you don't want to hum along. You'll find yourself skipping through tracks trying to find a decent song. Very disappointing. Collapse
  3. SamS.
    Oct 18, 2007
    Chris Carrabba rocks any type of album he releases. At first I missed the screaming and intensity of his other albums, but this is probably the best acoustic album ever released.
  4. JakeB.
    Oct 15, 2007
    While Chirs returns to the acoustic sound that made him legendary in my mind, he fails to make a beautifully cohesive album. I compare it to "A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar" in the sense that it doesn't flow. His first two albums were one incredible piece of music. That being said, its still Dashboard Confessional and its still incredible. Songs like "The Widow's Peak" While Chirs returns to the acoustic sound that made him legendary in my mind, he fails to make a beautifully cohesive album. I compare it to "A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar" in the sense that it doesn't flow. His first two albums were one incredible piece of music. That being said, its still Dashboard Confessional and its still incredible. Songs like "The Widow's Peak" "Thick As Thieves" "Where There's Gold" and "Clean Breaks" are perfect additions to his song book, they are the best on the album...in my opinion. Expand
  5. JamesO.
    Oct 10, 2007
    5 at first listen...grows on ya!
  6. KaiT.
    Oct 9, 2007
    A bunch of ho-hum acoustic song lumped together into an album, the album feels like a filler EP before their next "serious" project is released. definately not essential, even for dashboard fans.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Even though Poison Trees loses some steam toward its conclusion, its maturity sets Dashboard Confessional back on track.
  2. Carrabba's purported back-to-his-roots album (''redeem-o,'' anyone?), offers little evidence that he's matured along with his audience.
  3. Poison Trees shows Carrabba still can't help peeking back at his past.