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Universal acclaim- based on 74 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 74
  2. Negative: 3 out of 74

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  1. SterlM
    Oct 9, 2005
    This is a much needed, very cute, and happy collection of songs; which just fits in perfectly, in balancing out every other Radiohead depression I have in my collection. It really is nice to have a breather every once in awhile. 10/10
  2. joris
    Aug 25, 2006
    Sorry but this is way better than the Avalanches... Just lisen to Ladyflash or Pantherdash! Recalls the sixties in glorous stereo, a magnificent colelction of songs and one of the better debutes to come out this decennium. Word.
  3. NickB
    Aug 4, 2006
    This albums full of catchy, less standard tunes where the vocals aren't as apparent as they usually are, and there is a heavy focus on the instrumentation. Also, Joe D is full of crap because I saw them live too and they were amazing and full of energy. It was also cool that they would switch instruments between songs.
  4. Bam
    Apr 8, 2007
    Huddle Formation's awesome.
  5. DrewF
    Oct 20, 2005
    A must have album, the best of 2005
  6. Matt
    Oct 3, 2005
    without a doubt the best album of the year.
  7. Tim
    Feb 2, 2005
    If great sex was music, this is what it would sound like.
  8. DamianR
    Aug 20, 2005
    Totally raw soul and power.
  9. FletcherB
    Jan 5, 2006
    Their joy goes to eleven.
  10. MervynR
    Nov 2, 2004
    Makes me so happy i want to cry.
  11. SteveM
    Nov 3, 2005
    Innovative, remarkable. You can't sit without your feet tapping, leg bobbing, or head nodding to the music. One of the best expressions of noise I've heard in some time, and it makes you happy.
  12. [Anonymous]
    Oct 6, 2005
    Catchy and fun is such a rare thing these days!
  13. AdrianC
    Jul 15, 2005
    Retro-Adrenaline-Cheerleader-SuperHappyFun-DancingTime-Punk-Powerpop! Listening to this is like mainlining an IV of pure happiness into your veins and setting all your muscles to boogie mode. What could be better?
  14. NickT.
    Jan 23, 2006
    A sound revolution. The people who rated this album poorly obviously did not take time to actually listen to it. They probably played it in the background while doing homework or making dinner. This album DESERVES to be avidly paid attention to. Every song is inspiring, and complexly layered. It's amazing, the fact that so many genres and instruments were combined but the album was A sound revolution. The people who rated this album poorly obviously did not take time to actually listen to it. They probably played it in the background while doing homework or making dinner. This album DESERVES to be avidly paid attention to. Every song is inspiring, and complexly layered. It's amazing, the fact that so many genres and instruments were combined but the album was never demeaned to some jumble of noise. The songs sound like they were recorded by elaborate pop/indie/hip-hop/dance beat orchestras. While this may not be the best album of '05, it is most definitely ONE of the best. Expand
  15. DylanP
    Jan 24, 2006
    Great energy and tons of attitude. One of the best new bands around.
  16. joshua
    Jan 24, 2006
    i think the Go Team are awesome, and this album is nifty
  17. JonathanD
    May 25, 2006
    Uplifting, crazy, dance-a-thonic... I love every second of it!
  18. KidA
    May 7, 2006
    12" of pure energy
  19. TBone
    Nov 15, 2005
    This totally took me by surprise. Wow this is revoluntionary.
  20. Intonator
    Nov 21, 2005
    This is the music that superheroes listen too, inspired with the unabashed the sheer size of the music. Nothing can compete with the Go! Team for sheer energy and joy.
  21. Ladyflash
    Dec 15, 2005
    Think of the excellent "Avalanches" but turn the fun factor up to 111. This should have you bopping non-stop - blazing across the sky like a fabulous supersonic phoenix. Best album release of the past 3 years - Great live performers too!
  22. guido
    Oct 7, 2005
    amazingly cool, coherently a mess, lots of fun.
  23. samp
    Jan 9, 2005
    Has totally inspired me to listen to wider ranges of music its so good. Uplifts me right away.
  24. slawekk
    Oct 30, 2005
    the beautiful theory of chaos. like the music from the old police series...
