• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Mar 8, 2019
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Apr 4, 2019
    Having never heard of Sundara Karma, I checked out this album because it had high marks on Metacritic. I'm so glad I did. Love this album! It is very well produced. The sound is fantastic, and the songs are unique and catchy with melodies that will stick in your head. This album is definitely going to be one of my favorites of the year.... can't recommend it strongly enough.
  2. Nov 1, 2022
    Sundara Karma transcended the confines of an over-populated indie-pop scene in the UK by turning the focus from outside to in on their second album Ulfilas Alphabet.

    I am a long standing fan of Sundara Karma, but I must say after album 1 I wondered where else this band could go. So many young indie bands suffer a massive drop in originality over time, but I am so glad that Oscar Pollock
    Sundara Karma transcended the confines of an over-populated indie-pop scene in the UK by turning the focus from outside to in on their second album Ulfilas Alphabet.

    I am a long standing fan of Sundara Karma, but I must say after album 1 I wondered where else this band could go. So many young indie bands suffer a massive drop in originality over time, but I am so glad that Oscar Pollock and co have bucked this trend.

    Ulfilas Alphabet as a title set the tone. Uliflas created a unique alphabet in the 4th century to better transcribe biblical works for the masses. This form of communication is now labelled 'Gothic alphabet', which is a suitably dark tone from a band who's debut was named "youth is only ever fun in retrospect".

    The contrast of bright colours, major melodies, and sparkly - at times sugary - production create a great juxtaposition to keep the listener on their toes. The lyrics span - in my opinion - from an oscillating viewpoint of ones own mental health.

    "One last night on this earth, won't you teach me how the heart works" is a great lyric - bluntly depicting a reason to stay alive. So many suicides are based on an inability to process emotion. This album acts - again in my opinion - as something of a lesson in how to compartmentalise stress, anxiety, and depression.
  3. Mar 8, 2019
    An undeniably original cut of tracks that come out far more interesting than their first effort. Sundara Karma has really outdone expectations with Ulfilas' Alphabet and has pleasantly surprised me with some of the best songs I've heard so far this year.

    The array of sounds they produce on this album is something I really didn't expect but as they released more and more singles from
    An undeniably original cut of tracks that come out far more interesting than their first effort. Sundara Karma has really outdone expectations with Ulfilas' Alphabet and has pleasantly surprised me with some of the best songs I've heard so far this year.

    The array of sounds they produce on this album is something I really didn't expect but as they released more and more singles from this album it started to really look promising, and they delivered with the main tracks for me, Symbols of Joy & Eternity (despite the chorus being a bit of a mouthful to sing) and Rainbow Body really shining through as some of the best songs I've heard so far this year. Hell, the closing track sounds like something that could've been produced by CHVRCHES or something off of let's eat Grandma's record, I'm all Ears. Yet it still retains a vibe that could only be pulled off by Sundara Karma. The only real lull for me is Sweet Intentions but even then it's not bad in any regard.

    This album definitely won't be enjoyed by everyone but from me, it's one of the most creative and interesting albums I've heard all year and without a shadow of a doubt, I will return to it at various points throughout the year.

    Top Tracks:
    Symbols Of Joy & Eternity, Rainbow Body, Illusions, Little Smart Houses

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Mar 12, 2019
    Experimentations galore, Sundara Karma’s second album is one that works well, as tracks blend into each other despite jarring soundscapes. But there is no track that appears a clear standout, and therein lies the failing within an otherwise bold record, as no one track roots you in your place wanting more.
  2. Mar 7, 2019
    In all respects, Sundara Karma have come out with a winner, mining choice bits from rock's mighty canon and fusing their own quirks and imagination to a complex but engaging set of songs.
  3. Q Magazine
    Mar 5, 2019
    The weaponised theatricality never overshadows a set of songs that are as entertaining as they are grandly ambitious. [Apr 2019, p.116]