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Universal acclaim- based on 161 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 5 out of 161
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  1. Apr 1, 2022
    Their best record since Californication. The chemistry between John, Flea and Chad is something unique.
  2. Apr 1, 2022
    I was eagerly awaiting Frusciante's return, but I wasn't expecting such an awesome album. The band is so locked in it doesn't get much better than this.
  3. Apr 3, 2022
    One of the best album in entire RHCP discography, great return. Flea, Chad and John are incredible. Amazing album...
  4. Apr 1, 2022
    This album is, by far, one of the best within the entire RHCP discography. From beginning to end, the album just flows and is chock full of surprises. After a first listen, I'd describe this as "Californication" meets "By the Way" and "Stadium Arcadium". So glad that John is back in the band. Looking forward to future albums from this powerhouse of a band! A+++
  5. Apr 1, 2022
    The Chilli Peppers are extremely bonded and listening to U.L. we can feel how happy they are to make music again. An album with experimentations, bangers, funky tracks and lots of love/happiness involved. The Klinghoffer's era was good to listen to too but nothing compares to the fantastic foursome together. Lucky for us to be able to witness this union again. 10/10
  6. Apr 1, 2022
    My expectations were very high, but this album exceeded them. Wow! An absolutely phenomenal record, I wouldn't change a single thing about it.
  7. Apr 1, 2022
    This album is the most cohesive and inspired album since 1991. I think this album will end up being very significant to their discography.

    The high level of creativity is apparent on all the tracks. Guitar shredding solos. Progressive rock, new wave, funk, disco, jazz, bluegrass, punk, surf, soft rock, doo-wop, metal, all of it. A lot of 70’s and early 80’s. All the influences are
    This album is the most cohesive and inspired album since 1991. I think this album will end up being very significant to their discography.

