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Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 55
  2. Negative: 10 out of 55

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  1. mydogputthepooinpoochlemiwinks
    Sep 24, 2007
    Wall street journal ran a story stating @80% of hip hop-type music was sold to caucasions. but u don havta be white to know ti's joint smells like da shizz & lissens worser.
  2. TylerG.
    Aug 6, 2007
    None of this should ever be considered music, and if this is music, then I must not know anything about it. Rap is nothing but an average joe saying things that someone wrote to a beat on the background, a job that anyone could take and succeed with the right beats and rhymes
  3. SimonG
    Jul 23, 2007
    Has this what Rap music has becomes, just a guy shouting out random words over lame beats.
  4. DavidR.
    Jul 3, 2007
    This album is not dissapointing..i say this because i did not expect much of it, This album represents a sector in the Hip Hop Community that does not stand out, it is the same sort of album like any other, its nothing new, talking about, cars, money, etc. Even the anticipated track with eminem is poor, its production is the highlight of this album, yet it is repetitive. Well as a This album is not dissapointing..i say this because i did not expect much of it, This album represents a sector in the Hip Hop Community that does not stand out, it is the same sort of album like any other, its nothing new, talking about, cars, money, etc. Even the anticipated track with eminem is poor, its production is the highlight of this album, yet it is repetitive. Well as a synopsis, id say this album is repetitive, boring and dull. However to end on a positive note, the track 'Hurt' is the best on the album. Just hope that T.I. can seek any talent in him and at least put effort into a stable album next time. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. It ain't Shakespeare, but the dual protagonists make for an intriguing bout.
  2. The project just doesn't offer as many gems as "King," which pushed T.I. to new commercial heights.
  3. Skills most often attributed to premiere MC’s like deft wordplay, vivid storytelling, emotional resonance, salient talking points? These are few and far between on T.I. vs. T.I.P., even if the man remains an impressive technician who sounds at home on any beat you can give him.