• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: May 31, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Mar 22, 2013
    Remember when i first time heard Can't Keep as whole album promo on YouTube, it was absolutely great! And as i lately checked the whole album it is as great as the single. Little instrument, no power, no brutality, no anger, just a shy sounding voice of Eddie and ukulele makes it, an intimate and totally different than any others, maybe aside of Into the Wild soundtrack which contains RiseRemember when i first time heard Can't Keep as whole album promo on YouTube, it was absolutely great! And as i lately checked the whole album it is as great as the single. Little instrument, no power, no brutality, no anger, just a shy sounding voice of Eddie and ukulele makes it, an intimate and totally different than any others, maybe aside of Into the Wild soundtrack which contains Rise song, a little introduction to this Ukulele Songs. Expand
  2. Jun 4, 2011
    You don't have to be a huge fan of Pearl Jam to really love this stunning yet different album from a rock legend. This seemingly odd career move lacks the controversy of Bob Dylan going electric, nor is it an ironic Joaquin Phoenix-style career meltdown. Vedder clearly has a lot of love for the uke and this album adds fuel to the current four string resurgence; the likes of Amanda PalmerYou don't have to be a huge fan of Pearl Jam to really love this stunning yet different album from a rock legend. This seemingly odd career move lacks the controversy of Bob Dylan going electric, nor is it an ironic Joaquin Phoenix-style career meltdown. Vedder clearly has a lot of love for the uke and this album adds fuel to the current four string resurgence; the likes of Amanda Palmer have been blazing the way, showing the world that the uke is clearly no longer the bastion of gawky Lancastrians singing comedy ditties about window cleaners. This album is more graceful than the novelty aspects of the uke would suggest and Vedder's watchwords are restraint and simplicity. The album embraces the ukulele's inherit playfulness and revels in the intimate nature of one man and his instrument. These 16 tracks breeze along like an informal campfire singalong rather than Pearl Jam's usual stadium antics. Although there are some tongue in cheek moments, Ukulele Songs represents a genuine attempt to engage with the instrument. Vedder firmly embraces the restrictions placed by losing two strings, focusing on simple but effective songwriting.

    For the most part the album sees Vedder playing alone and there's something beguiling about the juxtaposition of his deep, fragile vocals with the playfulness of the strings. Everything moves along swiftly, with all of the tracks staying below the three minute mark. Highlights such as You're True, Sleepless Nights and Satellite burst forth with energy and emotion, more than holding their own against their usual guitar counterparts. The album concludes with a cover of Dream A Little Dream, a playful wink to the audience and an crooning acknowledgement to not take the album too seriously; arguably this drags everything back into novelty territory, but there is something charming and lullaby-esque about it.

    You should really get this one now and kick back & relax to these mellow sounds ASAP! :)
  3. Jun 1, 2011
    This is a very good album. All of the songs are good, but some are simply brilliant, Satellite, a masterpiece, Longing to belong a classic, Goodbye simple beautiful. Ed Vedder does something really difficult in this album. He uses a small instrument, perfect for songwriting, but too simple to be a solo instrument. Someway with a little bit of more production this would be a 10/10, moreThis is a very good album. All of the songs are good, but some are simply brilliant, Satellite, a masterpiece, Longing to belong a classic, Goodbye simple beautiful. Ed Vedder does something really difficult in this album. He uses a small instrument, perfect for songwriting, but too simple to be a solo instrument. Someway with a little bit of more production this would be a 10/10, more strings like in Longing to Belongâ Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. Dec 19, 2011
    Vedder never has been ashamed of his bleeding heart... it's refreshing to have a record where that heart is pushed toward the center, beating fully and proudly on his lightest, sweetest album yet.
  2. Q Magazine
    Jun 29, 2011
    His second solo effort succeeds largely because its titular novelty never overshadows the bittersweet folk vignettes, driven by his affecting baritone. [Jul 2011, p.119]
  3. Mojo
    Jun 21, 2011
    Pearl Jam grungemeister reveals self to be shameless romantic. {July 2011, p. 106]