• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 31, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 125 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 87 out of 125
  2. Negative: 23 out of 125
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  1. Feb 15, 2020
    Such a talented singer and songwriter, I loved the album so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Mar 1, 2020
    I love this album, Meghan is much more mature and sure of herself. Ashes is the best on the album.
  3. Feb 14, 2020
    Hermosaaaaa, Se cagó en Arimanca, escribió todas las canciones :*
    Merece más exito asies
  4. Feb 12, 2020
    Loved it. Felt amazing throughout this journey, she experimented with sounds she’s never had before. Had better lyrics and vocals.
  5. Feb 12, 2020
    I really enjoy this album. Every song touch a very personal part of her. Great album!
  6. Feb 12, 2020
    Por favor Meghan, retírate o empieza a hacer mejor música, algo más fresco, más innovador y reinvéntate, tienes el potencial y el talento para hacerlo, solo te falta esa ayuda de tu disquera.
  7. Jul 25, 2020
    It has amazing smash hits like No Excuses, and amazing bops like Genetics or Nice to Meet Ya with Nicki Minaj!
  8. Feb 13, 2020
    It's a good álbum, it has deep lirys and the sounds are really good, but must people doesn't think that, sad!
  9. Mar 1, 2020
    Amazing album by Meghan Trainor. She really showcases her artistry with this album.
  10. Feb 14, 2020
    amazing album. Finally after the delaye Meghan serves an amazing album with catchy songs. “Baby girl” is an empowering song, full of charm and motivation. The collabs with **** Dolls in Genetics works extremely well and the vocals mix well. Her collab with Nicki Minaj is also a good song. 10/10
  11. Feb 14, 2020
    Es un buen álbum a pesar de todo el hate que le estan tirando.................
  12. Feb 12, 2020
    Su 3era entrega discografica y vemos la gran reinvencion de meghan trainor,este album no es nada comparado con sus 2 anteriores trabajos,este simplemente es arte
  13. Feb 12, 2020
    What a boo! This album is amazing! My favorites are Ashes, Babygirl and Lie To Me!
  14. Feb 12, 2020
    Masterpiece, I'm so proud of you
    Treat Myself deserves better, keep going Meghan
  15. May 19, 2020
    It’s not her best work of art. For me “Thank You” is on top. But I think it’s really good pop album with nice lyrics, ballads and catchy songs about self love. My favourites are No Excuses, Genetics and Nice to Meet Ya with Nicki Minaj. I feel really sorry for it’s commercial success, but charts not always the most important. Thank you Meghan for your job !
  16. Feb 12, 2020
    It is a work of art, Meghan does not get tired of giving us such beautiful music full of incredible lyrics with feminist and empowering messages about the body. We needed this album.
  17. Feb 12, 2020
    Amamos a esta biblia, amor propio, empoderamiento, UNA JOYA DEL POP
  18. Feb 12, 2020
    Pobre Cerdghan, no merece todo el odio que le tiran en las user reviews. Así eSZA.
  19. Feb 12, 2020
    great album, pure, savage, great music, Meghan Trainor did that, congrats girl, love u
  20. Feb 12, 2020
    It is a very good album, the best of Meghan, with renewed sounds, more interesting and deep, it certainly deserves much success, Meghan You did it once again. Congratulations!
  21. Feb 13, 2020
    Se cago completamente en su sirvienta selemierda vieja Phut444,fracasada y mi3rd4.
  22. Feb 13, 2020
    This album is good Meghan show cases her singing and songwriter abilities and how much she has matured. This album has everything and a song that everyone can connect to! It also shows how much Meghan’s music has changed since Title I can’t wait to see where Meghan goes on her next album this one is amazing!
  23. Feb 13, 2020
  24. Feb 13, 2020
    This album is amazing. All Tracks are great. No skips. I freakin love this album
  25. Feb 14, 2020
    Me encanto, lo mejor de lo mejor, sigue brillando Meghan, arte, no hay mejor cosa.
  26. Feb 21, 2020
    thank you for this awesome album Meghan. you really killed it girl! each song is really perfect:)
  27. Apr 6, 2020
    diosghan lo volvió a hacer, se cag0 en mierga, espero que todos le den 10 o las mando a mat4r
  28. Jul 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. TREAT MYSELF (Deluxe)

    Wave (feat. Mike Sabath) - 9.2/10
    Nice To Meet Ya (feat. Nicki Minaj) - 7.5/10
    Funk - 7.5/10
    Babygirl - 9/10
    Workin On It - (with Lennon Stella and Sasha Sloan) - 9/10
    Ashes - 9.3/10
    Lie To Me - 8.7/10
    Blink - 7.5/10
    Genetics (feat. **** Dolls) - 8/10
    Evil Twin - 9/10
    After You (feat. Aj Mitchell) - 9/10
    Another Opinion - 8.5/10
    Have You Now - 8.5/10
    No Excuses - 9/10
    Make You Dance - 8/10
    Underwater (feat. Dillon Francis) - 8.5/10
    You Don't Know Me - 8/10
    Ashes (Acoustic) - 10/10
    Workin' On It (Acoustic) - 9/10

    Total Score - 88

    Treat Myself third studio album by Meghan Trainor is a Very Good Album,the songs for me is very catchy,Ashes is one of the best song for me behind Wave and No Excuses,I describe this album as our TREATMENT for our pain,problems and etc. ,it makes you feel so energetic and it MAKE(s) YOU DANCE with the hype electro sound,make you want to fall in love again with HERE TO STAY and makes you want to TREAT YOURSELF

