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Universal acclaim- based on 161 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 5 out of 161
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  1. Apr 15, 2022
    Lack of ambition and willingness to experiment as they've always done. Feels like they've tried to "play it safe", but they failed, epically. It's blasphemy to compare Unlimited Love to their previous albums, which were actually good.
  2. Apr 5, 2022
    This is seriously awful. If you are listening to this and like it PLEASE tell me how. There are moments of relatively interesting instrumental parts but Anthony Keidis absolutely destroys any hope of anything remotely exciting happening on this. IT is so long, so uninspired and boring. What is good about this?! please help me understand why people are giving this anything above 2/10 i justThis is seriously awful. If you are listening to this and like it PLEASE tell me how. There are moments of relatively interesting instrumental parts but Anthony Keidis absolutely destroys any hope of anything remotely exciting happening on this. IT is so long, so uninspired and boring. What is good about this?! please help me understand why people are giving this anything above 2/10 i just don't get it. I used to be an enormous RHCP fan but this is a 50 year old saying dumb ass rhymes, out of key. Useless vocalist with zero musical ability. John, Flea and Chad are massively talented musicians who must be getting paid very well to phone it in this badly and put out a 17 track album of pure filler.... Expand
  3. Apr 4, 2022
    The return of Frusciante is a very sly commercial move by RHCP, an artist lost in his psychopathic sounds for several years and gone into oblivion.
    This return brings 3-4 tracks of a good level and a lot of boredom and listlessness, 13-14 tracks quite banal with pop easy listening choruses for radio and social channels to grab new generations of listeners. There is so much enthusiasm in
    The return of Frusciante is a very sly commercial move by RHCP, an artist lost in his psychopathic sounds for several years and gone into oblivion.
    This return brings 3-4 tracks of a good level and a lot of boredom and listlessness, 13-14 tracks quite banal with pop easy listening choruses for radio and social channels to grab new generations of listeners. There is so much enthusiasm in seeing all 4 together but the artistic / musical decline had already begun with Stadium Arcadium.
    This album will soon go into oblivion as it lacks ideas, musical freshness and innovation. On the other hand, RHCP have never been innovative, excluding the parenthesis of Danger Mouse where they did not believe it either, they are not bands of the genre, you also need to know how to age musically with style and not necessarily go back to writing stuff in your twenties.
    From a band of sixty you expect a real maturity not this old music written and rewritten already 30 years ago...
  4. Apr 2, 2022
    Catholic School Girls still exists and this music isn't worth ignoring that for.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. May 4, 2022
    You can do a whole lot worse than Unlimited Love, its main sin homogeneity rather than insufferableness.
  2. Apr 6, 2022
    While this old dog isn’t learning any new tricks, the band’s unmistakable chemistry shines, and each note is a glimpse into a youthful energy that hasn’t been seen in quite some time.
  3. Apr 6, 2022
    It’s far from a miserable affair, it certainly passes the time, it’s just hard to imagine how so much talent in a room didn’t arrive with something that didn’t feel so staid.