• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jun 19, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 27
  2. Negative: 4 out of 27
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  1. Jan 6, 2021
    this was very experimental of the group to approach this latin, techno, hip hop hot mess. they definitely didnt exceed my expectations with the project with only 2 songs that were "Vida Loca" and "RITMO" and even then i wasnt very impressed. bummer this could of been the summer album of 2020.
  2. Nov 23, 2020
    umm what is this mess?? not awful but certainly not great too:d lyrics & production r generic. feature artists did a great job. yeah fergie please save this bandddd i miss the old bep:(
  3. Oct 20, 2020
    ( 46/100 )

    Después de presentar su single RITMO para la película "Bad Boys For Life" (2020) y darse cuenta de su inmensurable popularidad, Black Eyed Peas pensó que iba a ser una buena idea hacer un álbum completo de pura producción reguetón. Con "TRANSLATION" realmente han caído en uno de los estanques más profundos, irrelevantes, invisibles y orinados de la industria. "TRANSLATION" es
    ( 46/100 )

    Después de presentar su single RITMO para la película "Bad Boys For Life" (2020) y darse cuenta de su inmensurable popularidad, Black Eyed Peas pensó que iba a ser una buena idea hacer un álbum completo de pura producción reguetón. Con "TRANSLATION" realmente han caído en uno de los estanques más profundos, irrelevantes, invisibles y orinados de la industria. "TRANSLATION" es aburrido, sin alma ni sustancia. Es un reguetón cuya producción sorprende por ser demasiado vacío y se decora con letras redundantes en español e inglés sobre la superficialidad sin sexualizar pero tampoco habla de cualquier valor en especial. Esta es una colección de malos memes y frases cortas de Tick Tock que ensucia la seriedad y poética que podría existir en el mundo del reguetón. "TRANSLATION" es una basura producida por will.i.am y Johnny Goldstein, especialmente por su canción "NEWS TODAY", vaya grosería.
    After releasing their single RITMO for the "Bad Boys For Life" (2020) movie and realizing its unmeasurable popularity, Black Eyed Peas thought that it would be a good idea to make a hole album of purely reggaeton production. With "TRANSLATION" they have really fallen in one of the most profound, irrelevant, invisible, and urinated of the industry. "TRANSLATION" is boring, soulless, and with no substance. This reggaeton's production surprises by being too empty and embellishes itself with redundant lyrics in English and Spanish about superficiality, with no sexualization, but it neither talks about any value in particular. This is a collection of bad memes and short Tick Tock phrases that pollutes the seriousness and poetic that reggaeton could have. "TRANSLATION" is garbage produced by will.i.am and Johnny Goldstein, especially their song "NEWS TODAY", which is a vulgarity.
  4. Aug 4, 2020
    Worthies (6/15):
    - Mamacita
    - Girl Like Me
    - Tonta Love
    - Celebrate
    - Todo Bueno
    - Duro Hard

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 25, 2020
    If there is any problem with “Translation” — and there isn’t too much, as it is the best overall BEP work since 2003’s “Elephunk” — it’s that, too often, it goes for the big bang, rather than the subtle nudge. ... That said, BEP have found a new sense of adventure, inventiveness and contagion through the modern Latin music prism. They’re almost completely there toward making it totally their own.
  2. Jun 25, 2020
    Throbbing and covered in sweat, Translation is unapologetic in its intent and a surprisingly welcome reminder of the Peas' power to lift spirits not through socially conscious bars, but internationally appealing, borderless people-pleasing that unites through dance.
  3. Jun 25, 2020
    Relentlessly preachy music can be just as obnoxious as the relentlessly vapid, but even pop music can offer more substance than this. If this album was a soda, it would be light and bubbly, yet its sugar free nature would make you crave a Mexican soda in a glass bottle instead.