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Generally favorable reviews- based on 98 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 86 out of 98
  2. Negative: 3 out of 98
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  1. Feb 24, 2020
    I like this album, all the tracks are very consistent and very diverse. I like the hard beats made by Kenny Beats.
  2. Dec 20, 2022
    almost as banging as madvillainy its just a banger such a banger frfr no cap
  3. Dec 20, 2022
    soupier good sexy bastard, Kenny really dug deep for these beats, denzel snapped btw xoxoxoxoxo
  4. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  5. Mar 15, 2021
    An unexpected collaboration between incredible production and charismatic vocals. Kenny Beats and Denzel Curry do go well together! From the beginning we hear this powerful MF Doom's influence in some of Kenny's beats and Denzel's raw bars. This album is short and striking, every word is a pleasure, every beat a bliss. Within the space of eight tracks the duo make us travel by the ease ofAn unexpected collaboration between incredible production and charismatic vocals. Kenny Beats and Denzel Curry do go well together! From the beginning we hear this powerful MF Doom's influence in some of Kenny's beats and Denzel's raw bars. This album is short and striking, every word is a pleasure, every beat a bliss. Within the space of eight tracks the duo make us travel by the ease of their great collab by using vocal distorions, quick noises or outstanding samples coming out of nowhere. I would personnaly have put more singing style from Denzel (like in 'Lay_Up.m4a') but his aggressivity clearly makes the strenght of this project. Expand
  6. Mar 21, 2020
    Absolutely love this album! High energy hard hitting Hip Hop , Denzel’s flow combined with Kenny’s production is the perfect storm! I’ll take this over mumble rap any day!
  7. Nov 6, 2020
    A perfect short album that never gives you no time to rest with bangers like Lay Up. It draws from boom bap hip hop but mixes it with Kenny and Denzels respective sounds to create a unique and original album
  8. Feb 24, 2020
    For an 18 minute, 9 track album/EP, this is pretty amazing. The blend between 90's style beats and futuristic synths perfectly blends with Curry's range of flows, going from angry verses to more melodic ones. While many say this has DOOM influences because of the skits and the antihero theme, Denzel and Kenny Beats bring different instrumentals and flows than DOOM did in the past. EveryFor an 18 minute, 9 track album/EP, this is pretty amazing. The blend between 90's style beats and futuristic synths perfectly blends with Curry's range of flows, going from angry verses to more melodic ones. While many say this has DOOM influences because of the skits and the antihero theme, Denzel and Kenny Beats bring different instrumentals and flows than DOOM did in the past. Every single track is solid, but the hight points are clearly DIET_, Take it Back, and Cosmic. DIET features DMX like adlibs and flows from Denzel and a hard, bouncy beat. Take It Back reminds me of Denzel on the dark side of TA13OO as he delivers a hard and potent verse which kicks you right into the album. Finally, while most of cosmic is decent, the ending is where it really shines. I don't know who it is, or where it's from, but thee lush voice brings an end to the EP. I look forward to whatever this pair can bring in the future. Expand
  9. Feb 20, 2020
    Unlocked has a loud and colorful soundscape. Kenny Beats delivers a range of aggressive electronic-psychedelic beats to futuristic trap - all under the filer of boom bad & 90 nostalgia. Denzel matches the same range; No two tracks had the same flow or cadence. He even hits the nostalgic tones- some serious DMX / Busta Rhymes & ODB energy here, especially on the songs Diet_ & Take_it_backUnlocked has a loud and colorful soundscape. Kenny Beats delivers a range of aggressive electronic-psychedelic beats to futuristic trap - all under the filer of boom bad & 90 nostalgia. Denzel matches the same range; No two tracks had the same flow or cadence. He even hits the nostalgic tones- some serious DMX / Busta Rhymes & ODB energy here, especially on the songs Diet_ & Take_it_back

    Per the usual, delivers from extremely awkward lines:
    "Surfboard body ass boy with your fish t---
    “Make it rain on your B---- that how you water hoes”

    But at this point, it's pretty much on-brand for him - He has a talent of delivering corny lines with such diction and confidence - these awkward lines are often hidden under his aesthetic majority of the time.

