• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 5, 2018
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 499 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 499
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  1. Oct 10, 2018
    Their best album so far, a cohesive, introspective and beautiful album with a really cool concept and story.
  2. Oct 10, 2018
    The melodies, lyrics and of course their mix of multiples genres is so authentic. trench is tøp in essence
  3. Oct 12, 2018
    Although Trench is a concept album, it doesn't require you to understand the story for you to enjoy it. One thing I can say is that this is their most cohesive album yet. The sound, the instrumentation, the lyricism show a more mature side of them. I still can't figure what my favourite song on this album but the 3 strong contenders are Neon Gravestones, Bandito, Chlorine and My Blood.
  4. Oct 10, 2018
    This album shows so much growth and maturity from the duo. You will not hear better production on a record this year (Levitate is a GREAT example of this). Put this on in your car, or in headphones or any good speaker system and turn it up. Just listen to all the different sounds, none of which are fighting for attention, but instead work together to create a truly amazing sonicThis album shows so much growth and maturity from the duo. You will not hear better production on a record this year (Levitate is a GREAT example of this). Put this on in your car, or in headphones or any good speaker system and turn it up. Just listen to all the different sounds, none of which are fighting for attention, but instead work together to create a truly amazing sonic experience. Tyler Joseph is putting his all into writing and singing here. Josh Dun moves songs forward, and really drives the album. Overall, this is about as close to perfect as an album can get. It has many mature, slow burning songs that add new things at every turn. Listen and you will NOT be disappointed.

    Rate: 9.5/10
    Best Tracks: Jumpsuit, Levitate, Morph, Chlorine, Nico and The Niners, Bandito, Pet Cheetah
    Worst Tracks: Honestly none
  5. Nov 26, 2018
    I love this album. Their concert tour for this album was awesome. You can really feel the emotion in some of their lyrics. While there are slow songs there are also some bangers. Pet Cheetah and Leave the City come to mind. Truly great album and I can`t wait for the next one
  6. Oct 10, 2018
    Favorite tracks from this album would probably be My Blood, Chlorine, and Legend. Better than Blurryface but not as catchy as Vessel in my opinion.
  7. Nov 11, 2018
    Right from the start this album delivers freaking bops, you can really tell the time and passion gone into these songs and when listening to the album you don't get bored. It may take more than one listen to really delve into the lyrics and meaning behind them.
    It's hard to pick but my favourite tracks would be Morph, Legend, My Blood and Cut my lip.
    The only bad thing i have to say is
    Right from the start this album delivers freaking bops, you can really tell the time and passion gone into these songs and when listening to the album you don't get bored. It may take more than one listen to really delve into the lyrics and meaning behind them.
    It's hard to pick but my favourite tracks would be Morph, Legend, My Blood and Cut my lip.

