• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: Jun 12, 2020

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. Mojo
    Jun 9, 2020
    Lyrics are vital, and here they often clunk where they should pierce, deadening some of her undeniable power. [Jun 2020, p.86]
  2. Jun 15, 2020
    As ever, Beth’s theorising is air-tight, but ironically, the album stutters most when it is being most provocative.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Jun 17, 2020
    An intense 38 minutes with Jehnny Beth. The album expertly shifts from intimate and sensitive to powerful and explosive, such as on 'I'm TheAn intense 38 minutes with Jehnny Beth. The album expertly shifts from intimate and sensitive to powerful and explosive, such as on 'I'm The Man.' 'We Will Sin Together' is probably the highlight of this record with its deep electronic notes and sinister vocals. The influence of the producer Flood is obvious from the first track given its similarities to 'Alabaster' from Foals' Total Life Forever (if you haven't heard them both, play them back to back). Some tracks don't quite hit the mark; French Countryside is very mediocre and Joe Talbot's feature on How Could You is not as good as you would expect from the IDLES frontman. A good debut. Full Review »
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    I Am - 6,7/10
    Innocence - 7/10
    Flower - 7,5/10 We Will Sin Together - 7/10 A Place Above (feat. Cillian Murphy) / I'm the Man - 7/10 The
    I Am - 6,7/10
    Innocence - 7/10
    Flower - 7,5/10
    We Will Sin Together - 7/10
    A Place Above (feat. Cillian Murphy) / I'm the Man - 7/10
    The Rooms - 7/10
    Heroine - 7,7/10
    How Could You (feat. Joseph Talbot) - 7,5/10
    French Countryside - 7,5/10
    Human - 7/10
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 20, 2020
    ( 80/100 )

    Jehnny Beth es esa persona que hace el escandalo que nadie quiere escuchar pero tiene tanta razón. "To Love Is To Live" es su
    ( 80/100 )

    Jehnny Beth es esa persona que hace el escandalo que nadie quiere escuchar pero tiene tanta razón. "To Love Is To Live" es su álbum debut y una experiencia que se debe tener al menos una vez en la vida. Beth es de Francia y ya tiene experiencia en el mundo del espectáculo y la música, pero en este álbum se demuestra totalmente activista y política, sensible e intensa. Con una producción de Adam Cecil Bartlett y Johnny Hostile, la música perturba la comodidad auditiva de quien se atreva a darle una oportunidad y, al mismo tiempo seducir al público con esa misma perturbación. El álbum necesita un poco más de sabor y color, pero la exploración de este concepto está bien enfocado y decae muy rara vez. "To Love Is To Live" expone el lado metálico, acido y frío de un sol que brilla con fuerza sobre la ironía emocional y la hipocresía en la intimidad social actual.
    Jehnny Beth is that person who makes the noise that no one wants to hear but have so much truth. "To Love Is To Live" is her debut album and an experience that must be had at least once in a lifetime. Beth is from France, and she already has experience in the world of spectacle and music, but in this album shows a totally activist and political side, sensible and intense. With a production of Adam "Cecil" Barlett and Johnny Hostile, the music disturbs the auditive comfort of those who dare to give it a chance but, at the same time, it seduces them with that same distribution. The album needs a little more flavor and color, but the exploration of this concept is well focused and rarely falls. "To Love Is To Live" exposes the metallic, acid, and cold side of a sun that shines with brutality over the emotional irony and the hypocrisy in the actual society intimacy.
    Full Review »