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Universal acclaim- based on 131 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 10 out of 131
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  1. Sep 11, 2023
    Otra joya de mac demarco, solo que está vez un poco infravalorada, hay muchos temas que ahora se han vuelto virales en las redes sociales
  2. Feb 26, 2023
    Although is not as moody and magical as his other albums, this old dog is still full of that DeMarco's usual goofyness.
  3. Apr 4, 2021
    My favourite Mac Demarco album no doubt! I love almost every song! Beautiful compositions, and lyrically beautiful and poignant aswell!
  4. May 5, 2019
    Out of Demarco's discography I keep coming back to this album. It has the most replay value out of all his albums and it has the best flow. There is a cohesive chill vibe on this album that is both joyful and sad at the same time. 9/10
  5. Feb 21, 2018
    With 2017's This Old Dog, Mac Demarco demonstrates what his long-time fans have known for awhile now - his knack for writing a heartfelt tune that James Taylor or John Lennon would be proud of. While taking the laid-back vibes of Salad Days forward, he strips down to the acoustic guitar for much of this album with great success, while also including some of the keyboard hooks ("For theWith 2017's This Old Dog, Mac Demarco demonstrates what his long-time fans have known for awhile now - his knack for writing a heartfelt tune that James Taylor or John Lennon would be proud of. While taking the laid-back vibes of Salad Days forward, he strips down to the acoustic guitar for much of this album with great success, while also including some of the keyboard hooks ("For the First Time", "One More Love Song") that 2015's Another One helped propel him to stardom in the indie rock community. For all of Mac's goofy and downright crazy tendencies, at the center lies a fine songwriter with a knack for writing reflective tunes, and This Old Dog stands as his most consistent and musically deep album.

    For newcomers to Mac, I recommend checking out "One Another", "Still Beating", "For the First Time", and "Moonlight on the River" with the closing track "Watching Him Fade Away".
  6. Aug 2, 2017
    Another fantastic album from Mr. Mac Demarco. The vibe is comparable to his past work, but his lyrics are more matured, and his energy is more focused and controlled. Not a bad track on this album.
  7. Jul 27, 2017
    It still does have the same issue I had with Another One, that being it's a bit trite based on the composition and production. But lyrically it is probably his strongest, based on the more mature themes going on, especially with songs focused on his dad (My Old Man and Watching Him Fade Away). I wouldn't say it is better than 2 or Salad Days, mainly because I felt that there were strongerIt still does have the same issue I had with Another One, that being it's a bit trite based on the composition and production. But lyrically it is probably his strongest, based on the more mature themes going on, especially with songs focused on his dad (My Old Man and Watching Him Fade Away). I wouldn't say it is better than 2 or Salad Days, mainly because I felt that there were stronger songs that stood out there, but still another solid effort from the man. Expand
  8. Jul 6, 2017
    This Old Dog is quite a sad and depressing tracklist once you tend an ear to Mac's heartfelt lyrics. But there is still just that ounce of goof to make this album such a great listen.
  9. May 14, 2017
    This is a pleasant and easygoing work that may not be as sonically brilliant as DeMarco may have aimed for, but has enough ambition and uniqueness within musical layers to be a worthwhile listen for most general audiences. My Score: 127/180 (Good) = 7.1/10
  10. May 6, 2017
    I'm not really sure why the critics gave this album lukewarm reviews. I personally think it's Mac at his songwriting peak. I suppose these song's don't have the same urgency as some other album's but there's definitely an arching melancholy, more mature songwriting approach to this album. It feels like his most real, most organic approach. He said that YMO and James Taylor were twoI'm not really sure why the critics gave this album lukewarm reviews. I personally think it's Mac at his songwriting peak. I suppose these song's don't have the same urgency as some other album's but there's definitely an arching melancholy, more mature songwriting approach to this album. It feels like his most real, most organic approach. He said that YMO and James Taylor were two huge influences for this album and let me tell you, the combo definitely lends to the writing and vibe of this album Expand
  11. May 6, 2017
    This is a fantastic album. Most artists who try to evolutionise their sound tend to disappoint and go off the tracks musically, but Mac DeMarco has managed to create a more slow and intimate album without truely losing grip on his musical roots **** Mac DeMarco has really proven that he is one of the young talented artists to be reckoned with, especially since we're in a generation whereThis is a fantastic album. Most artists who try to evolutionise their sound tend to disappoint and go off the tracks musically, but Mac DeMarco has managed to create a more slow and intimate album without truely losing grip on his musical roots **** Mac DeMarco has really proven that he is one of the young talented artists to be reckoned with, especially since we're in a generation where those young pop/rock prodigies are fading away. Collapse
  12. May 5, 2017
    While This Old Dog isn't as magical as Mac's earlier material it is another great album. It's more somber and less energetic than his earlier work, but it's more quality jangle-pop from one of the music world's better new artists.
  13. May 5, 2017
    I'm not sure if it was my personal hype and excitement for this album, or being high on nyquil, but something about this album made me giddy. The jangly guitar, the great vocals, the way the drums and bass are almost a single instrument. Mac obviously put a lot more work into this album, and it really paid off.
  14. May 5, 2017
    Although less energetic that his last albums, "this old dog" has plenty of nostalgia attached to its songs and that's the main flow of the album, and it's not a down, instead, Demarco made a beautifully crafted album

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. May 25, 2017
    Despite having moments that tip it toward being his most “challenging” album lyrically (if being challenging has anything to do with being serious), This Old Dog might be his least interesting instrumentally and musically.
  2. Magnet
    May 18, 2017
    The more significant development is one of subtle, writerly progression. [No. 142, p.53]
  3. May 15, 2017
    DeMarco has always worn his talent lightly, but finally he sounds focused, reflecting on relationships like a millennial Cat Stevens, particularly those with his absent father and his long-term girlfriend.