• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: May 11, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 701 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 94 out of 701
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  1. May 11, 2018
    So, it's a me, myself Alex Turner album....want to be Bowie..with bad knock off songs...lazy listening ....poor Bowie...leave him alone....the ending of every song is usually good ...no joke!....
    the writing is good and an occasional hint of possible hope some parts of the songs ....ohhhhh Boy...
    disappointing ...
  2. May 11, 2018
    After the disapointing "suck it and see" you gave us hope with "AM" the real Arctic Monkeys could come back. And now this. Already knew it would sound like this after I've seen the new look of you, but it's sad anyway. Hell, give Matt the drumssticks right back!
  3. May 11, 2018
    Arctic Monkeys is a personal favorite of mine, but this album was actually quite disappointing . The whole thing is quite sluggish and analogous, and I honestly felt like there wasn't a single rush of excitement through the entirety of it. At the end, this album translates to a monotonous rainy day.
  4. May 11, 2018
    A lot of same sounds and poor lyrics. I didn't expect something like their previous album, but I was expecting something that wouldn't bored me to death
  5. May 11, 2018
    This album is what happens when you give one band member a free pass to do anything they want on an album. It is more of a self-indulgent Alex Turner solo project than an AM release. The lack of their characteristic sounds, no choruses (seriously) and the droning, dragging songs become really tiring really quick. Not all bad, but definitely not good.
  6. May 31, 2018
    Monkeys or Alex Turner? Album is 'innovative' but for that you need some sort of substance. This album is horrifically flat, dull and boring to honest.

    Nice try Alex. Hard luck Monkeys you got shafted here.
  7. May 12, 2018
    After five years of waiting, we got a bad album with boring music. The lyrics are interesting, but that's not enough.

    This is a very "The Emperor's New Clothes" situation. Only smart people see and understand beauty. Is that right? I say - the emperor is naked!
  8. May 13, 2018
    Whilst i welcome the band trying something different and experimenting with new sounds this is an experiment that has not worked. RADIOHEAD and BLUR evolved in interesting ways, but finding inspiration/ new direction in kitsch Muzak, and 70s easy listening has never been a good idea, and these composition are uninspiring, badly structured and have no memorable hooks or melodies. Even theWhilst i welcome the band trying something different and experimenting with new sounds this is an experiment that has not worked. RADIOHEAD and BLUR evolved in interesting ways, but finding inspiration/ new direction in kitsch Muzak, and 70s easy listening has never been a good idea, and these composition are uninspiring, badly structured and have no memorable hooks or melodies. Even the lyrics are nonsense as Alex turner himself says on one song that he's talking **** he quick literally talks **** over the entire album as the band or lack of are demoted to a few touches here and there but largely seem neglected, in the Alex turner show.