    The only bad thing i have to say is that i wish the album had a bigger finish, although the last song Leave The City with some great vocals and meaning, i wish the album finished with more passion much like the screamed lyrics at the end of Jumpsuit. Either way, brilliant album.
  8. Oct 10, 2018
    This is a strong and meaningful album with great sound, great lyrics, great music. Some people think it's boring album with no catchy songs (well what about Chlorine and The Hype?), but that's not the point of twenty one pilots music, the meaning is important.
  9. Oct 11, 2018
    A pleasant journey in the Trench universe. Though you may not love it at the first listen, from the second on you can feel the depths in the lyrics and understand the diversity of the sounds in this album. This time Tyler Joseph decides to chain every single song to the others to create a concept album about struggle against depression and anxiety, without getting too far away from theA pleasant journey in the Trench universe. Though you may not love it at the first listen, from the second on you can feel the depths in the lyrics and understand the diversity of the sounds in this album. This time Tyler Joseph decides to chain every single song to the others to create a concept album about struggle against depression and anxiety, without getting too far away from the very essence of Twenty One Pilots. Expand
  10. Oct 12, 2018
    I'm not much of a TOP fan. Only heard their big hits but I've liked most of what I've heard so I gave this album a listen. It's decent, not really my style of music but some tracks are great like Jumpsuit, Neon Gravestones, Legend and Pet Cheetah. Some tracks don't do much for me but I wouldn't say there's a "bad" track here. I'll definitely give their other albums a listen. Everyone elseI'm not much of a TOP fan. Only heard their big hits but I've liked most of what I've heard so I gave this album a listen. It's decent, not really my style of music but some tracks are great like Jumpsuit, Neon Gravestones, Legend and Pet Cheetah. Some tracks don't do much for me but I wouldn't say there's a "bad" track here. I'll definitely give their other albums a listen. Everyone else seems to be loving it so I'd recommend it if you're interested. Expand
  11. Oct 21, 2018
    Trench is one of the best albums Twenty One Pilots has ever released, while the hiatus was a little annoying I can safely say this album was 100% worth every minute I waited. All the songs on this album easily made it onto my favorite songs playlist and are all catchy to the point where I sing them when they start playing. While the "lore" behind the album and it's lyrics are exceptionallyTrench is one of the best albums Twenty One Pilots has ever released, while the hiatus was a little annoying I can safely say this album was 100% worth every minute I waited. All the songs on this album easily made it onto my favorite songs playlist and are all catchy to the point where I sing them when they start playing. While the "lore" behind the album and it's lyrics are exceptionally deep, anyone can listen to the album and enjoy it. If you enjoyed Blurryface or any of their other albums, this is a must listen album and I promise you will not be disappointed. Expand
  12. Oct 15, 2018
    The best mainstream album of the year. Twenty One Pilots have overcome the challenge of their last album. They mixed up everything, pop, rock, hip-hop with great potential hits such as "The Hype", "Neon Gravestones", "Jumpsuit", "Legend", "Nico and the niners" . The quality and mix of their compositions are in the same place than Alt-J. If their concerts are good, they are on the sameThe best mainstream album of the year. Twenty One Pilots have overcome the challenge of their last album. They mixed up everything, pop, rock, hip-hop with great potential hits such as "The Hype", "Neon Gravestones", "Jumpsuit", "Legend", "Nico and the niners" . The quality and mix of their compositions are in the same place than Alt-J. If their concerts are good, they are on the same scale of Muse, U2, Coldplay with new creativity. Expand
  13. Dec 6, 2019
    Trench proves that Twenty One Pilots continued to show quality in their songs, one of the best albums of 2018.
  14. May 6, 2020
    the production is phenomenal, song writing is catchy and interesting, the singing is pretty and the message is delivered in a respectful and genuine way, the drums in each one of the 14 songs is crisp and sounds lively, trench is a f*cking master piece.
  15. Oct 11, 2018
    This **** is fire, and their best album ever. All songs feels like a whole, connected to each other. And also more mature and interesting than blurryface. My favorite songs are Jumpsuit, Nico and the Niners, My blood and Bandito. Jumpsuit feels very relaxing at first but ends with a high note at the end. Nico and the Niners didn't catch my attentions at first, but the beat slowly grow onThis **** is fire, and their best album ever. All songs feels like a whole, connected to each other. And also more mature and interesting than blurryface. My favorite songs are Jumpsuit, Nico and the Niners, My blood and Bandito. Jumpsuit feels very relaxing at first but ends with a high note at the end. Nico and the Niners didn't catch my attentions at first, but the beat slowly grow on me. My bloods has amazing drum performance and BeeGees like chorus which is so fantastic, and it's my favorite song in this album. Bandito sounds so beautiful and has a hidden meaning inside. Other highlights like Morph has a twisting beat with good falsetto from Tyler. Leave the city has a grand finish for this album. Levitate has the best rapping in all of TOP songs with a perfect flow. Well I do fell songs like Legend, cut my lips or maybe even the Hype feels like a song belong to Blurryface, and not as impressive as the other songs here. It's still not that bad. Overall this is an amazing album that everyone should listen. Expand
  16. Oct 26, 2018
    Trench polishes the duos up-and-down, back-and-forth, here-and-there sound they've been working toward for so many years. The best parts from each of their prior works come together and make Trench a strong contender for their best album to date.
  17. Oct 12, 2018
    Nothing less than a masterpiece. They gave us everything they have and it was absolutely worth the wait.
  18. Oct 13, 2018
    masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece! masterpiece!
  19. Oct 30, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album, which has 14 songs, is probably the best this band have ever produced, because it has a great mix of musical styles, like from The Hype to Levitate, that are completely different. It talks a lot about mental illnesses, like Blurryface, but in Neon Gravestones the suicide relation is very clear. Nico and the Niners is probably the fan's favorite, because it's the "face" of the band, due to the clear Schizoid genre it presents. If you are a Twenty One Pilots fan, you will enjoy it a lot, because it's a great production, with really good music. Expand
  20. Nov 2, 2018
    This album is AWESOME! twenty one pilots, I love you! Oh my God, it`s perfect!
  21. Nov 2, 2018
    Trench is such a MAJOR improvement from the band's previous releases. If they continue towards this direction in making music, they might just be one of the best mainstream musical acts out there.

    I haven't listened to their debut album yet, but both Vessel and Blurryface were underwhelming to me. Both were just emo mainstream pop-rock disposable collection of songs that aren't cohesive
    Trench is such a MAJOR improvement from the band's previous releases. If they continue towards this direction in making music, they might just be one of the best mainstream musical acts out there.

    I haven't listened to their debut album yet, but both Vessel and Blurryface were underwhelming to me. Both were just emo mainstream pop-rock disposable collection of songs that aren't cohesive enough. In Trench, not only did top improve their sound, but they also improved here in terms of tracklisting; the album is consistent and cohesive enough to be taken seriously. Also, unlike the two previous album, this album actually has less cringeworthy lyrics and these lyrics are actually interesting and make the album more effective than it already is instrumental-wise. Too bad the album ends on a cliffhanger, since I was actually invested with the album. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm legitimately excited to see what twenty one pilots does next.