    The high level of creativity is apparent on all the tracks. Guitar shredding solos. Progressive rock, new wave, funk, disco, jazz, bluegrass, punk, surf, soft rock, doo-wop, metal, all of it. A lot of 70’s and early 80’s. All the influences are clear. I just think it’s fantastic what they’ve done. In fact, Here ever after could be the best song they have ever written, from a technical and songwriting stand point. And it seems like all 4 of them are equals, have levelled up simultaneously. They compliment each other so well right now, no one is showing anyone else up. This album was not a happy accident, it was conceived decades ago. They have intersected perfectly as musicians this time, bringing all their knowledge and experiences together. I feel so lucky.
  8. Apr 1, 2022
    I just loved this album. Thats it. I have to write more words so here they are.
  9. Apr 1, 2022
    This album is one of the best into the Red Hot Chili Peppers discography, it really shows how the band is connected and in possibly in their peak again, lovely record, been listening to it for a week or more, can't get enough of it.
  10. Apr 1, 2022
    They’ve done it again. Their best album since the 90s and one of the best rock albums I’ve heard in a long time. Zero skips and nothing to complain about. Just perfection. No idea how these guys do it when they’re almost 60
  11. Apr 1, 2022
    The old sound is back and they feel fresh adn ready as ever.This albums goes right up with their best if you ask me.
  12. Apr 1, 2022
    John Frusciante’s back, and it’s obvious in the best way. But the most impressive thing about this album is how good the band are as a unit. Everyone’s on fire!
  13. Apr 1, 2022
    A great Album, which has everything one could wish for in a peppers Album. Great melodies, funky baselines and experimental pieces. Definitely a return to form!
  14. Apr 2, 2022
    Un très bon album, un retour aux sources. Plus épicés qu’enflammés, mais la passion est toujours là !
  15. Apr 2, 2022
    Such a return to form. Beautiful record. Welcome home John Frusciante! ❤️
  16. Apr 2, 2022
    Amazing fresh music with Frusciante back to the band. Definetely different with tempos and very personal
  17. Apr 2, 2022
    This album is a masterpiece. John is back and listen the whole album feels like coming home.
  18. Apr 3, 2022
    El álbum es una maravilla auditiva, Frusciante tuvo su regreso triunfal a la banda en este definitivamente, todas las canciones sin excepción son muy buenas y se sienten con el poder que siempre los ha caracterizado, canciones como Poster Child o Aquatic Mouth Dance me recordaron mucho a su época de Blood Sugar Sex Magic y Californication,, en mi opinión uno de sus mejores álbumes y esperoEl álbum es una maravilla auditiva, Frusciante tuvo su regreso triunfal a la banda en este definitivamente, todas las canciones sin excepción son muy buenas y se sienten con el poder que siempre los ha caracterizado, canciones como Poster Child o Aquatic Mouth Dance me recordaron mucho a su época de Blood Sugar Sex Magic y Californication,, en mi opinión uno de sus mejores álbumes y espero que próximamente nos deleiten con uno nuevo, pero hasta entonces disfrutaré demasiado oír las canciones de este Expand
  19. Apr 3, 2022
    This is Red hot chili peppers, it doesnt need more word... Awesome album, catchy songs, nice riffs...
  20. Apr 4, 2022
    John Frusciante i back, its beautiful and very pleasant album, many vibes from Californication or SA...
  21. Apr 4, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is great it has great bass guitar drums but it has some weird vocals but it is still a great the only song I did not like was not the one everything else’s is amazing this is there best work in years in my opinion Expand
  22. Apr 5, 2022
    I was a bit concerned initially upon listening to Black Summer and the other promo songs (Poster Child and Not The One), however all that concern went out the window when I gave the album a full run-through... Man, what a PERFECT successor to Stadium Arcadium. Everything I ever wanted in a Chili's Album and I LOVE how Frusciante implemented elements from his solo work into the album.I was a bit concerned initially upon listening to Black Summer and the other promo songs (Poster Child and Not The One), however all that concern went out the window when I gave the album a full run-through... Man, what a PERFECT successor to Stadium Arcadium. Everything I ever wanted in a Chili's Album and I LOVE how Frusciante implemented elements from his solo work into the album. Listening to the album as a whole even made me love the initial 3 songs a lot more! Expand
  23. Apr 10, 2022
    Not a bad Song in the entire album.
    No skip no filler. Welcome back frusciante
  24. Apr 23, 2022
    Beautiful album and a coming home for a legendary band. I laughed, smiled, and cried throughout this monster LP. RHCP has already written their best music long ago, but the band whose music has touched my heart like none other continues to do so on this beautiful album.
  25. Apr 26, 2022
    Ive been waiting for this album since By the Way. Absolutely phenominal in everyway, not a bad track on the album. Standouts these are the ways, the great apes- Frusciantes screaming guitar on this is sublime. Heavy Wing, Bastards of Light. The list goes on, dont listen to the critics reviews this is a 5 star album and their best for 20 years
  26. May 29, 2022
    This album shows the balance that the band has, the maturity, it sounds perfect, it is not something new or something repeated, fresh with the chemistry and present love of its members, I love them.
  27. Aug 13, 2022
    Could be in their top 3 albums here. This album is fantastic. Starts off great ends better. I even loved poster child, it’s not a blip in the album like the critics say, to me the song helps the album to keep pace un till the amazing second half takes over and keeps you hooked, with killer guitar solos and bass lines that could carry the whole song if it needed to. The drummer hasCould be in their top 3 albums here. This album is fantastic. Starts off great ends better. I even loved poster child, it’s not a blip in the album like the critics say, to me the song helps the album to keep pace un till the amazing second half takes over and keeps you hooked, with killer guitar solos and bass lines that could carry the whole song if it needed to. The drummer has killer timing and even the lyrics and vocals are the best in decades. Thanks very much for the treat! Expand
  28. Apr 10, 2022
    I gave it a 10 when I listened to it first time, now that I had some time to think about it...

    It's a great work of pure love between four people. Frusciante returns in all his glory and the album makes it feels like the weight of the evolution of their work is in this album (the Chili moving away from their funk-sound and Frusciante moving to electronic music), and it's not rare songs
    I gave it a 10 when I listened to it first time, now that I had some time to think about it...

    It's a great work of pure love between four people. Frusciante returns in all his glory and the album makes it feels like the weight of the evolution of their work is in this album (the Chili moving away from their funk-sound and Frusciante moving to electronic music), and it's not rare songs exploring new directions, like "It's Only Natural" or "White Braids & Pillow Chair".