    The band are not forging a bold and memorable new path with this record it sounds like a downward spiral and as a fan of previous records i hope they can return to some kind of form. this record had tarnished a once great discography in my opinion. i have listened to this record a few times now but it gets more unlistenable with each listen, what a letdown!!
  9. May 11, 2018
    Awful album. I'm a huge fan of almost every type of music, and I'm a long way from being an Artic Monkeys hater; but the album made me feel like I was listening to Harry Styles debut: Bad and inharmonious vocals, weak lyrics and a concept that looks like a very poorly executed mix of Space Oddity and OK Computer. Anyway, disappointing for fans who waited 5 years for something good. AlsoAwful album. I'm a huge fan of almost every type of music, and I'm a long way from being an Artic Monkeys hater; but the album made me feel like I was listening to Harry Styles debut: Bad and inharmonious vocals, weak lyrics and a concept that looks like a very poorly executed mix of Space Oddity and OK Computer. Anyway, disappointing for fans who waited 5 years for something good. Also unbelievable how the music critics are deceiving everyone. Expand
  10. May 11, 2018
    I have genuinely never been so disappointed when listening to a bands album. Some people will love this, but I have gotten through one play through and not a single song resonates with me. I cant even pin point a genre for it, its that obscure.
  11. May 11, 2018
    Amo Arctic Monkeys mas, esse album parece um álbum do Roberto Carlos.
  12. Jun 5, 2018
    Look up 'ill advised stylistic detours' is the Encyclopedia of Rock and you'll end up staring at a picture the Tranquility Base Hotel. Alex Turner must have found a shiny reflective surface because let's just say that if someone had handed him a spoon during the recording sessions he'd have eaten himself by now. Also someone should have packed another CD other than 'Young Americans' forLook up 'ill advised stylistic detours' is the Encyclopedia of Rock and you'll end up staring at a picture the Tranquility Base Hotel. Alex Turner must have found a shiny reflective surface because let's just say that if someone had handed him a spoon during the recording sessions he'd have eaten himself by now. Also someone should have packed another CD other than 'Young Americans' for the tourbus, there's rocking an influence...and then there's shameless karaoke. Expand
  13. Nov 12, 2019
    Álbum horrível, a única música que presta é Four Out Five.
    Perdeu toda a essência do rock alternativo
  14. May 19, 2018
    Wildly disappointing album. 5 years after the brilliant last piece of work , this just sounds like a lazy sunday b-side practice. To me, there is not a single stand-out or memorable tune. I love when bands dare to experiment and veer from their usual sounds, but this is just plain boring.
  15. May 11, 2018
    Nice try Alex, but no, the album is boring and flat, Where are the guitars? Being innovative doesn't mean that you are a visionary.
  16. May 11, 2018
    O que aconteceu com a banda que eu me apaixonei em 2006? Ela morreu de um acidente gravíssimo chamado "TRANQUILITY BASE HOTEL + CASINO", fico feliz por pelo menos terem tido uma vida mais longa que a da Lady Gaga, falecida em 2011. R.I.P.
  17. May 18, 2018
    listening to this is like inducing your ears to an endless torture that can get to sleep your auditory sense or damage it.
  18. Jun 4, 2018
    Don't take me wrong, I am a huge fan of the band, love every simple album so far ... except TBH+C ...

    This album is boring as hell! this looks like elevator music!

    I am just sad now that their incoming presentations I will have to listen to those tunes :/
  19. Jul 27, 2018
    This album is complete **** Turner's embarrassed the band and tarnished their rep for sure
  20. Dec 18, 2019
    This is some kind of hoax, that Arctic Monkeys don't quite cut the mustard. They are dull, boring, and fake. Their instrumentation is completely insipid. They are the most like failures beside classic authors revealing them as frauds, and phonies, like bad new authors instead of classics.
  21. May 11, 2018
    This is my favorite band. This is their worst album, by a lot.
    I preordered on iTunes, now i'll be learning how to deorder.
  22. May 11, 2018
    Terrible album. The songs all sound the same, bland, uninteresting. The vocals are irritating and too pretentious. This album shows no creativity or talent. 11 boring songs with Alex Turner constantly rambling on, like he's drunk, and reading random words from the dictionary, it tries too hard to be unique, or indie. I don't care for the thin production on the guitar and drums. Most of theTerrible album. The songs all sound the same, bland, uninteresting. The vocals are irritating and too pretentious. This album shows no creativity or talent. 11 boring songs with Alex Turner constantly rambling on, like he's drunk, and reading random words from the dictionary, it tries too hard to be unique, or indie. I don't care for the thin production on the guitar and drums. Most of the songs are ballads and the 'rocking' songs are just boring, nothing memorable about them what so ever. The song titles are bizarre. I understand it's a concept record, but I don't care for it, the lyrics don't paint the picture that Alex Turner intended. He's seems to be blinded by fame and success and each album gets worse and worse, no passion, no energy, no excitement and no emotion. And the fact that there was a 4 and a half year gap between this album and AM just disappoints me even further. All I can say is that it's a huge letdown, it's pretty much bland music that would be suited for background listening, it wants my attention but I don't like it enough. It requires such little skill to craft an album of this caliber. This is pretty much an Alex Turner solo album, left to be forgotten. Expand
  23. May 11, 2018
    maybe the worst album of the year. such a same! listened to whatever people say I am to remember the old, glory days.
  24. May 11, 2018
    An helpless album which sees Alex experimenting with sounds and a theme that ends up sounding like a catastrophe.
  25. May 11, 2018
    Listen to this record was one fo the worse decisions I’ve ever voluntarily took in my entire life.