    Trench is twenty on pilots' best record to date, and I hope they can only ascend in quality from here.

    Favorite Tracks: Jumpsuit, Levitate, Morph, My Blood, Chlorine, Smithereens, Nico and the Niners, Bandito, and Pet Cheetah.
  22. Jan 6, 2019
    Like Blurryface, Trench has a lot of genres in it, which makes the duo standout in creatively combining them into an in-sync track. Trench features rock elements, like Jumpsuit, slow piano from Neon Gravestones, My Blood has elements of indie pop and Smithereens, a catchy and playful pop track to name a few. I felt no track was repetitive and I could indulge more into the album. A coupleLike Blurryface, Trench has a lot of genres in it, which makes the duo standout in creatively combining them into an in-sync track. Trench features rock elements, like Jumpsuit, slow piano from Neon Gravestones, My Blood has elements of indie pop and Smithereens, a catchy and playful pop track to name a few. I felt no track was repetitive and I could indulge more into the album. A couple of listens later, the chorus and beats linger in your mind and makes one to appreciate the song more. Overall, a very happy vibe can be observed and definitely has some of the year's best pop tunes. Expand
  23. Dec 23, 2018
    Música original y diferente a lo de siempre. Puede no convencer de primeras pero tras escuchar un par de veces te das cuenta de que es bueno.
    Son canciones, algunas muy psicodélicas, otras un poco tristes y, en general, con un ritmo no muy rápido o directamente lento.
    En este disco hay mucha variedad de canciones, todas muy diferentes unas de otras, y lo normal es que no te gusten todas.
    Música original y diferente a lo de siempre. Puede no convencer de primeras pero tras escuchar un par de veces te das cuenta de que es bueno.
    Son canciones, algunas muy psicodélicas, otras un poco tristes y, en general, con un ritmo no muy rápido o directamente lento.
    En este disco hay mucha variedad de canciones, todas muy diferentes unas de otras, y lo normal es que no te gusten todas. Al haber tanta variedad, todas las canciones son buenas pero algunas parecen fuera de contexto con las demás.
    Líricamente hablando Trench supera, en mi opinión, a su antecesor "Blurfyface". Además algo que mencionar es la historia que hay detrás de este y como la conecta con la historia que nadie comprendía y algunos ni veían de el anterior disco. Por esta historia el disco coge ese papel y la hace bien en la mayoría de casos.

    Recomendado y aún más interesarte por la historia que esconde tras sus vídeos.
  24. Oct 4, 2019
    An overall cohesive, mature, exciting, unique, and powerful album. twenty one pilots' genre-blending and storytelling at its finest.
  25. Mar 7, 2020
    One of my favorite pop records ever! Entirely better than Blurryface, Vessel, or their Self-titled album.
  26. Dec 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum tan bien perfeccionado sobre el alternativo, el juego de "teorías" lo hacen más creativo. En fin el álbum es una historia Expand
  27. Apr 12, 2020
    Trench is my favorite thing to throw on when I can’t choose anything else. It usually will scratch the music itch I’m looking for when I can’t find it. Its a good listen start to end and I think it’s a clear reflection of Tyler and Josh’s efforts as artists. They made something that I think is special.
  28. Aug 15, 2020
    Really good music here on this album I love TØP so much they are so good!!!
  29. Oct 5, 2021
    A pretty diverse album but mostly pretty calm, we go from the mainstream vibe of Cut My Lip to the ethereal Bandito, and many other different vibes this album gives. Neon Gravestones gets my gold medal out of all songs in this album, but there's not a single song I'm meh about
  30. Apr 30, 2021
    This is my favorite album of all time even though I may not consider it the best. The album rollout, the narrative it weaves, and the themes of belonging, positivity and respect towards mental health, and love are immaculately handled. This is one of those albums I can forever listen to and remember where I was when I first heard every song. Between it's place in Twenty One Pilots'This is my favorite album of all time even though I may not consider it the best. The album rollout, the narrative it weaves, and the themes of belonging, positivity and respect towards mental health, and love are immaculately handled. This is one of those albums I can forever listen to and remember where I was when I first heard every song. Between it's place in Twenty One Pilots' discography and the music scene as a whole, I could not recommend this more. Favorite tracks: Jumpsuit, Levitate, Morph, Neon Gravestones, Bandito Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Oct 12, 2018
    The album hangs together thanks to an increased maturity in the thematic content and production.
  2. Kerrang!
    Oct 11, 2018
    Some of the year's catchiest most accessible alt. pop tunes of the year speaks volumes of the level upon which they're operating here. [13 Oct 2018, p.54]
  3. Oct 9, 2018
    Take my recommendation and forget about the most deeply conceptual parts of this concept album--which just seems like a lot of work--and enjoy the many parts of Trench that don’t require a thirst for symbolic origin stories. There are plenty of these, like “Morph” and “My Blood,” which sport falsetto R&B hooks, somewhat in the tradition of the previous album’s best track, “Heavydirtysoul.”