    But you also wonder that the majority of the songs can sound a lot like their previous works, even though Flea and Frusciante shine in their "evolved musical state".

    TL;DR: There's some of their best here, yet, it may be because it mostly sounds a lot like their previous works.
  29. Apr 1, 2022
    This album is an unexpected joy. I enjoyed their most recent effort 'The Getaway" and their evolved musicality but felt the band had lost their earlier energy and fire that I'd enjoyed before. Safe to say the band has re captured that energy for the first time on record since 2006's stadium arcadium. It is a mellow record, it feels like cohesive jams and big improvisational solos. It'sThis album is an unexpected joy. I enjoyed their most recent effort 'The Getaway" and their evolved musicality but felt the band had lost their earlier energy and fire that I'd enjoyed before. Safe to say the band has re captured that energy for the first time on record since 2006's stadium arcadium. It is a mellow record, it feels like cohesive jams and big improvisational solos. It's fresh while being true to what a chili peppers album is. 9/10 from me. I hope they release the other 32 tracks recorded during these sessions. Expand
  30. Apr 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love this album! Every member shines through on a diverse and eclectic mix of songs. This forst step into a new era might not pull millions of new fans or even be enough of a leap for some, but it's massively pleasing for long time listeners of the band. Personally, this is a new classic and I can't wait to see any of these songs live. Expand
  31. Apr 1, 2022
    It's brilliant, it is Everything you would want in a Red Hot Chili Pepper album...all in one album! Start to Finish it feels like a band fully loving what they do and loving each other at the same time.

    Is it as good as Blood Sugar Sex Magik'? Not quite but not far away
  32. Apr 1, 2022
    One of their best album since Californication. The chemistry is back. The 4 guys are so brilliant on it.
  33. Apr 1, 2022
    There's just something that clicks when John Frusciante is part of the Chili's again. This album feels like a return to form to some degree, but with plenty of examples of a new phase of the band we haven't seen yet. Very exciting music fifteen years in the making!
  34. Apr 1, 2022
    Excellent record. Spontaneous, funky, vibey, Frusciantey. Amazing sound and production overall. Rich, lush, creamy!!
  35. Apr 1, 2022
    Depth and balance. So much to unpack, the overwhelming majority of which is terrific.
  36. Apr 1, 2022
    Really enjoyed the album, great mix of funk, rhythm, rock and melody, a mix of every genre they've played. The Great Apes is a stand out track, great sound, JF clearly left to do his own thing, outstanding!!
  37. Apr 2, 2022
    A few average songs but that's like any album in the world. Chili peppers delivered on a smooth, funky, and very fun album that gets better with every listen
  38. Apr 5, 2022
    This album is a great testament to their entire career up tat his point: good funky jams, emotional, mellow ballads, and just good songwriting. Production is great as well.
  39. Apr 3, 2022
    Superb album. The band manages to keep their sound and have never been better in my opinion. Black Summer is my go to track when I feel down.
  40. Apr 5, 2022
    Full, funky, melodic, and beautiful. Familiar but expansive. A powerful and fun album.
  41. Jun 10, 2022
    A very RHCP-album for all fans.
    Good to know Guys still have energy and creativity in their veins to make smth with all their love... unlimited love!
  42. Aug 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. While a song like “Not The One” or “Poster Child” is lesser than the rest of the album, Unlimited Love is awesome in lots of ways. The experimentation on this album shows how the Chili Peppers are still ready to do new things, even in their 60’s. Expand
  43. Apr 3, 2022
    Flea and John get free play, real carte blanche, and their chemistry sounds stellar. Unlimited Love sounds incomparably more alive than any of the Monarchy of Roses-pile of pop hooks they've thrown at us over the last 12 years. That's right. Eat your heart out, Maggie Rain Dance.
    Take the marvellous standout track "Here Ever After", which hints at an "All Around the World"-vibe and could
    Flea and John get free play, real carte blanche, and their chemistry sounds stellar. Unlimited Love sounds incomparably more alive than any of the Monarchy of Roses-pile of pop hooks they've thrown at us over the last 12 years. That's right. Eat your heart out, Maggie Rain Dance.
    Take the marvellous standout track "Here Ever After", which hints at an "All Around the World"-vibe and could have almost been on Californication. The band chemistry continues with the funky riff galore on "One Way Traffic", it's such a solid return to form that could have sit right next to the funkiest takes on Blood Sugar Sex Magik, like a modern B-side to "The Power of Equality". And what about Flea's mouthwatering bassfest on "Aquatic Mouth Dance" hump de bumping into an outro à la Radiohead's National Anthem. Yes I know. It even makes Anthony Kiedis sound like he wants to go road trippin' again, badly.