    It’s prey much my definition of “everything that can be bad”: Overhyped, pretentious and unbelievable weak. Two or maybe three songs are ‘okay’ (that’s being gentile), the rest is REALLY bad. This is, by far, the most ‘different’ AM record of them all, but that’s not exactly a good
    Listen to this record was one fo the worse decisions I’ve ever voluntarily took in my entire life.

    It’s prey much my definition of “everything that can be bad”: Overhyped, pretentious and unbelievable weak.

    Two or maybe three songs are ‘okay’ (that’s being gentile), the rest is REALLY bad. This is, by far, the most ‘different’ AM record of them all, but that’s not exactly a good thing. If genius have trouble reinventing themselves and aren’t always successful in doing that, just wonder a band extremely overrated guided by a frontman that isn’t exactly a great singer…

    The album goes past half-way without a single slightest high point, if you let the disc looping you won’t even notice when it starts or when and where it ends. Oh, and the piano-driven melodies are astoundingly poor.

    I’m sure the usual suspects like NME will come and praise this, as well as I’m sure to see some excerpts of the lyrics polluting instagram subtitles, tinder bios and 13yo tumblrs. But don’t be fooled: This is Arctic Monkey’s St. Anger - actually, Mojo gave the same score to both records, hahahaha

    If I had put my weener inside a lawn moaner it would’ve had been a better idea than listen to this whole thing expecting anything to be remotelly good.
  26. May 11, 2018
    What a boring mess. Listened to the first two songs, skimmed through the rest of them and put it down. I hate to sound like a purist but they need to go back to their roots: catchy guitar riffs, hard hitting drums, faster tempos. They can do so much better than this.
  27. May 11, 2018
    So this is what the sound of one man´s large ego sounds like? First of all, I like to say that I enjoyed Arctic Monkeys quite alot once. But, something has happened seen those "early days" of "Whatever People Say I Am im Not". In my book, the last really solid record was "Humbug" might even say that "Suck It And See" was decent enough. I HATED AM. Unpopular opinion. But this is reallySo this is what the sound of one man´s large ego sounds like? First of all, I like to say that I enjoyed Arctic Monkeys quite alot once. But, something has happened seen those "early days" of "Whatever People Say I Am im Not". In my book, the last really solid record was "Humbug" might even say that "Suck It And See" was decent enough. I HATED AM. Unpopular opinion. But this is really boring, and perhaps bit too slow at times.

    In an interview Alex Turner revealed his bandmates told him that this could be better used as a "solo record" if im not mistaken. You should listen to your pals, Alex. I feel the other members basically had to throw themselves into something that Alex saw, HIS vision. Not a bands vision. Where every member is part of the making. This problem also accured largly, on the side project of Alex Turners "Last Shadow Puppets" among with Miles Kane. Where the later, only have ONE song with his own lead vocals on the entire record. My question, and I think alot of others is really : "What´s Up Alex?" Last: This record really took 5 years in the making? Giving the time amount, you can´t really say it was worth the wait.
  28. May 11, 2018
    This is not bad. A bad album has at least one or two decent tracks, this has NONE.
  29. May 11, 2018
    Should have been released as Alex Turner solo record. There are no drums and 0 guitars in this, that becomes a snooze fest after the third track
  30. May 12, 2018
    Waited so long for this new album and I'm very surprised. I don't like it. It not what I expected from Arctic Monkes after AM and other ones. the songs are too similar to each other and there isn't the sound that made Arctic Mnkeys different from other bands.
    I'm lucky I didn't buy the ticket for the european tour.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. Oct 5, 2018
    The Monkeys' most anti-rock album, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino proves their most adventurous, pop accessibility be damned.
  2. May 24, 2018
    The first listen may be surprising, but repeated listens illuminate that Arctic Monkeys remain progressive and energetic even when style and mood shift dramatically.
  3. 58
    Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino is the best possible kind of average record, one that goes out swinging. One that goes for it on every level. A record that, although it isn’t great by any typical metric, is extremely curious and entertaining.