• Record Label: Curb
  • Release Date: Oct 1, 2002

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. The transformation leaves her bland and boring, rather than bright like Britney or bold like [Michelle] Branch.
  2. Years as a teen country grinner, though, do not a dancetastic siren (''Trouble With Goodbye''), pop kiss-off queen (''Life Goes On''), or sex kitten (''Tic Toc'') make.
  3. Let's hope Nashville will take her back, and quick.
  4. Musically speaking, "Damn" is the only real memorable tune in the bunch. Which is exactly the expletive many of her old fans may express when hearing this often over-bombastic effort.
  5. Blender
    Rimes's gigantic soprano never flags, yet remains best in ballads. [#11, p.140]
  6. Q Magazine
    Hardly exciting, but it is terrifyingly professional. [Dec 2002, p.110]
  7. 40
    She may have been young and naïve at age 13 covering Patsy Cline songs, but she had much better source material than the sappy, saccharine numbers she's getting from the middle-age songwriters who scripted Twisted.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 23
  3. Negative: 5 out of 23
  1. Jan 16, 2011
    If you purchased this album thinking you were getting classic country crooning, you were sadly disappointed. Little LeAnn grew up and so didIf you purchased this album thinking you were getting classic country crooning, you were sadly disappointed. Little LeAnn grew up and so did her songs. This is a crossover album and if you bring any preconceptions to it based on her past music, you were bound to be disappointed. As the album stands, if you like LeAnn's vocals, you like this album. If you listen to her lyrics, they are not necessarily country. Be prepared. It's worth a listen...before you decide to buy. Full Review »
  2. DaveP
    Jun 5, 2006
    The worst cd I've bought in the past 3 or 4 years. LeAnn has a terrific voice, but her song selection has always been lacking. Here she The worst cd I've bought in the past 3 or 4 years. LeAnn has a terrific voice, but her song selection has always been lacking. Here she tries to compete with the Britneys and Christinas by putting out more dance oriented material with disastrous results. Easily her worst work. One song starts off "Come inside", and I was like, oh she didn't mean that. Next line, "Come inside my walls of ecstasy." Oh LeAnn. Her next cd happily, is much better. Full Review »
  3. CindyLouA
    Apr 7, 2006