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Universal acclaim- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 81
  2. Negative: 3 out of 81

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  1. ChrisR
    Apr 9, 2009
  2. ChrisJ
    Aug 17, 2009
    Probably the most personal album I've ever heard. It almost feels, at times, as if we're intruding on her private thoughts. Utterly wonderful.
  3. SilkC
    May 6, 2009
    yes, on the whole, it takes some time for some of these songs to sink in, but if you allow them to, you're going to love 'em. still, that only goes for a few of the songs. songs like glass, daniel, pearl's dream, and sirens caught my attention on the first listen. while this isn't the greatest concept album out there, it certainly tops the charts for female artists in yes, on the whole, it takes some time for some of these songs to sink in, but if you allow them to, you're going to love 'em. still, that only goes for a few of the songs. songs like glass, daniel, pearl's dream, and sirens caught my attention on the first listen. while this isn't the greatest concept album out there, it certainly tops the charts for female artists in my book. seriously, are there any female artists out there who have topped this? i think not. sure, bjork, pj harvey, and tori amos all have their moments, but bat for lashes (natasha khan) hits it home. a lot of critics out there got this one wrong. it is far superior to her first album, and i'm putting it above merriweather post pavillion for album of the year. Expand
  4. Apr 16, 2011
    I had listened a few songs in 2009, but this style not had convinced me, later of a time i listened the whole album and I was really amazed, this album is really surprising, deeper and submerges you in a different world, Natasha has conquered my heart with odd melodies of dream pop, a complex environment which marks a truly infighting, musically wonderful, one of the finest albums I've listened...
  5. Mar 23, 2011
    If dystopia is our future its movie will be Bladerunner, it's food will be soylent green, and its soundtrack will be Two Suns. You know, assuming science fiction has the predictive powers at least that of a crystal ball or a Ouija board. And I know "Music can't be sci fi you nerd," fine, you caught me. But try listening to it and then tell me the sound isn't other worldly.
  6. Sep 11, 2019
    One of my all time favorite albums.
    The sounds just takes you to another world, one of magic, darkness, love, hope and desire.
  7. lochr
    Apr 9, 2009
    This one is way better then the previous. And it's a true magic, like some demo-version of bjork, but with it's own charm. Very good.
  8. CaseyR.
    Jun 16, 2009
    Listening to this record is like listening to a who's who of female alternative rock legends such as Kate Bush/Tori Amos, Goldfrapp, Bjork, PJ Harvey, Cat Power, Beth Gibbons, Beth Orton, Feist and Liz Frazier all thrown into this eclectic mix of creativity. It should be a shoe in to win this years Mercury Prize.
  9. GrahamB
    Jun 12, 2009
    Hauntingly beautiful and dark yet fragile.... Natasha Khan is going places. Buy this album now!
  10. GrantL
    Jun 26, 2009
    Bought the first after hearing this one but think it is the better of the two. only real let down is siren song in my opinion.
  11. CarlB
    May 18, 2009
  12. GooseM
    Jun 27, 2009
    This album is amazing. Easily one of the best CD's of the year. It sounds a bit like Bjork, Kate Bush and Tori Amos all in one. That's not to say that it doesn't sound like her at the same time. It's the most intriguing music I've heard this year. You have to listen to this. Natasha Khan makes beautiful music. You're missing out if you don't hear this.
  13. Aug 11, 2011
    Somewhere between Kate Bush and PJ Harvey, beautifully dark and introspective, dreamy, sometimes scary and way too risky, many steps further from her debut . Two Suns has got to be one of the best albums of the decade.
  14. Sep 25, 2012
    At the same time futuristic and nowadays musically, Natasha Khan's sophomore release came full of synths and pop. But, it has the presence of folk, psychedelic sounds that made this her best effort. Her intelligence was capable of making a 'alter-ego' and stick to it until the end of the songs. The songwriting of hers is stylized and classy, but at some songs, like 'Siren Song' it callsAt the same time futuristic and nowadays musically, Natasha Khan's sophomore release came full of synths and pop. But, it has the presence of folk, psychedelic sounds that made this her best effort. Her intelligence was capable of making a 'alter-ego' and stick to it until the end of the songs. The songwriting of hers is stylized and classy, but at some songs, like 'Siren Song' it calls for less eloquencye. Then again, her best material! Expand
  15. JuliaA
    May 6, 2009
    True, there's a bit Bjork-ish touch in this album, and nevertheless this is an excellent album.More lively than Fur and Gold, dare I say.
  16. Nov 16, 2011
    Two Suns, the second album by Bat for Lashes, was recorded with a special guest. I am not talking about Scott Walker who duets with Natasha Khan on The Big Sleep to close the Mercury Music Prize nominated LP. Let the girl speak for herself, though: My name is Pearl / And I love you the best way I know how / My blonde curls / Slice through your heart / When the sirens come calling / It wonâ
  17. ClifC
    May 17, 2009
    Good. But I was waiting for more.
  18. AndyK
    Aug 11, 2009
  19. Jul 1, 2015
    Overall quite an impressive follow up to "Fur and Gold". "2 Suns" is in the same vein as the debut. The album impresses most during the opening third with captivating tracks such as "Glass", "Moon and Moon" and "Daniel". The rest of the album has plenty of other highlights and keeps the listener engaged. If push came to shove I'd have to say I prefer "Fur and Gold" but both albums are ofOverall quite an impressive follow up to "Fur and Gold". "2 Suns" is in the same vein as the debut. The album impresses most during the opening third with captivating tracks such as "Glass", "Moon and Moon" and "Daniel". The rest of the album has plenty of other highlights and keeps the listener engaged. If push came to shove I'd have to say I prefer "Fur and Gold" but both albums are of high quality. Well worth checking out in tandem with her debut. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
  1. This record is one made with the artist’s full investment, every ounce of heart and soul poured into it visible for all to see.
  2. Mojo
    While Two Suns almost inevitably finds Natasha Khan caught between the rock of artistic muse and the hard place of major label rockability, there's still invention and charisma enough here to keep both leftfield chin-stroker and ingenue fan onside for now. [Apr 2009, p.106]
  3. Two Suns is a dense, intricate album that features at least six brilliant songs, two of which are pure pop gems.