• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Dec 11, 2012

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Dec 10, 2012
    Too bad it's a step back from Doo-Wops in so many ways, leaving people who saw promise in his debut shaking their heads in disappointment and hoping Mars can sort out his feelings about women and get back to being a sweet romancer, instead of an icky hater.
  2. Dec 21, 2012
    Too many of the tracks seem more like very good imitations of song types than like actual songs.
  3. Dec 10, 2012
    While not an unqualified triumph, Unorthodox Jukebox is a step forward.
  4. Dec 18, 2012
    He's an undeniable talent, desperately searching for an identity to claim as his own.
  5. Jan 3, 2013
    His second album is the same conventional mish-mash as his 6m-selling debut.
  6. 60
    Bruno Mars is a talented chap, he's forced to demean his abilities by echoing other artists' former glories on Unorthodox Jukebox, whose title all but gives the game away.
  7. When he isn't sounding like a Police album track ("Locked Out of Heaven") or a Musical Youth album track ("Show Me"), he's mostly sounding like a Wham! album track (the disco-pop "Treasure" being a case in point).
  8. Dec 10, 2012
    Overall, there is rather less doo-wopping on Unorthodox Jukebox, an album that, despite its title, deserves your grudging respect, and a little more hooliganism.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 283 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 59 out of 283
  1. Dec 11, 2012
    Bruno Mars has proven with this album that he is not a one-trick-pony. If you did not like his first album, I urge you to give UnorthodoxBruno Mars has proven with this album that he is not a one-trick-pony. If you did not like his first album, I urge you to give Unorthodox Jukebox a chance. There are so many different styles on this album, that it never becomes stale or boring. He has taken the risky path that not many choose to take with a sophmore album, but it paid off big time. Full Review »
  2. Dec 13, 2012
    Bruno Mars - Unorthodox Juxebox:

    1. Young Girls: Amazing start. 10/10! 2. Locked Out Of Heaven: The first single. Fast and danceable:
    Bruno Mars - Unorthodox Juxebox:

    1. Young Girls: Amazing start. 10/10! 2. Locked Out Of Heaven: The first single. Fast and danceable: 10/10! 3.Gorilla: I love the drums on this song 9/10! 4.Treasure: Disco-Feeling! 8/10! 5.Moonshine: I don't like this song so much. Sorry 5/10! 6.When I Was Your Man: Amazing ballad! 10/10! 7.Natalie: And the next wonderful song 10/10. 8. Show Me: Reggae!! 9/10

    9.Money Make Her Smile: Not my favorite song. It sounds like Lady Gaga 4/10

    10: If I Knew: Final Highlight 10/10

    --> 8.5 points = 9 points. Nice work!
    Full Review »
  3. Dec 11, 2012
    After listening to this record, I can easily say that Bruno Mars is one of the best musicians we have today. Unorthdox Jukebox is a pile ofAfter listening to this record, I can easily say that Bruno Mars is one of the best musicians we have today. Unorthdox Jukebox is a pile of diversity and is equally mind-blowing. He took a huge risk this time and it really got paid off. His voice has improved, his songs sound more mature now, he has incorporated almost every genre on this album we know would better suit his voice. Best thing about this album is that how original and fresh it sounds, every song on the record has its own powerful yet soothing melody which is very rare these days. I love almost all the songs on this record but my favorites are "Moonshine", "Gorilla", "Locked Out of Heaven", "Natalie" and "If I Knew". Every song on the record is worth listening to, and I must say that Bruno Mars has surprised me again. Full Review »