• Record Label: Decca
  • Release Date: Jun 1, 2010
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 2 out of 13
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  1. Nov 19, 2010
    I discovered this cd when I saw Clay Aiken perform most of the songs during his recent PBS special of the same name . The title is apt . The songs have been around for a long time and have been sung by some of the greatest vocalists of all time : Sinatra , Andy Williams , Johnny Mathis and Elvis . Clay does justice to each song , paying tribute to the original artist andI discovered this cd when I saw Clay Aiken perform most of the songs during his recent PBS special of the same name . The title is apt . The songs have been around for a long time and have been sung by some of the greatest vocalists of all time : Sinatra , Andy Williams , Johnny Mathis and Elvis . Clay does justice to each song , paying tribute to the original artist and yet making each one his own with his pure tenor voice and remarkable range . Another thing of note is his total control of his vibrato . He has become known for singing Unchained Melody but the new arrangement took me completely by surprise . One of the album highlights ! Settle back . Have a glass of wine . Enjoy the bluesy , jazzy , smooth big band arrangements and the all but flawless vocals of Clay Aiken . It sounded like he was right at home and somehow I was too . Expand
  2. Nov 19, 2010
    I love this wonderful album. Clay Aiken's voice is a uniquely beautiful instrument, and he uses it to great advantage on these classic songs, including a special arrangement of "Unchained Melody" that is truly unique. He truly makes you forget that these are covers and were previously recorded by some real icons -- he's an icon all by himself and makes these songs his own. TheI love this wonderful album. Clay Aiken's voice is a uniquely beautiful instrument, and he uses it to great advantage on these classic songs, including a special arrangement of "Unchained Melody" that is truly unique. He truly makes you forget that these are covers and were previously recorded by some real icons -- he's an icon all by himself and makes these songs his own. The orchestrations are fantastic, too. They don't make them like this any more. Don't miss it! Expand
  3. Nov 20, 2010
    Tried and True is one of my favorite albums. Clay Aiken sings the classics so well. My favorites are Unchained Melody and Crying, a duet with Linda Eder.

    Besides Clay's great voice, the arrangements are amazing. They put a fresh twist to each song. I was lucky enough to attend the taping of the Tried and True PBS special. It was fabulous and Clay and all the musicians on stage were
    Tried and True is one of my favorite albums. Clay Aiken sings the classics so well. My favorites are Unchained Melody and Crying, a duet with Linda Eder.

    Besides Clay's great voice, the arrangements are amazing. They put a fresh twist to each song. I was lucky enough to attend the taping of the Tried and True PBS special. It was fabulous and Clay and all the musicians on stage were wonderful.
  4. Nov 20, 2010
    What a pleasure listening to this album. He has the perfect voice for these songs. I have waited a long time for an album just like this and he delivered. His voice is suited to these songs perfectly.
  5. Nov 20, 2010
    Clay has superb vocals and these songs deserve his great voice. He is not trying to compete with the originals, and puts his own touch on each song in Tried and True. Professional job and a joy to listen to these songs.
  6. Nov 20, 2010
    As much as I would love for Clay Aiken to have an original chock full of upbeat songs album, I can't help but be impressed by his Tried & True album. Not many men in the industry today have the voice to do these songs justice but Clay's taste of honey vocals sure fills the bill. The top of my list for favorites would have to be "Play Misty for Me". No one since Johnny Mathis has evenAs much as I would love for Clay Aiken to have an original chock full of upbeat songs album, I can't help but be impressed by his Tried & True album. Not many men in the industry today have the voice to do these songs justice but Clay's taste of honey vocals sure fills the bill. The top of my list for favorites would have to be "Play Misty for Me". No one since Johnny Mathis has even attempted to sing this beautiful song and Clay does it majestically. Second favorite is "What Kind of Fool am I" followed closely by "It's Impossible". My least favorites are "Suspicious Minds" and "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You". Although I don't like those songs, they seem to be the favorites of many people.

    I'd give the album a ten simply because the voice and the production are wonderful. How could it rate any less?

    I think everyone knows that Clay's voice is well suited for the songs on Tried & True. It's just a gorgeous record all around.
  7. Nov 20, 2010
    I absolutely love this CD. Clay's voice just shines on these standard/classic songs. No one sings them better. I listen to it constantly. The orchestrations and Clay's beautiful voice give these songs a breath of fresh air. It really is so wonderful to listen to this beautiful CD.
  8. Nov 20, 2010
    Love the CD. Clays voice was meant to sing these types of songs. Especially love Unchained Melody and what he does with the song at the end. Different then the other versions, he makes it his own.
  9. Nov 20, 2010
    Tried and True is an amazing CD. I have been listening to it daily since my purchase.
    You can tell when listening to each song, the emotion that Clay puts into them. In one of his interviews, he said that he didn't take any music into the studio when he recorded. You can tell how comfortable he was.
    My favorites are Unchained Melody, Suspicious Minds and the bonus track from iTunes -
    Tried and True is an amazing CD. I have been listening to it daily since my purchase.
    You can tell when listening to each song, the emotion that Clay puts into them. In one of his interviews, he said that he didn't take any music into the studio when he recorded. You can tell how comfortable he was.
    My favorites are Unchained Melody, Suspicious Minds and the bonus track from iTunes - You Don't Have to Say You Love Me. Each and every song on this CD is a masterpiece in itself.
  10. Nov 20, 2010
    Tried & True is a perfect CD for Clay Aiken's voice. As much as I enjoy hearing his 'pop' music, he is truly in his element singing these songs. I listen to it almost every day and never get tired of any of the songs on this album. I'm eagerly awaiting his tour in support of this CD next year and am looking forward to experiencing Clay Aiken live in concert again. His shows are alwaysTried & True is a perfect CD for Clay Aiken's voice. As much as I enjoy hearing his 'pop' music, he is truly in his element singing these songs. I listen to it almost every day and never get tired of any of the songs on this album. I'm eagerly awaiting his tour in support of this CD next year and am looking forward to experiencing Clay Aiken live in concert again. His shows are always entertaining, filled with lots of great singing, audience participation, banter, and fun.

    Hope this guy is around to sing for and entertain us for a long, long time.

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