    Overall, I think the colorful landscape brought by both Kenny Beats and Denzel Curry brings a light & fun performance, which absolutely aligns with the project’s intention.


    Or you could just watch the review -
  10. Apr 27, 2020
    Denzel's take on MF Doom style with boom-bap Kenny Beats production is just lightning in a bottle. This tight 18 minutes is full of exciting samples, beat switches, and quite variety of faces from Curry, each with their own plethora of wordplay and smooth references. Such an exciting listen that leaves you wanting more.
  11. Jul 31, 2020
    Denzel Curry never disappoints me. Tight rapping, vibrant sound, and killer beats.
  12. Aug 15, 2021
    It is mf doom and dmx combined to make a whole beautiful mess of an album- fav song is probably take it back
  13. Mar 1, 2020
    Score: 74
    Kenny Beats always finds a way to make any artist shine- just look at the sometimes unconventional artists he brings onto his YouTube Series "The Cave." If you are listening to the album for the first time, I'd suggest watching the short film version instead- same music, but with beautiful animations. I would not call this so much an album as it is just a damn good time packed
    Score: 74
    Kenny Beats always finds a way to make any artist shine- just look at the sometimes unconventional artists he brings onto his YouTube Series "The Cave." If you are listening to the album for the first time, I'd suggest watching the short film version instead- same music, but with beautiful animations. I would not call this so much an album as it is just a damn good time packed into an easy-to-digest 18-minute snack. Unlike prepackaged snacks, this album can get stale by even the 3rd listen, but I still find myself catching new snippets thrown in by Kenny in the background of the beat every re-listen. Curry's flows are as raw as ever, and the beats surely reflect that. While some may argue that Denzel struggles to find a consistent voice on the album, I think it is a testament to his lyrical range and capabilities as an artist. I particularly like his DMX-style rap on "Diet_." Like a snack, this album has no filler and can get dragged down by a lack of substance that is patched over with his flavorful bars. I found myself still hungry for more at the end, but I think a little bit of that is a healthy feeling.
  14. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7
  15. May 20, 2020
    Curry's commanding, energetic, and undeniably charismatic presence as a performer may be just enough for listeners to forgive Kenny Beats' shockingly limp, vapid production, which too often plays like a collection of B-side Madlib rejects without any passion or soul to them.
  16. Feb 25, 2020
    While Denzel Curry and Kenny Beats have proven that they can work well together the album was still largely hit or miss for me as I liked some sings liked "Diet" and "so incredible" none of the other songs really stuck with me and I find myself forgetting about a large portion of the album.
  17. Mar 10, 2020
    Unlocked is a very enjoyable, fun album in the first listen, especially if you watch the short film/music video. After the first listen, though, more and more songs became less enjoyable, to the point that I at one point couldn't stand it.

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Mar 31, 2020
    “Unlocked” is a blast. It is a highly-enjoyable snapshot of an otherworldly dimension traversed by the superbly-skilled rapper Denzel Curry and the fantastic Kenny Beats. This EP delivers loads of strong bars and beats alike and is most definitely worth the listen.
  2. The Wire
    Mar 11, 2020
    Denzel’s flows are as hungry as ever, at times managing to channel the untamed spirit of DMX (see “Diet”) while Kenny’s production is the ideal mix of weighty drums and potent bass. It’s an energetic listen and one that can hopefully act as some sort of cure for Old Heads Syndrome – the belief that no one is making real hiphop anymore. [Apr 2020, p.68]
  3. Feb 28, 2020
    Although Unlocked concludes almost as soon as it starts, Curry and Kenny pack so much into this short release that repeat listens are a must and, indeed, a pleasure.