
Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Q Magazine
    Feb 11, 2020
    Alone again, naturally - and rather beautifully. [Apr 2020, p.106]
  2. Feb 10, 2020
    Though 14 years passed between this album and her last fully solo outing, it sounds as if it were conceived fully formed, unaware of time or trends. Instead, There Is No Other... perfectly suspends the smiling mood of a hushed evening, embodying the fading warmth of the day's last sunlight.
  3. Mojo
    Feb 6, 2020
    Hushed, understated psychedelia and Laurel Canyon-influenced LP. [Mar 2020, p.95]
  4. Feb 6, 2020
    That Campbell gets away with this broad palette is thanks to her empathetic arrangements and clever songwriting—the pocket chorus of “Ant Life” has the kind of understatement that only experienced writers would dare. She has a knack for making everything sound utterly effortless, as if the songs came to her during an afternoon nap.
  5. Feb 6, 2020
    There Is No Other is a similar, gentle masterpiece [to Beck's Morning Phase], but there's leather located behind the silk and the record packs an emotional punch.
  6. Uncut
    Feb 6, 2020
    Besides being vivid demonstrations of her versatility, the girl-group pop of "Hey World," the country-gospel of "The Heart Of It All" and the delicate chamber-folk of "Just for Today" all provide very good reasons to welcome her back. [Mar 2020, p.26]

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