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Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
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  1. Mar 25, 2022
    annoying af and repetitive. super cell **** sucks on a whole nother level. only a 2/10 because molly hearts slaps, but it does not justify the rest of the album

    best song: molly hearts

    worst song: super cell
  2. Mar 18, 2022
    Actually 68/100 and 8.0/10 (based on fourteen user reviews). Oh god. Does Trippie even remember how being sober is like ?
    Horrible presentation. Terrible vocal performance. Horrendous tone. Disruptive and unconscious lyrics. Uninspired and highly similar instrumentals. Unoriginal themes addressed. Obvious fake self. Numerous tasteless featurings in order to hide Trippie's lack of talent
    Actually 68/100 and 8.0/10 (based on fourteen user reviews). Oh god. Does Trippie even remember how being sober is like ?
    Horrible presentation. Terrible vocal performance. Horrendous tone. Disruptive and unconscious lyrics. Uninspired and highly similar instrumentals. Unoriginal themes addressed. Obvious fake self. Numerous tasteless featurings in order to hide Trippie's lack of talent and inspiration (how did Drake ended up there by the way ?). Using posthumous verses to reap some glory and streams where he would be unable to find any on his own. Unidimensional and monotonous flows throughout the whole record. Seems only intended to please and break immature children brains. You could only enjoy this album by switching your brain off or by multitasking. No diversity at all. Awful video clips quality and content. You guys seriously get paid to listen to this or what ?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Sep 30, 2021
    At times spread too thin across its 17 strong tracklisting. ... ‘Trip At Knight’ serves to finesse his sound and approach, allowing room for Trippie Redd to attempt new projects within his digi-focussed framework – it’s a chapter so many of his contemporaries have been cruelly denied.
  2. 60
    Trip at Knight is likely the closest Redd has come to snapping into the desolate, depraved world he’s so eager to create. When the ashes settle, there’s the sense that he still has some miles to go, but there’s no taking this moment away from him.
  3. Sep 30, 2021
    Concise and brisk, Trip At Knight is one of the more focused Trippie Redd albums, and calls for repeat listening where some of the others were difficult to get all the way through.