  25. EirikJ
    Nov 12, 2004
    Nice! almost as nice as the debut of The Avalanches or The Brothers Gonna work it out by Chemical Brothers.
  26. matta
    Oct 10, 2005
    Hands down the catchiest album of the year. Makes you wanna get up and shake that ass! "We Just Won't Be Defeated" is my theme song. ONe of the year's ten best.
  27. SwagSurplus
    Mar 10, 2005
    It's a summer friday night, I've just drunk 2 litres of Red Bull and I'm bounding down the streets in low gravity boots yelling meaningless silly things at random people, kissing strangers, leaping over cars and trees and occasionally bouncing into others doing the same thing. THIS IS OUR SOUNDTRACK!!!!
  28. robev
    Apr 16, 2005
    spectacular spectacular. one of the best groups in 2004
  29. DanilioL
    Jan 30, 2006
    Instantly loveable! This album is bouncy, flamboyant and sometimes mad. More bands need to be as individual and fun as The Go! team.
  30. LawrenceP
    Dec 14, 2004
    Short and sweet. This lp makes me want to smile each time i hear it
  31. AnnabellaM
    Nov 4, 2005
  32. bees
    Oct 19, 2005
    Unlike most anything I've heard. The ability to vocally synth the way they do makes this an musically and technically advanced album.
  33. gavinj
    Dec 23, 2006
    This CD is amazing. The mere catchyness that the songs have will bring the listener back and back for more Great music. If you want some great pop melodies look no further than this album. TRUST ME (John D- TV tunes??? i hear music with melody.)
  34. Jul 31, 2011
    great debut album from this group. every song was good. it was original and creative. their sound is new and refreshing. looking forward to downloading their new release.
  35. kent
    Feb 6, 2006
    the sonic equivalent of a box of crayons in a blender, without the blender noise. And the blender's going over a waterfall. And the crayons were stolen.
  36. mr.hankey
    Jun 3, 2006
    A standout album of 2005 because of it's inventive ideas and catchy riffs. The album is not music but is an overall show in your bedroom. You listen and enjoy but still it has some pros and cons. The pros standout the most but the cons always come in there. For example sometimes the album will sound as if no one is trying at all as if it is a mess that doesn't work and is not A standout album of 2005 because of it's inventive ideas and catchy riffs. The album is not music but is an overall show in your bedroom. You listen and enjoy but still it has some pros and cons. The pros standout the most but the cons always come in there. For example sometimes the album will sound as if no one is trying at all as if it is a mess that doesn't work and is not beautiful but ugly. A pro would be the unusual cheerleading anthems that are placed in this hell of a good album. I hope their sophomore effort is as interesting as their first. Expand
  37. madsl
    Nov 29, 2005
    This sounds like a strange, compelling mix of my bloody valentine and junior senior...I actually prefer the instrumental tracks like the fifth track which is awesome! Anyone into contemporary indie stuff will be delighted with this album!
  38. jareys
    Nov 9, 2004
    There's always been something mysterious and strange in agent films. Yeah, I like this indeed and especially those faster songs.Keep up the flag!
  39. peeta
    Sep 30, 2005
    ok at first but doesn't quite last over repeated listens.most of the songs lack a depth that they try to aspire to.
  40. romanm
    Jan 8, 2006
    Pretty solid. Panther Dash is Sonic Youthish. Ladyflash is probably the best tune. Feelgood by Numbers is like Charlie Brown Christmas with a shitload of snare. We Just Can't Be Defeated is the cheerleader-overkill song. Junior Kickstart is really 70's cop showish. Friendship Update is a great song. This is a download-half-ditch-the-rest kind of album.

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Though they certainly do their fair share of sampling, they tend to use fragments as a means of fleshing out the battling, overdriven guitars, triumphant trumpet lines, and drum assaults that seem to break through walls with the barreling force of a thousand Kool-Aid men.
  2. Although by the record's second half the brassy, treble-kicked sound wears a little thin, there are enough gems to keep the release fresh through the end of its 35 minutes.
  3. "Thunder, Lightning, Strike" is an immensely derivative album, but one which cuts and pastes its influences in a strikingly original way. Chiefly, by piling them all on at once.