• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 11, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 128 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 6 out of 128

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  1. Feb 20, 2012
    I have been a KoRn fan for already three months, and i can´t say their records are very good (except for a few) but this one is different. It may be heavier than their other albums, and it´s very probable that you won´t understand anything until the tenth time you hear it, but it´s worth enough. Untouchables is aI have been a KoRn fan for already three months, and i can´t say their records are very good (except for a few) but this one is different. It may be heavier than their other albums, and it´s very probable that you won´t understand anything until the tenth time you hear it, but it´s worth enough. Untouchables is a Heavy/Industrial/Alternative/Whatever Metal album, long and full of strength. Since the amazing Grammy-awarded Here to stay and the epic Thoughtless too the depressive ballad Alone I Break It´s a modern classic. Expand
  2. Jul 25, 2018
    What a classic nu-metal album. This is a time capsule that brings me back to the good old days of 2002. If you don't headbang to Here To Stay, we can't be friends. Pickens approves!
  3. Feb 20, 2012
    A low 9, accompanies Korn's most produced and dynamic effort that vastly improves with each listen. There is enough depth and innovation here to keep the band at the top of their genre. 'Make Believe', 'No One's There, fan favourite 'Thoughtless' and 'Here to Stay' make a point in proving that despite their bashing in popular culture Korn are very capable of creating a superb andA low 9, accompanies Korn's most produced and dynamic effort that vastly improves with each listen. There is enough depth and innovation here to keep the band at the top of their genre. 'Make Believe', 'No One's There, fan favourite 'Thoughtless' and 'Here to Stay' make a point in proving that despite their bashing in popular culture Korn are very capable of creating a superb and imaginative piece. Expand
  4. Feb 20, 2019
    What a classic nu-metal album. This is a time capsule that brings me back to the good old days of 2002. If you don't headbang to Here To Stay, we can't be friends. Pickens approves!
  5. jimbob
    Aug 6, 2002
    KoRn is the shit
  6. BrianK
    Jul 19, 2002
    Okay this album is garbage. I dont know what Jon Davis is thinking but trying to sound like Tears for fears and the Cure is not working for them, Davis has totally lost all touch to his low, gutteral rage in his vocal chords he now sounds like a prissy, brit-pop diva on these worthless, and even laughable tracks. I am so glad my buddy and I downloaded the CD because just by hearing their Okay this album is garbage. I dont know what Jon Davis is thinking but trying to sound like Tears for fears and the Cure is not working for them, Davis has totally lost all touch to his low, gutteral rage in his vocal chords he now sounds like a prissy, brit-pop diva on these worthless, and even laughable tracks. I am so glad my buddy and I downloaded the CD because just by hearing their 1st radio tune(which is good actually) I may of bought bieng a Korn fan! and it sickens me when the critics who obviously never heard of Korn till follow the Leader call this dark. Listen to Korn's first CD, now that is dark, the driving gutteral angst that embodies what Korn was and should always be meant to be! It angers me when bands lose their grip one what made them good in the first place have ignorant critics telling them they have put out their best CD yet! Shame on you critics shame!!!!! Wake up! Expand
  7. SwingerJay
    Jul 23, 2002
    Once again jon davis trying too hard to be deep, when in all reality..he isnt. I expect an apology from them to the fans for wasting their time, and money...on this shit they call music. Excuse me, where are the $$$ in the word art?
  8. PeterGabriel
    Jul 24, 2002
    As expected jon davis' lyrics are about as deep as a puddle, and meaningful as words written in water. The music, the band itself have no artistic integrity, but I am sure there has to be somone stupid enough to like this album. Yuk. And these guys own a record company? I have a feeling that we are about to have an onslaught of terrible music plague our land.
  9. MichaelR
    Nov 29, 2003
    Korn sucks. Screw Korn. If you want more insight to that comment: Jon Davis is nearing his forties and still complains about being beaten up in High School, and his attempts to write about anything else are worthless. Plus, he can't sing. He sounds like a queer banshee.
  10. markyj
    Dec 23, 2004
    My least favorite by them
  11. Sep 25, 2016
    Thematically heavy, Korn uses "Untouchables" to deliver a dark, moody, and emotional sound for the majority of it's 14 track run. The lyrics are based on personal experiences from lead singer Jonathan Davis' life. Drawing inspiration from things like a past of being bullied and the undesirable situations and emotions being experienced at that time, Davis and the band are able to deliver aThematically heavy, Korn uses "Untouchables" to deliver a dark, moody, and emotional sound for the majority of it's 14 track run. The lyrics are based on personal experiences from lead singer Jonathan Davis' life. Drawing inspiration from things like a past of being bullied and the undesirable situations and emotions being experienced at that time, Davis and the band are able to deliver a surprising amount or rage in their music, despite the more solemn sound.