    In the end, Unlimited Love is RHCP’s sparkling return to form and an honest, nostalgic comeback. Finally.
    (Excerpt taken from my review/contribution to rateyourmusic)
  44. Apr 1, 2022
    Though not exactly a career-best effort, with several key tracks falling surprisingly flat, the reinvigorated feeling that the Chili Peppers bring to "Unlimited Love" with the return of guitarist John Frusciante (whose masterful work is far and away the star of the show) is utterly infectious nonetheless, and the incorporation of elements from genres like ska and soul suggest exciting newThough not exactly a career-best effort, with several key tracks falling surprisingly flat, the reinvigorated feeling that the Chili Peppers bring to "Unlimited Love" with the return of guitarist John Frusciante (whose masterful work is far and away the star of the show) is utterly infectious nonetheless, and the incorporation of elements from genres like ska and soul suggest exciting new things to come from the band moving forward.

    Choice Cuts: "Black Summer," "It's Only Natural," "She's a Lover," "Bastards of Light"
  45. Apr 1, 2022
    RHCP's original sound is back and it sounds as good as ever. The Chili Peppers return to use influences from their old hit albums (Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication, By The Way, Stadium Arcadium, The Get Away) and infuses them with some of their new ones and it works well in their favor.
    Every band member gets their time to shine, even though I love Frusciante and his guitarsolos and
    RHCP's original sound is back and it sounds as good as ever. The Chili Peppers return to use influences from their old hit albums (Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication, By The Way, Stadium Arcadium, The Get Away) and infuses them with some of their new ones and it works well in their favor.
    Every band member gets their time to shine, even though I love Frusciante and his guitarsolos and riffs, they sometimes took over a big part of their songs. However I'm very thrilled that he's back and he sounds great.
    If you love the Red Hot Chili Pepper sound, then by all means, enjoy!
  46. Apr 1, 2022
    Solid album, I'm happy! John, we missed you. Personal ranking:

    S Tier: Whatchu Thinkin, Let Em Cry, Aquatic Mouth Dance, Shes A Lover
    A Tier: It's Only Natural, White Braids & Pillow Chair, Veronica, These Are The Ways
    B Tier: Tangelo, Black Summer, The Heavy Wing, Here Ever After, One Way Traffic, Not The One
    C Tier: The Great Apes
    D Tier: Poster Child, Bastards of Light
  47. Apr 1, 2022
    Yes, it's long, full of fillers/b-sides. Yes, it's mellow. Yes, yes, not enough of Fru backvocals, harmonies of guitar solos. So, what's the deal?

    But, it's the Chilis. Band we grew up with. Band who brings memories, nostalgia, fun memories, epic concerts we attended and awesome people we met during the years. This album wokes up all those memories in me. It's not brilliant, but does it
    Yes, it's long, full of fillers/b-sides. Yes, it's mellow. Yes, yes, not enough of Fru backvocals, harmonies of guitar solos. So, what's the deal?

    But, it's the Chilis. Band we grew up with. Band who brings memories, nostalgia, fun memories, epic concerts we attended and awesome people we met during the years. This album wokes up all those memories in me. It's not brilliant, but does it have to be? Home many 40 year old bands managed to stay relevant, exciting, fresh, original and actually release music that is still bald.

