• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Apr 29, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 198 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 198

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  1. MitchellZ.
    May 1, 2008
    Third is not as instantly gratifying as Dummy. The hyper-stylized noir paranoid fantasy is gone. Instead, Third sounds as fractured and threatening as the times it reflects, while pulling up musical references to psychedelia of the 60's. I've only listened to it twice through, and it requires a bit of attention. But the music is astoundingly mesmerizing at times. And it really Third is not as instantly gratifying as Dummy. The hyper-stylized noir paranoid fantasy is gone. Instead, Third sounds as fractured and threatening as the times it reflects, while pulling up musical references to psychedelia of the 60's. I've only listened to it twice through, and it requires a bit of attention. But the music is astoundingly mesmerizing at times. And it really sets you on edge, with the vocals subdued and other parts sounding like their being played from the back of an empty hall (to good effect). Really worth the wait! Expand
  2. AlexA.
    Apr 30, 2008
    Their best and most emotional effort yet.
  3. ChrisS.
    May 22, 2008
    It's their best album so far. It's no easy-listening, and it takes some time, but it's definetely worth the effort. I LOVE IT!
  4. JeremyF
    Apr 29, 2008
    Some really amazing tracks ("The Rip", "We Carry On", "Machine Gun", and "Small") but the rest just kind of don't impress much. While there isn't any BAD tracks here, I would much rather go listen to Dummy ten times over.
  5. JimmyH.
    Apr 30, 2008
    Has some of their best songs (The Rip, Plastic) and also their worst (nylon smile). But being the worst Portishead song is like being the slowest ferrari. A solid effort overall.
  6. TomH.
    May 24, 2008
    Too many shortcomings for the makings of a classic: radio edit tracks, not much of an album theme, 6 good tracks.
  7. Dave
    May 3, 2008
    Well, I figured the reviews for this would be all over the place and sure enough they are. As much as I LOVE Dummy, I think I like this as much as that masterpiece. It took a few listens, but I am totally loving Third now. Machine Gun, We Carry On, The Rip and Silence are as good as anything Portishead has done. Yes, it is very different from "Dummy" and "Portishead", but it is no less Well, I figured the reviews for this would be all over the place and sure enough they are. As much as I LOVE Dummy, I think I like this as much as that masterpiece. It took a few listens, but I am totally loving Third now. Machine Gun, We Carry On, The Rip and Silence are as good as anything Portishead has done. Yes, it is very different from "Dummy" and "Portishead", but it is no less great. I really thing this may be not only one of the best of this year, but this decade. I was lucky enough to catch their only North American live performance at Coachella, and it was nothing short of brilliant! Expand
  8. AlanO.
    May 8, 2008
    This is a stunning album! To be frank, I am not a Portishead fan...I recognize their history and had ocasionally bumped into their brand of Trip-Hop back in the day which mostly left me dry. This new album is something different. Fans of Jane Siberry, Stina Nordenstam, David Sylvian, Talk Talk, and Mimi Goese take note. The songs are experimental in nature but infused with warm This is a stunning album! To be frank, I am not a Portishead fan...I recognize their history and had ocasionally bumped into their brand of Trip-Hop back in the day which mostly left me dry. This new album is something different. Fans of Jane Siberry, Stina Nordenstam, David Sylvian, Talk Talk, and Mimi Goese take note. The songs are experimental in nature but infused with warm electronics, etheral background shuffles, and stark, introspective lyrics. I have no idea what their traditional fans will make of this...might be a bit challenging. This is a record you have to get to know, spend time with, and ponder. Some definate reference points: Stina Nordenstam -"This is Stina Nordenstam," "When I was a Boy," - Jane Siberry," and "Soak" - by Mimi Goese. Candidate for album of the year hands down... Expand
  9. Apr 28, 2011
    I've listened to this album several times over the past three years and each time I walk away with mixed feelings. On one hand, Beth Gibbons' wonderfully haunting vocals remain and make my ears happy. On the other hand, this is not the same Portishead that made me fall in love with them all those years ago.

    They've completely abandoned the classic Trip Hop sound that they essentially
    I've listened to this album several times over the past three years and each time I walk away with mixed feelings. On one hand, Beth Gibbons' wonderfully haunting vocals remain and make my ears happy. On the other hand, this is not the same Portishead that made me fall in love with them all those years ago.

    They've completely abandoned the classic Trip Hop sound that they essentially helped pioneer. Change is not always a bad thing, but I fear they they've ventured so far as to remove themselves from the realm of my tea cup.

