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Mixed or average reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 54
  2. Negative: 19 out of 54

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  1. May 25, 2016
    Uno de los mejores soundtracks !!!! Este es mi favorito de toda la saga , todos los que le dieron calificación negativa están sordos . Este álbum es tan melancólico 10/10
  2. Jul 13, 2015
    The movie this soundtrack is intended for awful. New Moon is one of the worst of its kind, but to my surprise the soundtrack is quite the opposite. Throughout listen one will hear a variety of well-known and well-respected alternative artists at the top of their game. From the beginning one gets sucked into the dark and seedy world that the film promised, but did not deliver upon. FromThe movie this soundtrack is intended for awful. New Moon is one of the worst of its kind, but to my surprise the soundtrack is quite the opposite. Throughout listen one will hear a variety of well-known and well-respected alternative artists at the top of their game. From the beginning one gets sucked into the dark and seedy world that the film promised, but did not deliver upon. From there the listener goes on a well crafted musical journey that emulates what should have been delivered cinematically. I think it is fair to say we can all be friends and hate the movie together, but still enjoy the soundtrack. If you don't enjoy at least some parts of this compilation you probably have hearing damage. The music is surprisingly dark and "'unforgiving". In the violent hour of listening there is enough variation in sound to keep the listener engaged.For a movie about "werewolves" the soundtrack carries many complex themes and emotions extraordinarily well. The film is done all wrong, but I will personally love to listen to this from new moon to the next full moon. Expand
  3. Mar 3, 2015
    I just do not understand at all how this has a 4.8 average rating. This is probably one of the best movie soundtracks I've heard with well respected and critically acclaimed musicians like St. Vincent, Bon Iver, Thom Yorke, Grizzly Bear and Death Cab. What could there possibly be not to like? I absolutely do not get it.
  4. May 29, 2011
    Although the movie sucks pretty badly the album's to the movies continue to get greater and greater.

    The song's are FANTASTIC and are just so so so good beyond description.
  5. LeahT.
    Oct 20, 2009
    I'd be the first to condemn Stephanie Meyer and Twilight. I'm an anti-fan. But the music snob within me can't ignore an album with Thom Yorke, Grizzly Bear, and Bon Iver on it. It's a good listen and I have to put my dislike for the franchise aside - audiophiles should be well pleased.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Despite a few upbeat moments that stick out like a thumb that isn't sore, songs like Grizzly Bear and Victoria Legrand's "Slow Life," Editors' "No Sound But the Wind," and Bon Iver and St. Vincent's lovely, truly odd "Roslyn" are morose enough for die-hard Twilight fans and stylish enough to please the most discerning music snobs.
  2. When a soundtrack works this well, with each track slotting naturally into a strongly cohesive body of work, you begin to wonder about the clamour that is sure to come from bands and singer songwriters to put their work forward towards featuring on the next film's soundtrack.
  3. Think of New Moon as a sort of survey course in new-now-next rock: a mixtape with teeth.