• Record Label: Anti-
  • Release Date: Oct 15, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Oct 20, 2021
    With other songs featuring Psycho-like slashing string effects and whirring bass echo ("Darkest Hour"), robotic vocal distortion ("Did My Best"), and spoken-word broadcast recordings ("Cógelo Suave"), Una Rosa has a kitchen-sink, blown-out-speaker quality to it that will alternately alienate or excite.
  2. Oct 20, 2021
    Her transitions between language and style are seamless, and the carefully crafted and idiosyncratic arrangements help to guide our ears along with her mind and heart.
  3. Oct 25, 2021
    Una Rosa, isn’t a neat bookend to the period in between, nor is it a balm or salve. It’s better, truer to the joy and pain of the past that flicker into the present like unwelcome thoughts.
  4. 80
    She didn’t make a record expected of her even by fans of her last LP and, in doing so, has produced something which is strange, chaotic and utterly her own.
  5. The Wire
    Dec 21, 2021
    A terrifically engaging collage of incompletion and one of the most blazing returns of 2021. [Dec 2021, p.59]
  6. Uncut
    Oct 20, 2021
    It's a slightly exhausting but often thrilling sonic voyage. [Nov 2021, p.32]
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Oct 25, 2021
    My first listen felt like stepping onto a new planet. Exciting, foreign and fresh. They are so inventive with how they use their voice coupledMy first listen felt like stepping onto a new planet. Exciting, foreign and fresh. They are so inventive with how they use their voice coupled with the arca influenced Yeezus production keeps you on your feet. Navigating familiar protest themes with a new lense despite interpolating a bob Marley classic. "Who Shot Ya" and the heartfelt "worst behaviour ". Her anger with systemic failings is unbridled yet direct. In a earmark lyric in which she challenges the perception of non English speakers or multi lingual indigenous people as uneducated when the white standard can barely grasp one to the indifference to black death by a society entrenched in racist politics. Switching fluently from English and Spanish makes the record feel personal,an intended consequence of the records origin,and conversational. In the highlight "Did My Best" we are transported right into the middle of it. A poignant portrait of experiencing a loss is given time to unfurl in it's 4 minutes ,taking the non traditional imogen heap "hide&seek" route. The music video feels essential in expressing what the song already does so well alone. The imagery of a new years party,the crowded loneliness and apathy the close camera evokes. It's one of the many moving human moments on a record meant to sound interstellar and robotic. A great soon to be cult classic from a visionary artist just beginning to test her powers. Full Review »