• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Sep 13, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 30
  2. Negative: 2 out of 30

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  1. GregH
    Feb 3, 2006
    Another good one here by a great band that somehow still remains (for better or worse) under the radar. Catchy, simple, and honest. great use of language here too. As a complete work, it is not as strong as Let Go, but, song to song, still makes for a great listening experience.
  2. MichelleG
    Jan 31, 2006
    This cd is really good even though I still think that Let Go is better....you have to get used to the lyrics, but after you do its pretty catchy.
  3. adils
    Jan 11, 2006
    This is not as sweet as Let Go but it's still pretty good. Unlike Let Go which instantly catches you, this grows on you gradually. It's worth a listen. Overall I think Nada Surf are a pretty solid band, very enjoyable live, too.
  4. JohnD
    Nov 4, 2005
    Not as good as Let Go, but certainly a valued release. It's an album that better every time you listen and is quite enjoyable, but doesn't have the feel of the band's best stuff. Still, it's worth getting.
  5. AllisonL
    Oct 23, 2005
    You can hear the beach and summer in Nada Surf's music. A thoroughly enjoyable listen.
  6. CarolynW
    Oct 19, 2005
    This album, like its predcsessors, shows music doesn't have to be complicated to prove its worth. This Weight is a Gift gives fans hope for more beautiful indie records of similar imprtance. Nada Surf is, in my mind, THE indie rock band. Yes, 'tis a biased opinion, but whose isn't?
  7. JasonI
    Oct 10, 2005
    Worth buying, and after a few listens grows on you, but it just doesn't measure up to Let Go.
  8. HiralP
    Oct 8, 2005
    More of a pop flavor--but is still a pleasure a to listen to from beginning to end.
  9. Gazcomsat
    Oct 6, 2005
    Although very different to 'Let Go' the new album is not necessarily inferior. The songs are melodic and full of nice harmonies but lacks the edginess of their previous offering. The album reminds me very much of The Charlatans 'Up at the Lake' album which in itself is no bad thing.
  10. DavidG
    Oct 3, 2005
    Not as good as thier previous album (which is worth a 10) but pretty similar style. Reminds me Semisonic. Great album.....(got to listen to it a couple times, it will grow on you !) David
  11. BenA
    Sep 25, 2005
    Dope as hell. Outstanding little pop gems, short and sweet.
  12. PhilpR
    Sep 22, 2005
    A really good record. A mature & original & very very intelligent pop group.
  13. BradL
    Sep 22, 2005
    Great album but leaves less of an impact than Let Go. I feel like I really have to crank it up to get into the songs, it fades to the background a bit too easily.
  14. justin
    Sep 21, 2005
    I recently discovered Let Go and went out and bought The Weight is a Gift right away when it came out. I have a feeling this album is going to grow on me as much as Let Go has. Not perfect, but definitely noteworthy.
  15. matthew*
    Sep 21, 2005
    Another solid Indie/Pop Masterpiece from one of the most underappreciated bands of our generation.
  16. StanleyS
    Sep 21, 2005
    Solid follow-up to their amazing Let Go album. The 2nd half of this disc is clearly weaker than the first six tracks, however.
  17. JohnS
    Sep 20, 2005
    Yeah, this album is real good. It's kinda like when you shopping at DSW for some sneakers and there is guy with really bad teeth and he's looking at you for no good reason. Your like DUDE! Come ON! I'm trying to buy some sneakers! Give me a break!
  18. MarkM
    Sep 20, 2005
    You know it's cool if you like Nada Surf...if that's your thing. No politics man just music, in fact kept the politics and grandstanding at home. I don't wanna hear it.
  19. AndrewM
    Sep 20, 2005
    good. really good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Like their last album, 2003's Let Go, The Weight Is a Gift is a top-notch collection of sad-eyed guitar ballads.
  2. The Weight Is a Gift is Nada Surf's most honest and earnest record to date.
  3. Alternative Press
    A nearly flawless album full of rocking pop songs that sound instantly timeless. [Oct 2005, p.156]