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Universal acclaim- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 50
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 50
  3. Negative: 5 out of 50

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  1. patrices
    Jan 25, 2007
    Amazingly awesome!
  2. mistyd
    Oct 17, 2006
    I freaking love this cd.......!
  3. SteveM
    May 20, 2006
    One of the best albums, production and song writting as well as musicianship that I've listened to in the last 30 years, really!!!
  4. PatrickMartin
    Apr 20, 2006
    Lyrically there is much to learn from this album in anybodies life. All the comments I see about Shannon Hoon are falseified. This in my opinion is a tribute to the death of a fallen great artist. His life should be celebrated by everybody that love Blind Melon as they were. As well they are putting out a good message to the youth that drugs are not the answer to life's stresses. Lyrically there is much to learn from this album in anybodies life. All the comments I see about Shannon Hoon are falseified. This in my opinion is a tribute to the death of a fallen great artist. His life should be celebrated by everybody that love Blind Melon as they were. As well they are putting out a good message to the youth that drugs are not the answer to life's stresses. Listen to the lyrics of this bad ass album and you might understand what this band is trying to accomplish. I give this album a 15 if the scale could break the benchmark. Thanks and good night. God Bless all !!! Thank you Uniified Theory for a good listen and hope you continue your wonderful sound !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  5. iang
    Jan 31, 2006
    The music is very much in the way of blind melon and with a singer equally as haunting as hoon makes each song a welcome to hear. If you miss blind melon then this is essential listening.
  6. danh
    Dec 17, 2005
    the critics need to learn how to appreciate real music! these songs are no less than perfect.
  7. DaveB
    Nov 22, 2005
    This was a great album. Its too bad the critics didn't think so I was hoping for a follow up.
  8. papel
    Oct 13, 2005
    the best band ever since 1990!!! they have the best drummer in the world DAVE KRUSEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. martint
    Aug 23, 2005
    one of the most underated albums of the last few years.wonderful songs
  10. SoleflowerJr.
    Mar 26, 2005
    This album should be a classic. It really is.
  11. ryank
    Mar 16, 2005
    this is a album really good!.... the sound is perfect!
  12. MikeC
    Jan 18, 2005
    Music is supposed to not only reach the listeners ears, but its supposed to reach the depths of his or hers mind and heart. This album did just that, it took me on a ''trip'' and really moved me. I must say, i havn't been this captured by my music, since a Perfect Circles - Mer De Noms ... This album is brilliant and i hope to hear more from Unified Theory.
  13. ZachL
    Jan 10, 2005
    Not too shabby. The only thing I didn't like ws the lead vocalists voice. I think it really distracts from the good things that are going on rythmically and with the percussion.
  14. Aaron
    Nov 11, 2004
    One of best CDs ever. I wish this band would release more CDs. They built on Blind Melon, but caught the glint of something much more powerful.
  15. JonathanR
    Sep 23, 2004
    i bought this on a whim at amoeba music is LA. i was with my father (who's a producer) and we put this album on to try it out. about 5 or 6 seconds into the first song, both my father and i said, "this is amazing." it's really that fucking good. christopher thorn is my guitar god.
  16. ConnorS
    Sep 15, 2004
    I generally don't listen to much poppy rock like this but I absolutely love this album. Especially the vocals and guitar, but that's assumed with music of this type.
  17. EricA
    Jul 13, 2004
    This is the best!
  18. LeeWoodT
    May 8, 2004
    A+ I can't stop listening to it. In fact, if Chris SHINN is interested I'm in the middle of a CD project that I'd love him to sing on. We all con always hope for a reunion.
  19. BryanZ
    Mar 24, 2004
    Its actually too good. Most won't even be able to reconize the genius. But for all of us out there that "get it" will love it forever. Simply amazing and for anyone who appreciates real music.
  20. Lauren
    Mar 5, 2004
    all there is to say is that its fuckin amazing!!!!
  21. EvelKnievel
    May 2, 2003
    Music. Nothing less.
  22. PhillipG
    Apr 29, 2003
    This album is Outstanding. If these guys didn't break up they had quite a future ahead of them. Hopefuly a reunion is in the near future.
  23. nathanielp
    Oct 20, 2002
    This album is amazing and filled with alot of soul and solid melotoned sounds. I really wish this was on the radio. Stop by Plattsburgh, or Buffalo NY we would like to hear you guys!
  24. JGarvin
    Sep 12, 2002
    Voice similar to Shannon Hoon's who is missed very much
  25. DavidC.
    Sep 2, 2002
    never did hear them on radio. anyway..where's the next album?
  26. BMelon
    Jul 3, 2002
    That music (wanna be)critic at Sonicnet should be fired for smoking crack. Wake up and smell the coffe. This is one of the best albums of the 21Century...Instant Classic
  27. DavidM.
    May 17, 2002
    The critics who derided this album are out of their minds. In these days of pop bullshit and bland manufactured artists, Unified Theory was a breath of fresh air- they actually had *talent*, something that seems to be in short supply nowadays. The album is superbly crafted and the musicianship is phenomenal. So you can blow me Sonicnet with your half-ass 3/10 review.
  28. UnifiedTheory
    Mar 27, 2002
    Definitely a great sound, too bad they split up before they could make another one.. Had to post this cause those 4s and a 3 piised me off!
  29. Pi3.14159
    Feb 24, 2002
    One of the most creative sounds I've heard in awhile. You can jam to it or just chill out. I hope they make more music.
  30. GregS.
    Feb 15, 2002
    I was looking for something new...this was it...unique and inspired writing...I heard about 10 seconds of "Cessna" and bought it.
  31. BarryW.
    Jan 17, 2002
    These guys have a killer sound of their own. Blind Melon's members add a one of a kind feel. I would say a 9 out of a 10. This vocalist does sound a little like Hoon from Melon but, better than the Vedder, Weiland, and any other copycats of the 90's. 2 vocalist's that can sure belt out originality!
  32. WillieD.
    Dec 20, 2001
    Excellent, well crafted songs/album
  33. JeradN
    Dec 20, 2001
    This is not Melon rehashed, Unified Theory create a sound all thier own.
  34. LizzieM
    Nov 30, 2001
  35. KeithL.
    Sep 14, 2001
    A classic!!!

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Unified Theory play melodramatic art rock (with a capital AOR) in a Meatloaf-meets-Jane's Addiction kind of way. Their music plods along with all the grace of a Pinto sans muffler, substituting grandiosity for grace and thus failing to achieve the dramatically transcendent sounds that Roy Orbison and Jeff Buckley once made.
  2. Easily one of the best and most promising rock debuts since, well, Blind Melon's 1992 self-titled debut.
  3. 40
    Sadly, [lead vocalist Chris] Shinn's love of drama often overshadows the band's taut and atypical rhythm section, and the somewhat left-of-center construction of Thorn's guitar parts.