• Record Label: TBD
  • Release Date: Aug 3, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Transit Transit is a very idea-focused album, with each track a structure whose foundation lies in a very specific sound.
  2. 100
    Though adhering to this formula/non-formula, this self-produced long-time-comin' sophomore release relies on an even more augmented eclecticism than their 2004 guitar-driven Future Perfect (not better or worse, just OK Computer to The Bends differences).
  3. Transit Transit is full of the sort of implausible leaps of imagination that normally only happen in your sleep.
  4. This expansion of sound is also put together with the kind of meticulousness that makes Transit Transit doubly compelling.
  5. The band's wonderfully detached mood seems born of their music's head-bouncing distractibility rather than any pretentious pondering.
  6. As it stands, Transit Transit is a beautifully executed work that would have made the band solid contenders if it had been released back in 1992.
  7. With its deft blend of nostalgia and futurism, Transit Transit is not only a fantastic delivery on a forgotten promise, it's the best reason so far to be optimistic about 2016.
  8. Transit Transit, the follow-up to 2004's similarly majestic Future Perfect, doesn't stray from the intended path, offering sonic action painting, narcotic dreamscapes and other manifestations of sonic bliss that you simply cannot divine from any band currently operating.
  9. Transit Transit justly follows the digitalized distortion their debut paved, keeping a decidedly drab mood that permeates throughout the entire production.
  10. Q Magazine
    Autolux balance droney post-rock and electronics with rare skill. [Sept. 2010, p. 113]
  11. Transit Transit works like a best-of compilation, assembling the group's better efforts over the last six years while forgoing the mismatched feeling of such collections, a feat only a group as talented as Autolux could handle.
  12. Autolux clearly saves its affection for intricacy and sonic margins, but after six years you'd think it'd sound more eager for the spotlight.
  13. 84
    Autolux crawls through sophomore album Transit Transit, paring the exquisite agony of rush hour traffic with Lynchian surrealism.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Aug 17, 2010
    "Transit Transit" creeps into the psyche, exposing moments that language only ruins by expressing. Subtle, subdued, but nonetheless powerful"Transit Transit" creeps into the psyche, exposing moments that language only ruins by expressing. Subtle, subdued, but nonetheless powerful modern rock. Full Review »
  2. Aug 12, 2010
    "Transit Transit" creeps into the psyche, exposing moments that language only ruins by expressing. Subtle, subdued, but nonetheless powerful"Transit Transit" creeps into the psyche, exposing moments that language only ruins by expressing. Subtle, subdued, but nonetheless powerful modern rock. Full Review »
  3. Aug 11, 2010
    After 2004â