• Record Label: Concord
  • Release Date: Mar 11, 2014
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
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  1. Aug 14, 2016
    It's a slow, subtle and contemplative album, the latter already guessable from its title, and what isn't essentially an overwhelming listen, is by the end at least a satisfying and re-listenable one. Seldom Seen Kid and Cast of Thousands may be the quicker-to-visit ones.
  2. Apr 7, 2015
    "The Take off and landing of everything" is a record that requires repeated and close listening. Its mid to slow tempo means that if you have it as background music then your likely to miss out on the detail and risk finding it a bit on the boring side. However, on detailed listening you can hear the layers and level of work the band have put into this record. It doesn't have the immediacy"The Take off and landing of everything" is a record that requires repeated and close listening. Its mid to slow tempo means that if you have it as background music then your likely to miss out on the detail and risk finding it a bit on the boring side. However, on detailed listening you can hear the layers and level of work the band have put into this record. It doesn't have the immediacy of some of their previous work (especially not that of The Seldom Seen Kid), but this album is from a band who have matured and are at peace with themselves. They know who they are and are comfortable with their identity. "The Take off and landing of everything" is still Elbow - the songs have that hymnal quality that makes the band special, Guy Garvey's vocals are as distinctive as ever and there is a general warmth to the music that is unique to Elbow. Its an improvement on the safe "Build A Rocket Boys" which should have seen the band build on the success of "The Seldom Seen Kid" but ultimately failed to do so. "The take off and landing of everything" is a very solid effort that firms up the bands reputation as songwriting craftsmen. Expand
  3. Mar 29, 2014
    A nice lively and happy album, making a nice contrast to build a rocket boys!. I don't feel there's any song that seems to be lower than average for the album, however there aren't any that particularly stand out as 'the' song of the album - which unfortunately leads me to say, although all the songs are great, there isn't one that's absolutely fantastic like there were in previous albumsA nice lively and happy album, making a nice contrast to build a rocket boys!. I don't feel there's any song that seems to be lower than average for the album, however there aren't any that particularly stand out as 'the' song of the album - which unfortunately leads me to say, although all the songs are great, there isn't one that's absolutely fantastic like there were in previous albums - which 'The Take Off And The Landing Of Everything' could have been.

    Which leads me to a particular gripe with 'The Take Off And The Landing Of Everything' - the song that's also the name of the album; although it is a very energetic song, I found it annoying that there wasn't a clean introduction, crescendo or end, just fading out -it just seems like a song idea that they liked but never 'finished off'. In comparison to 'the birds', it just seems unfulfilling without any song - just music.

    Overall, still a great album.
  4. Mar 14, 2014
    Rating: 7.3 / / Pros: + The album as a whole is enjoyable. + There are several nice melodies. + The lyrics are very good and poetic... / / Cons: - ...But predictable and cheesy in other tracks. - The album never really "takes off". - Nothing really stands out or distinguishes them from other similar bands. - And more importantly, the album is very forgettable. / / Conclusion: For fans ofRating: 7.3 / / Pros: + The album as a whole is enjoyable. + There are several nice melodies. + The lyrics are very good and poetic... / / Cons: - ...But predictable and cheesy in other tracks. - The album never really "takes off". - Nothing really stands out or distinguishes them from other similar bands. - And more importantly, the album is very forgettable. / / Conclusion: For fans of Elbow I'm sure it's one of those "you had to be there" moments that makes sense if you have followed the band, but standalone the album will not weather well. Expand
  5. Mar 13, 2014
    another cracker by Elbow, the most consistent band on the planet, Guy Garvey is a poet through and through, such beautiful lyrics, amazing music. Lunette has to the best song about drinking and smoking ever. superb.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Apr 30, 2014
    On its sixth studio effort, Guy Garvey and company soar to new heights, even if the vocalist experienced a bit of personal turmoil in the form of a difficult breakup during the recording process.
  2. Magnet
    Apr 18, 2014
    The Take Off is not all that remarkable the first few times around, but it nonetheless hints at rewarding repeat visits. [No. 108, p.55]
  3. Apr 7, 2014
    The Take Off and Landing of Everything is another fine release from a band that has yet to steer wrong.