• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: May 4, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
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  1. May 4, 2015
    The Waterfall suggests maybe My Morning Jacket would be better off doing a few things well rather than losing their way down several different paths.
  2. May 1, 2015
    While it perhaps won’t warrant an influx of new listeners, The Waterfall is an inviting record that will leave returning fans thankful for them not disappearing.
  3. Apr 29, 2015
    Their forays into synth-heavy late-'70s/early-'80s prog and arena rock are alternately inventive and bafflingly blockheaded.
  4. 60
    The first few tracks, particularly the Prince-like Compound Fracture, are endearingly spacious and snake-hipped, but The Waterfall’s lacklustre second half indicates they’ve lost touch with the band they once were.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 54 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 54
  2. Negative: 1 out of 54
  1. May 5, 2015
    Fantastic from start to finish. Their best since Z. Some great alt-country, some Jim James neo soul, some old school MMJ rockers, it checksFantastic from start to finish. Their best since Z. Some great alt-country, some Jim James neo soul, some old school MMJ rockers, it checks all the boxes without ever feeling less than natural and authentic. Great lyrics and theme to this album too. In a word, listening to the waterfall is beautiful. Full Review »
  2. May 5, 2015
    Great. Excellent. Their best album since Z. It is expansive, enjoyable and beautiful. The only thing this album does is assure that My MorningGreat. Excellent. Their best album since Z. It is expansive, enjoyable and beautiful. The only thing this album does is assure that My Morning Jacket is here to stay, and it leaves you wanting more, and it's great because next year we will have more. Full Review »
  3. May 5, 2015
    Super fun and well rounded album. You've done it again MMJ. Thanks for the new memories!Super fun and well rounded album. You've done it again MMJ. Thanks for the new memories! . Full Review »