    I did cut off five tracks of my playlist, because I just think the atmosphere is captured better without a few mediocre tunes, and I just had to finish the album with Heavy Wing.
  48. Apr 2, 2022
    There are a few turds on this album but the remaining songs are great. Strongest new Chili Peppers sound since BSSM.
  49. Apr 4, 2022
    John Frusciante's guitar and vocals in the songs make the album sound like the "good old peppers".
    However, some songs seems to me a little thoughtless, without a feeling behind it... anyway, I'm still giving it a chance, it probably just takes time to get into it :)
  50. Nov 25, 2022
    I was just super glad Frusciate and Rubin are back and they are producing together again with band as a whole.. Its been a while and they were just getting their rhythm/groove back on this one. Not a prefect album but still vastly better than all the crap out there. Some great tracks on there and a few misses too. Still one of fav bands of all time.
  51. Apr 1, 2022
    We are far from the highest picks of their career as a band if you are expecting to hear something impactful as Californication or as energetic as BSSM this album won't satisfy your expectations but, is definitely a good solid album. Frusciante guitars are meant to play with Flea bass and Smith drums there is no doubt about it, his way to arrange and connect all the components with hisWe are far from the highest picks of their career as a band if you are expecting to hear something impactful as Californication or as energetic as BSSM this album won't satisfy your expectations but, is definitely a good solid album. Frusciante guitars are meant to play with Flea bass and Smith drums there is no doubt about it, his way to arrange and connect all the components with his guitar is something special, I personally missed his solos and sounds (without saying anything bad about Josh's work). Expand
  52. Apr 1, 2022
    It has some bangers, they managed to keep the rhcp sound while doing something new with some tracks like White braids & pillow chairs, bastards of lights, nerve flip (japan exclusive track).
  53. Jun 2, 2022
    This is a very hard one for me to review. I’ve never been a huge fan of the RHCP’s. But this album definitely peaked my interest. These guys are getting older, but it doesn’t seem to have slowed them down whatsoever. After listening multiple times, I’m a little torn. There are some songs I absolutely adore. There are some I’m mixed on, and others I don’t like at all.
    For the most part,
    This is a very hard one for me to review. I’ve never been a huge fan of the RHCP’s. But this album definitely peaked my interest. These guys are getting older, but it doesn’t seem to have slowed them down whatsoever. After listening multiple times, I’m a little torn. There are some songs I absolutely adore. There are some I’m mixed on, and others I don’t like at all.
    For the most part, this is a pretty great record, one that I can’t stop listening to. The musicianship here is second to none. We don’t get enough music like this in today’s day and age. We should be grateful this band still exists, like many other old school rock and rollers.

    My favorite tracks, by far, are White Braids and Pillow Chair, Here Ever After, It’s Only Natural and She’s A Lover. The ones I like are Aquatic Mouth Dance, Whatchu Thinkin’ and Veronica. The rest I think are either average or below.

    I guess that leaves about 50% of the album I’m not particularly fond of. However, the songs I do like are so strong and memorable that I give that more clout.

    Songs like White Braid and Pillow Chair and Here Ever After are just so beautiful and memorable. I find myself going back to them constantly. The bass and drums on this album are so freaking good. They drive the record. Vocals are solid too. The biggest downside to the album may be the songwriting, but only on certain tracks. The lyrics range from fantastic to awful. It’s kind of scattershot.

    Ultimately, I came away really liking this album, I just wish it was shorter and more consistent.
  54. Apr 2, 2022
    Album is 'nothing new' but still refreshing. the atmosphere is classically peppery, funk, rock and rap, there is nothing wrong with that. the songs are good, but nothing stands out. there is no banger to push the album to gold status. like most rhcp albums, this one is also outrageously too long, it should have been twice as short. definitely the best album after by the way, but theAlbum is 'nothing new' but still refreshing. the atmosphere is classically peppery, funk, rock and rap, there is nothing wrong with that. the songs are good, but nothing stands out. there is no banger to push the album to gold status. like most rhcp albums, this one is also outrageously too long, it should have been twice as short. definitely the best album after by the way, but the weakest release with Frusciante. definitely give it a try Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. May 4, 2022
    You can do a whole lot worse than Unlimited Love, its main sin homogeneity rather than insufferableness.
  2. Apr 6, 2022
    While this old dog isn’t learning any new tricks, the band’s unmistakable chemistry shines, and each note is a glimpse into a youthful energy that hasn’t been seen in quite some time.
  3. Apr 6, 2022
    It’s far from a miserable affair, it certainly passes the time, it’s just hard to imagine how so much talent in a room didn’t arrive with something that didn’t feel so staid.