    Total Score - 88
  29. Jul 24, 2020
    AMAZING !!! meghan is honestly the most underrated artist and she doesn’t have a single bad song. ashes is my favorite !!
  30. Aug 29, 2020
    I liked the album, but I feel like Meghan is a little lost in her sound and it makes the album a little repetitive. I hope she can go back to having days of glory in an upcoming project more enhanced and cohesive.
  31. Sep 1, 2020
    Meghan Trainor no nos daba un álbum tan increíble desde su debut Title en 2015.
    Este álbum está tan variado de ritmos, letras, colaboraciónes y producciónes. Tiene canciones para todo tipo de situaciones y emociones. Uno de los mejores álbumes pop del año.
  32. Oct 30, 2020
    As faixas são definitivamente diferentes, todas se destacam de um jeito diferente, e são todas literalmente prefeitas
  33. Dec 12, 2020
    Perfect Album! It has great ballads, perfect songs for self confidence, and catchy songs Wave is my favourite and her best song for me
  34. Feb 27, 2021
    Underrated album and does not deserve all the hate that it received. My favorite songs from the album include Wave, Nice to meet ya, ashes, have you now. And everything else are pop perfection
  35. Feb 27, 2021
    Meghan really discovered a lot of genres here. The delay was worth it, she never failed to amaze us. It’s filled with bops and should’ve been more successful.
  36. Feb 27, 2021
    Its a perfect Album! She did everything right but critics hate her as always.
  37. Feb 27, 2021
    i love the album and the tracks. Personally i love Ashes and Lie to Me. I reccomend listening to it!
  38. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great album super underrated! This album shows Trainer’s songwriting skills. Expand
  39. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album puro hecho para bailar y gozar de alegria por un nuevo dia increible y maravilloso Expand
  40. May 20, 2020
    I liked this album very much. Only Babygirl and Blink are skips. The others are very nice to hear. However, she needs to stop bringing the same love yourself songs. She has no growth at all.
  41. Oct 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Treat Myself is an amazing album, Meghan really reinvented herself with this album, i love it. Expand
  42. Feb 22, 2020
    It was an amazing album by Meghan,with great lyrics and i though she had a few experimental songs (for example: Babygirl).
  43. Jul 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is overall decent and filled with plenty of bops and a variety of songs, the album however lacks proper track listing as the songs will change from a “heartbreak” song like lie to me then to a love ballad like here to stay then to a song like blink. Another downside is the album doesn’t have a consistent sound, although Meghan did provide a variety of sounds for this album, she was too focused on trying to write another All About That Bass due to her record label pressuring her into writing another #1 hit like that. Her focusing on this made some of the quality of the songs fail as she was writing songs to become hits, instead of writing them because she’s trying to do something new or different. Although I’ve focused on some of the downsides that have came with this album, I may also point out that this album is filled with so many songs that are helpful for many different parts of the listeners life. The experimentation with newer producers like Mike Sabath was refreshing as her previous projects she had mostly the same producers on the albums. This album first began as that as it was originally planned to be produced by Andrew wells until its delay occurred which allowed for all the new songs that were able to be included as they were today. Overall this album had some good changes to come with it but lacked a consistent sound and it had a confusing track list. Two of the deluxe tracks also repeat verses which isn’t honestly good but I thought I needed to point that out as well. Expand
  44. Aug 28, 2020
    A great album! I'm glad I listened to it because it has some truly amazing songs (Genetics and Blink are full on bops) Altough it has some songs I wouldn't listen to again, it's a beautiful album overall.
  45. Dec 11, 2020
    an album full of bops. she has really find her happiness on this project, the songs are cute and i enjoyed them
  46. Feb 14, 2020
    This is one solid pop album from Meghan and filled with bangers with good lyrics.
  47. Feb 12, 2020
    Tiene buenos ritmos que son pegajosos, pero en algunas canciones le falta un poco de potencial
  48. Oct 28, 2022
    After 'Thank You' Meghan left her signature sound behind a bit to arrive into 2020 with something fresh. In most cases she succeded and brought us a solid pop album. There are some really-really strong songs, some typical Meghan Trainor doo-woop sounds, some ballads and some regular pop sounds. Some songs you will forget immediately or won't even notice but others you will sing and danceAfter 'Thank You' Meghan left her signature sound behind a bit to arrive into 2020 with something fresh. In most cases she succeded and brought us a solid pop album. There are some really-really strong songs, some typical Meghan Trainor doo-woop sounds, some ballads and some regular pop sounds. Some songs you will forget immediately or won't even notice but others you will sing and dance for days or weeks. All the features add something unique and new to the songs (although the PCD addition could've been a bit more...extra). The Deluxe version is just lifting it up a few nothes, addig 3 amazing new songs and 2 acoustic versions.

    Top 3+1: Wave, Underwater, Workin' On It + Make You Dance
  49. Aug 18, 2022
    Treat Myself is a ear-worm pop record that contains some of her most infectious hooks to date. However, the album does sometimes feel more about the hits than how Meghan is actually feeling inside. Some cliche lyrics, some predictable tracks, but the album can be an enjoyable experience whenever you just want to have fun.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    Treat Myself is ladened with the same girl gang hoots and hollers and fluffernutter hooks that popularized preceding albums Title and Thank You, but with a little more urban beat thrown in.
  2. Feb 11, 2020
    The result is an album that tries to be all things to all people, a sonic overload that bludgeons the listener with bastardized “empowerment” for 15 songs. Treat Myself is clogged with oozing ballads, contaminated funk, and garish shudders of EDM.
  3. Feb 11, 2020
    Delayed for over a year, Treat Myself lacks some of the effortless charm of her debut as Trainor trades her breezy singer/songwriter energy in favor of a sophisticated production style that sometimes threatens to lose her in the mix. Still, there are plenty of fun moments.