• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: May 19, 2023

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Jun 9, 2023
    Is it a sleek and assured Euro-pop stylist or a morose, sardonic realist, messy and desperate and unsatisfied with the way things are? It is both, sometimes simultaneously. The mix of poise and scruffiness fluctuates continually. .... The point is that there’s plenty of lounge-y, jazzy pop here, but it’s most affecting when it twists slightly off true.
  2. May 30, 2023
    The album mostly screams avant-garde in its minimalism, sometimes to its detriment, but there's no denying they have the talent to justify the mystery they've built.
  3. May 30, 2023
    Ultimately, Tracey Denim lives and thrives in the shadows of past greats, but is unable to escape them.
  4. May 24, 2023
    For decades, this kind of shambolic aesthetic has signified immediacy over virtuosity, heart over chops. But it’s hard not to be distracted by the moments when the lyrics fall flat or the singing goes awry. Their chord progressions are smart and the production is appealing, but neither is enough to carry the record on its own.
  5. May 22, 2023
    bar italia unravels the sprawling and playful, yet concerted, development of their sound. Largely abandoning the sketchy, diaristic transitions and abrupt ends so characteristic of their previous sound—and World Music acts, generally—’Tracey Denim’ progresses with relative sonic coherence.
  6. May 19, 2023
    At once intricate and tossed-off, passionate and aloof, Tracey Denim's seeming contradictions and haunting mood elevate bar italia amongst their post-punk reviving peers. It's an album that's complex enough for fans of the band's previous work, and just welcoming enough for a wider audience.
  7. 80
    The 15 impressively arranged tracks on ‘Tracey Denim’ will only bolster Bar Italia’s discography to date, ushering them, whether they like it or not, even further into the spotlight.
  8. Uncut
    May 17, 2023
    At 15 tracks it rather drags its anchor, but there's much promise here. [Jul 2023, p.23]
  9. 80
    Tracey Denim manages that difficult task, of creating an album that feels like a self-contained world without losing sight of songs that really work in and of themselves.
  10. May 17, 2023
    It’s refreshing then that their music comes without a prescribed meaning being spoon-fed to listeners. This allows the listener to come to their own conclusions.
  11. May 17, 2023
    From the ghostly mid-tempo beauty of tracks like Missus Morality and my kiss era, to lead single Nurse!, bar italia demonstrate how to be complex and seductive, without ever feeling pretentious.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Jun 11, 2023
    I actually enjoyed this very much. This nice slacker jam with punk/garage flavor is what this year was missing. Hopefully we can get to seeI actually enjoyed this very much. This nice slacker jam with punk/garage flavor is what this year was missing. Hopefully we can get to see similar awesome projects like this before the year ends, but for now, bar italia is rising strong in the genera with their very carefully crafted music; conscious in its arrangements and a solid composition that will be a great companion for those baggy days. This is also a very accessible emo/dark vibe that will make our most melancholic days so delicious, so enjoyable. I just hope they can get to explore the most creative side of their talent, pushing the boundaries of each song (more than the length of the whole project). They are practically there, they just need one final surprise act to get perfect. Full Review »