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Generally favorable reviews- based on 47 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 47
  2. Negative: 3 out of 47
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  1. May 2, 2021
    Do you like rock music? Do you like disco music? If you said yes to both, then you will want to listen to Typhoons, and you will be blown away by Typhoons! (pun intended, of course)

    Seriously, it's a masterpiece. The boyz have evolved, and so has their sound. Sonic crack, I tell ya! Royal Blood indeed.
  2. Apr 30, 2021
    One of the few bands that just never misses the mark. They have created a great mix of headbanging riffs and danceable beats while not losing that which made them a compelling listen to begin with. Great step forward for one of my favorite bands.
  3. Apr 30, 2021
    Royal Blood takes a chance with their new record, adding new elements to their music, making something new, yet maintaining their identity.
    The production is rock solid, every sound, every groove, every riff is very well crafted. The order of the songs is really good too, Trouble's Coming serves like a preview of the album, Boilermaker has been placed in between Either You Want It and Mad
    Royal Blood takes a chance with their new record, adding new elements to their music, making something new, yet maintaining their identity.
    The production is rock solid, every sound, every groove, every riff is very well crafted. The order of the songs is really good too, Trouble's Coming serves like a preview of the album, Boilermaker has been placed in between Either You Want It and Mad Visions, giving all three songs a better context to fit in, enhancing the tracks.
    Overall: great sounding album, very danceable and enjoyable. Great work from the duo taking a step forward and trying new things.
  4. May 1, 2021
    Excellent. Catchy. Rockin. Pretty much everything I want from a rock album in 2021 after a depressing pandemic filled year before this.
  5. Feb 13, 2023
    I might be biased as hell because this is one of the first albums i ever stayed up for and listened to it all the way at 12am, but this album captures everything that makes Royal Blood great. And in my opinion it is a great step forward in terms of sound. I especially love that they werent scared to try out something new like the amazing closer that is All We Have Is Now
  6. May 12, 2021
    Like the Black Keys bathed and born anew in glorious, synth-laden '70s Krautrock goodness, Royal Blood expertly fuse infectious dance rhythms with their usual hard-hitting rock sound to deftly deliver in "Typhoons" a toe-tapping, hip-swinging good time of a record with style and swagger to spare.

    Choice Cuts: "Trouble's Coming," "Typhoons," "Boilermaker," "Mad Visions"
  7. Jul 23, 2021
    The boys get us a view of how rock music could be danceable. enjoyable disco-rock. very different from the old royal blood style but still we could hear the unique sound of them in every single song except "all we have is now". favorite tracks: oblivion, who needs friends, million and one, boilermaker, mad visions, and space. 9/10
  8. May 3, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums of the year! Many catchy songs, still a heavy sound but more electronic stuff. Production has great quality. Expand
  9. May 7, 2021
    Like their last album, which in a way diluted their original wow factor by adding backing vocals that had to be piped in via pre-recording live, Royal Blood widens their scope here in a way that purists will wave fingers at, with more of said backing vocals and lots more keyboards. The difference this time is a mostly successful marriage of rock to dance music and a more consistently crispLike their last album, which in a way diluted their original wow factor by adding backing vocals that had to be piped in via pre-recording live, Royal Blood widens their scope here in a way that purists will wave fingers at, with more of said backing vocals and lots more keyboards. The difference this time is a mostly successful marriage of rock to dance music and a more consistently crisp and punchy production job. Despite a couple of misfires ("Either You Want It" instantly made me think 'no, I don't'), it works, mostly because they don't lose sight of either genre. "Boilermaker" does it best, starting with a lone fuzz-bass intro lick and keeping it mostly minimal, veering close to their first-album approach (pre-chorus keyboard washes are mercifully brief). The last album, "How Did We Get So Dark?", was good but not as memorable - the tradeoff is that on this one, Ben Thatcher's powerdrumming doesn't get as much of a workout but still has its moments. If the goal was grabbing a wider pop audience, the mission is pretty much accomplished. If the guys can find a way to bring those keys in to heighten the experience rather than slightly dampen it, the possibilities are many. Expand
  10. May 1, 2021
    This album met my expectations and it was great throughout the entirety. Favourite tracks : Trouble’s Coming, Typhoons, Who Needs Friends, Limbo, Mad Visions

    Least Favourite : Million and One
  11. May 13, 2022
    The songs individually all have good things about them. As an album as a whole it does get a bit samey.

    Best song: without a doubt Boilermaker
  12. May 5, 2021
    I kind of miss the rawness of the first album, but 'Typhoons' is a strong effort that will definitely turn on the audience when played on upcoming festivals. Although you'll hardly find a surprise after listening to the initial singles, the whole album is full of dancing beats and catchy riffs. Royal Blood is on its way to becoming the next headliner.
  13. Aug 17, 2021
    Pleased they changed direction slightly from the last album as it was starting to feel as if they were going down a dead end. Royal Blood are an interesting band and i'm incredible grateful that they get radio play so they can cut through the rubbish normally played. They're still not perfect though and something tends to lack across a whole album. For me their debut is still they're bestPleased they changed direction slightly from the last album as it was starting to feel as if they were going down a dead end. Royal Blood are an interesting band and i'm incredible grateful that they get radio play so they can cut through the rubbish normally played. They're still not perfect though and something tends to lack across a whole album. For me their debut is still they're best due to it's explosiveness but this is a close 2nd. Expand
  14. Jan 18, 2022
    After a dip in the quality of their music following the mixed "How Did We Get So Dark?", they come back with futuristic lenses. For the first time ever, they decided to go for a more electronic road, teasing vibes of modern Muse and Radiohead, but still with the willingness and rawness of a peaked Nirvana. It's good to the ears, but it's not as jaw-dropping as their debut.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. 80
    Royal Blood shifted gears and embraced a more polished sonic profile and neon color scheme for Typhoons, given that intensity and darkness reinforce its narratives in this album more zealously than its predecessors.
  2. May 20, 2021
    Where Royal Blood used to seek to slay with their power, here they’ve added nuance to their package, which provides an unshakably danceable album and a real sense of positivity and possibility for the band’s future.
  3. May 3, 2021
    What’s frustrating is the way in which Typhoons signals the less ambitious intentions of a band surely destined for more, such that its inconsistencies compound and shortcomings shine.