• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Mar 23, 2020
    Uneasy Laughter is a riskier proposition than Moaning's first album, but it demonstrates their tremendous growth, both as a band and as humans.
  2. Mar 24, 2020
    From infectious single ‘Ego’ and to sobering dream pop song ‘Connect The Dots’, his determination to look for solace beyond right and wrong is palpable. We believe he is riddled with guilt – and that is a testament to Solomon’s talent. By comparison, the second half of ‘Uneasy Laughter’ is almost void of internal conflict, even if it remains melodically accomplished.
  3. Mar 23, 2020
    With its often bright, and chill nature, the album is a fitting soundtrack for the transition from spring into summer. It saunters by delicately, evoking floral scents and pastel colours.
  4. Mar 24, 2020
    Given that Uneasy Laughter is guitar-centric first and foremost, both Saving Face and What Separates Us benefit from having muscular riffs that help offset its huge synth lines and Solomon's tenuous vocal range. Which is Moaning's greatest strength, but can be a weakness too, as they haven't been fully able to add more personality to their vulnerable, dark romanticism.
  5. Uncut
    Apr 21, 2020
    A more mature expression of self-understanding. [Jun 2020, p.34]

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