• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jan 13, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 334 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 92 out of 334
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  1. Jan 30, 2020
    Para ser un álbum debut es demasiado básico y trae muchas canciones de relleno que son bastante aburridas. Lo único bueno de este álbum son Like I'm Gonna Lose You, Dear Future Husband y All About That Bass.
  2. Apr 7, 2018
    No es tan malo para ser un album debut, pero sin dudas Thank You es mucho mejor
  3. Jun 15, 2016
    I can't escape the feeling that Meghan seems like a one hit wonder. Though Lips are Moving, Dear Future Huband, and Like I'm Going to Lose you were all successful, Her second album failed to create the same success. It really is a mixed bag because while the throwback sounds are genuinely appreciated, there is no doubt that this is generic pop.
  4. May 13, 2016
    Unfortunately, the artwork for this album is as bright as it gets - the songs are very chilled out which is a disappointment considering the style Meghan developed from her lead singles. I feel like this album is for a different audience - it should have been marketed to older audiences as I feel it is quite mature compared to other pop albums. It wasn't for me though.
  5. Aug 17, 2015
    First of all, many people are taking this album way too freaking seriously. Not all the music in the world should be spiritual and educational and wise and **** Absolutely not. There is a place for happy-go-lucky and breezy fun sort of music. And I feel like "Title" is just that. So, my problems with it are not of that nature. Don't search for artistic expression in this one.
    First of all, many people are taking this album way too freaking seriously. Not all the music in the world should be spiritual and educational and wise and **** Absolutely not. There is a place for happy-go-lucky and breezy fun sort of music. And I feel like "Title" is just that. So, my problems with it are not of that nature. Don't search for artistic expression in this one.
    However, melodies and harmonies and even lyrics are somewhat repetitive on this LP. It's a bit hard to distinguish all this happy tunes from each other because the vibe they have to them is almost one-dimensional. That's the biggest problem of the album, in my opinion. That's why I prefer slow jams of this LP because they, even if their flaws, are more memorable. Some of the songs are skipable, like "3am" and "Mr. Almost", and I think shouldn't have been on this release at all. So, upon many listens, the music gets a bit tiring, so making a selection after a few listens, and removing unnecessary songs should help it. Good thing about it is that it is unique in mainstream POP which is a great thing for Meghan. Best of luck! I hope your next LP bring a bit more variety.
  6. Jul 2, 2015
    Meghan Trainor is a really talented confident fun artist. Unfortunately, her debut doesn't really work to show that. Her sound is gigantic but all the songs sound almost at the same made using the same formula. Standouts are "3am" and "Close Your Eyes". The ballad featuring John Legend feels tired and impersonal. We appreciate the effort, Meghan, but we hope you'll be back with a strongerMeghan Trainor is a really talented confident fun artist. Unfortunately, her debut doesn't really work to show that. Her sound is gigantic but all the songs sound almost at the same made using the same formula. Standouts are "3am" and "Close Your Eyes". The ballad featuring John Legend feels tired and impersonal. We appreciate the effort, Meghan, but we hope you'll be back with a stronger sophomore. Expand
  7. May 22, 2015
    Meghan que veio com tudo com seu primeiro smash hit, ''All About That Bass'', traçando o topo da Hot 100 por 8 semanas, agora traz no seu disco de estreia, ''Title'', a missão de se provar como uma artista que não seria famosa apenas por uma só canção. A jovem de 20 anos, que ganhou conhecimento de sua gravadora Epic Records por compor muito bem e para artistas como a banda country RascalMeghan que veio com tudo com seu primeiro smash hit, ''All About That Bass'', traçando o topo da Hot 100 por 8 semanas, agora traz no seu disco de estreia, ''Title'', a missão de se provar como uma artista que não seria famosa apenas por uma só canção. A jovem de 20 anos, que ganhou conhecimento de sua gravadora Epic Records por compor muito bem e para artistas como a banda country Rascal Flatts, é quem assume a dianteira entre as composições de seu primeiro álbum oficial. O papel consegue se cumprir com facilidade, com o apelo comercial e chiclete do disco, faixas como ''Lips Are Movin'' e ''Dear Future Husband'' bateram com facilidade do top 10 dos maiores hits pop dos gráficos da Billboard. Meghan revive os anos 50 no disco, mas sem assimilar muito suas referências, acaba deixando tudo banalizado e pouca coisa realmente soa consistente no disco. ''All About That Bass'' que pode ser interpretada como uma música de autoajuda, de libertação, de quebra de esteriótipos e para você se aceitar e ser feliz como você realmente é, sem viver em meio a padrões estabelecidos pela sociedade, acaba tendo uma outra conotação, quando Trainor diz que sua mãe sempre dizia que os "meninos gostam de ter o que apertar à noite" Expand
  8. Mar 10, 2015
    The lyrics are good but they are sung with a demeaning superficiality. Per se, the tracks are enjoyable and appreciable, but they have lost their potential due to a cheapish production.

    When you hear 'Title' your ears have fun. But then the music ends and they will ask to you why you've done them to lose time.
  9. Jan 13, 2015
    This is a pretty album, but I'm really disappointed with the standard that Meghan has kept up. She should have innovated a little this same sound that try to be cute. In addition, the album that was more tedious to be heard in a single integer.
  10. Jan 13, 2015
    Perhaps the biggest impediment to this album is not that it isn't well written or superbly produced or that 60's soul revivalism can't be refreshing in 2015. Rather, the execution is where it goes wrong, becoming an album of disposable pop with some catchy hooks as opposed to a formidable and memorable work that could curve the trajectory of music consumption in her favor.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 13
  2. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. 33
    Trainor recycles the themes from every forgettable Billboard alumnus from the past decade, with a bit more color here and there, but not enough to distinguish herself from the pack.
  2. Jan 26, 2015
    The success of Lips Are Movin’ confirms that she’s no Eamon-style one-hit wonder; but Trainor might do well to study Duffy’s fate.
  3. Jan 22, 2015
    Come for catchy hooks sung in an affected southern accent, not for insightful and, intimate songwriting.