    Third is by no means a "bad" album, but it's not a direct evolution of the sound that made Dummy and Self Titled so amazing either. It has moments of greatness, but to me falls flat more often than not. I probably won't ever stop listening to Third, but each time I do I'll wish wish it had been something more.
  10. vincent
    May 1, 2008
    The music's ok, but beth gibbons is always off-key. its driving me crazy.
  11. PaulM
    May 2, 2008
    The only thing that sounds like Portishead on this album is Beth's great voice. They have crossed the fine line from moving the band in a new direction to completely abandoning the unique sound that Portishead is capable of. There's no rhythm, no electronic tweaking, and no way this album comes close to dummy or self titled.
  12. MartinS.
    Jun 30, 2008
    King's clothes. I am tired of being sold tush by reviewers too scared to be counted. This is neither ground breaking nor compelling. A record that deserved to be made? By all means. A masterpiece? It most certainly is not. Infantile, deliberately dark lyrics become repetetive and predictable. Tuneless and lumpy. I want a refund.
  13. marcg
    Apr 29, 2008
    Good but not great.
  14. JoolsH.
    Apr 30, 2008
    The Masterpiece of the century.
  15. EdW
    Apr 30, 2008
    Wow. Difficult and unmelodic. Anyone named Ray is hardly worth paying attention to.
  16. PatrickK.
    May 2, 2008
    Dull, dull dull! The songs go nowhere. You get a sense they could only stand each other's presence enough to throw some beats together and leave it at that. Where is the songcraft?
  17. JacobL.
    May 7, 2008
    Wow, what a dull album. Is this all it takes to impress people nowadays? Just some lame, thrown together beats and beth gibbons doing her "IM SAD" shitck, over and over again? Nothing happens on this album, just one unfinished attempt at songwriting after another. Bleh
  18. AlecW
    May 6, 2008
    I realise it's uncool to diss Portishead but I remember the shockwave when "dummy" came out. break beats and rolling bass with other worldly vocals, it took control of your sound system at the expense of everything else for weeks, months even. I've listened to 3rd and I reckon that if the Stone Roses deserved to get a mauling for "the second coming" then Phead deserve to get the I realise it's uncool to diss Portishead but I remember the shockwave when "dummy" came out. break beats and rolling bass with other worldly vocals, it took control of your sound system at the expense of everything else for weeks, months even. I've listened to 3rd and I reckon that if the Stone Roses deserved to get a mauling for "the second coming" then Phead deserve to get the same treatment for this one. In 20 years time how many people will put this down as (one of) their fave album(s) of all time? hm! Expand
  19. CatQ
    Jun 1, 2008
    Im really dissapointed with this album, the songs often seem to get stuck in a rut and portishead have ditched the sexy film noir melancholy they were always so good at creating. Maybe thats due to age but if theyre looking for new paths i dont think theyve found the right one yet
  20. MargotC.
    Jul 20, 2008
    This is dreadful. i don't know how the band let this go out of the studio - didn't they listen to it and go red with embarrassment? I can't see what is innovative about out of tune caterwauling over 1980s German techno-style synths - appalling. Quality control was lost somewhere in the sycophancy of success.
  21. PatK.
    Jul 3, 2008
    I just don't get the high ratings this has received. I find this CD unbearably boring.
  22. Dan
    Apr 29, 2008
    Has the whole world gone mad! This album is a piece of shit. It's no way near the quality of Portishead's other albums.
  23. JakeF.
    Apr 30, 2008
    Wow...I cannot believe the praise for this completely lackluster album. We waited 10 years for this?? Are you kidding me? The only real standout here is "The Rip" - everything else reeks of unreleased b-side material. Really - what have they been doing for the last decade. I did hear Beth's solo album a few years back and it was terrible - almost as bad as "Third".
  24. thomasb.
    May 1, 2008
    Her voice makes me cringe, but without it I would say that the album would prove a very interesting instrumental. I like the music, just hate the singer.
  25. TheodoreRoosevelt
    May 1, 2008
    It's meh. definitely overrated and definitely a disappointment..
  26. DMoney
    May 6, 2008
    Fitfully brilliant music, iffy vocals. Not much hip-hop, no sex to speak of. A job well done by Mr. Barrow and Mr. Utley. Beth Gibbons, get over yourself.
  27. CraigK
    Jul 25, 2008
    When so many bands and albums have covered this same sound and style so much better, Portishead's Third sounds like a mediocre imitation. I would rather listen to old albums than this one.
  28. Brian
    Jul 28, 2008
    I just don't get it. I loved the first two Portishead albums but this.. this is just pointless noise. I really don't get it.
  29. VinnyP
    May 12, 2008
    I've tried listening to it...several times...and I'm still incredibly disappointed. The musicality is simple to the point of being boring. The few musical highlights get overused to make them boring as well. I don't understand the high marks here, other than Portishead is one of those bands that could s**t (which they did here) and the critics will love it.
  30. SteveO
    May 31, 2008
    Hmmm... its different, ill give it that, but it doesnt take me anywhere.

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 38
  2. Negative: 1 out of 38
  1. 30
    It's groove-deprived and difficult, and not in a particularly inventive way. [May 2008, p.78]
  2. Both ancient and futuristic, a mildewed signal from a more advanced culture that failed to survive the ice age, Third doesn’t make you pay attention to its desolate contours, but rather stare out of the window, creeping panic causing your mind to dart in a million dark directions at once.
  3. Long awaited comeback from Bristol trip-hop outfit proves worth the wait.