• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2009
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 64 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 64
  2. Negative: 11 out of 64

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  1. Aug 29, 2012
    this album rockzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-) the way the brian sings is more nice than before all albums and the linkin park should learn from them bsb forever
  2. GeorgeM
    Nov 18, 2009
    Just like the other record company employees on here, I love this album! Truly magnificent! A+! Better than the Beatles! Better than anything out there! Too bad old marketing schemes don't work anymore and our fanbase is in their late twenties and listening to Black Eyed Peas. Boy bands must be YOUNG; this is essential to their success. Young girls must be able to THINK/HOPE/BELIEVE Just like the other record company employees on here, I love this album! Truly magnificent! A+! Better than the Beatles! Better than anything out there! Too bad old marketing schemes don't work anymore and our fanbase is in their late twenties and listening to Black Eyed Peas. Boy bands must be YOUNG; this is essential to their success. Young girls must be able to THINK/HOPE/BELIEVE they can date the band members... Expand
  3. JessicaT
    Nov 18, 2009
    This Is Us is fan-freakin-tastic! Get out and buy it if you haven't already. The smooth hip-hop feel of "If I Knew Then" and "This Is Us" is pure magic and shows the talent the guys have of captivating the female audience. I love all the songs (I agree though that "PDA" is a little weird -but all is forgiven), but my absolute favorite would have to be "Shattered". The lyrics and the This Is Us is fan-freakin-tastic! Get out and buy it if you haven't already. The smooth hip-hop feel of "If I Knew Then" and "This Is Us" is pure magic and shows the talent the guys have of captivating the female audience. I love all the songs (I agree though that "PDA" is a little weird -but all is forgiven), but my absolute favorite would have to be "Shattered". The lyrics and the arrangement is hauntingly beautiful and the first time I listened to it had tears in my eyes. Anyone who has ever had a broken heart can definitely relate to the feelings that this song stirs up. BSB's performance on this album is outstanding! Expand
  4. krism
    Oct 18, 2009
    This is the best cd since thier comeback. The sound is tight, the production is A-1, the lyrics not cheesy. It's too bad that critics will not give these men their due. They've put together a really good cd with this one.
  5. NoreenO
    Oct 18, 2009
    I'm pretty disappointed by this album, since the boys apparently can't steer their own careers at all...but their voices are still as amazing as ever. As a fan from the beginning, I still love them, but the only songs I can really listen to intentionally are Undone, Straight Through My Heart, This is Us, and All Your Life (You Need Love). Its upsetting that these guys have such I'm pretty disappointed by this album, since the boys apparently can't steer their own careers at all...but their voices are still as amazing as ever. As a fan from the beginning, I still love them, but the only songs I can really listen to intentionally are Undone, Straight Through My Heart, This is Us, and All Your Life (You Need Love). Its upsetting that these guys have such potential and they keep missing the mark when you'd think the decisions they need to make would be obvious. And what happened to AJ's pretty amazing solo album? Expand
  6. MariaS.
    Oct 16, 2009
    Great album! The only song I'm not too keen on is She's a dream but all other songs are great.
  7. IanL.
    Oct 16, 2009
    It is brilliant, i think the best album they've come with and fianlly, a good taste of music. It feels like how come they didn't do this the past 16 years. This Is Us, PDA (Little Weird), Masquerade, She's A Dream and STMH is brilliant and leaves you gasping for more. Enough Said.
  8. FloD
    Oct 14, 2009
    First didn't like their "new" sound , but now it sound great!
  9. ChristineL
    Oct 13, 2009
    This is a great pop album. If radio would just play them this album could be huge.
  10. DavidB.
    Oct 13, 2009
    Their best work since Millennium in 1999, ten years ago. Excellent.
  11. IslaS.
    Oct 13, 2009
    I think that, all in all, this is a decent album from a group that have done well to last so long in the music business (over 16 years they've been going now) having been labelled as a boy band. Yes their songs are pop and are typically boy band material but they do have particularly strong vocals which are again shown off pretty well in this album. I like the use of various I think that, all in all, this is a decent album from a group that have done well to last so long in the music business (over 16 years they've been going now) having been labelled as a boy band. Yes their songs are pop and are typically boy band material but they do have particularly strong vocals which are again shown off pretty well in this album. I like the use of various instruments and some sound effects are present from time to time which adds to the atmosphere of the tracks. I like that this is another album that has quite an uplifting feel to it. It isn't utterly 'sugary sweet', its quite listenable, I don't feel too embarrassed playing the majority of the tracks. I think this time around, they've, for the most part, swapped quantity (track wise) for quality and so having listened to the album in full a few times, im left feeling impressed. This, to me, features the classic Backstreet sound with a modern twist and it isn't as mediocre as their last studio album was, so I would definitely say its worth checking out. If this is your sort of thing then check it out. Expand
  12. Christine
    Oct 13, 2009
    This is much better than their previous album and it appears they will hit a bitter audience with this cd. That being said, vocals are amazing - as usual! Looks like the boys are back!!
  13. LucyK
    Oct 13, 2009
    This is a fantastic album, a lot of up tempo music.
  14. mahfuza.
    Oct 10, 2009
    THE best BSB album so far.music lovers from all over the should listen to THIS IS US and rejoice.and bsb fans should buy 2 or 3...one for them..rest for gift.
  15. MattS.
    Oct 10, 2009
    Fantastic album. So good to hear these guys again. I hope they play in Omaha!
  16. AmrL.
    Oct 10, 2009
    BSB the best band i've ever seen.
  17. Dave
    Oct 10, 2009
    BSB is an underrated group as a former singer myself I marvel at how well they still sing after all this time. On This Is Us they do a great job vocally with all the songs no exceptions If the critics and media stop hating and get off their backs, this album is destined to be huge.
  18. AkshayB
    Oct 10, 2009
    The boys return to form with their latest studio album. The songs which are good are really good, and the songs that are bad are really not that bad either (except for the insanely strange PDA). Strong vocals in 'Shattered', 'Undone' and 'Bye Bye Love' should be enough to pull the album through.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. On This Is Us, the group sounds great for their age, and they sound like they're at their peak.
  2. The new disc does mark the band's return after a decade to its old teen-pop sound, and considering these guys' combined age, the result is surprisingly unembarrassing.
  3. A competent but very late-adopted pop-trance slurry.