    While definitely still angry all the way through, the actual aggression doesn't come out in their sound until Embrace. There it hits that expected sense of energetic heaviness one would expect from Korn. As a result Embrace, Beat it Upright, and Wake Up Hate stand out of the highlights of the album.

    Still, serving as a proudly raised middle finger to the pretty and popular, Korn's Untouchables are interesting expressions of what it feels like to be stepped on. The sadness and anger inherent to being an outcast are on full display. While this may not be the Korn album I find myself constantly returning to for the majority of it's songs, it's still one I enjoyed a great deal and have a lot of respect for.
  12. KoRnguy
    Oct 29, 2002
    Personally I love this album.I think it is the best after the self titled cd.Sure Jon has changed his style of singing alot,and it would be nice to hear Jon screaming his lungs out like on "good god" or "sean olsen" but isnt screaming getting old? too many bands think by screaming they can make it big, Jon is showing he can do something else other than that.And he doesnt have to leave the Personally I love this album.I think it is the best after the self titled cd.Sure Jon has changed his style of singing alot,and it would be nice to hear Jon screaming his lungs out like on "good god" or "sean olsen" but isnt screaming getting old? too many bands think by screaming they can make it big, Jon is showing he can do something else other than that.And he doesnt have to leave the band like some people(corey Taylor...)this album is the heaviest instrumentally, and the clearest sounding with all their new equipment.the only thing i found dissapointing...the only thing at the end was a lame remix of "here to stay" bring back the hidden hits like"earache my eye" !!! KoRn rules!!! Expand
  13. scotts
    Sep 20, 2002
    this is a great album i listened to it a my cousins and its fab so ill hopeFULLY get a copy SOON (hint, hint)
  14. fanny
    Sep 9, 2003
    not their best but it's close
  15. edm
    Jul 5, 2005
    it was good. all da songs r immediate and dey grab ya. if ya dont lyk it i aint gunna BLAME ya (1 of da best traks). but next time mor of ur brill scat pleez Jon
  16. KornLuver
    Oct 6, 2002
    KoRn Kicks Ass
  17. HugoN.
    Jul 22, 2002
    Their best record ever!
  18. PaulS.
    Aug 27, 2002
    This album rules, so all you critics can go and fuck yourself. The onslaught of koRn is here so make way.
  19. TravisO.
    Aug 27, 2002
    I have to say this is the best album they have put out since Life is Peachy. True, it's still not the same Korn as the first album, but its definitely a step back in the right direction after the trendy bullshit we saw in Follow the Leader and Issues. All in all, a good album, and I think it has brought Korn back closer to their original greatness.
  20. [Anonymous]
    Aug 27, 2002
    this is fuckin great!
  21. Chimp
    May 20, 2004
    Jon Davis cant sing? Jon Davis sings like a queer banshee? I dont think so. This album is really good, and all artists continue to sing about what they used to do! The Rolling Stones still sing about girls for instance, and their 60!
  22. murata
    Jun 1, 2005
    it's a real music with high quality..
  23. Cody
    Apr 26, 2006
    Korn's all-time best album! Thoughtless is the most emotional and angry song on the album, making it the best. Buy or die!
  24. SamanthaC.
    Aug 27, 2002
    Korn is the shit! I often find myself able to connect with John Davis's lyrics. You don't have to be deep to express yourself. I must say, this is their best record yet!
  25. spiked
    Feb 13, 2004
    this cd has awesome songs and fast pace heavy metal
  26. BreannaR
    Nov 18, 2003
    I love this CD and I love Korn soooooo much! This CD is great but not the best they've ever done. A few of the songs including wake up hate, embrace, and beat it upright were kinda lame but some of the songs like no one's there (the best song on this CD), one more time, alone I break, im hiding, here to stay, hating, and thoughtless are just some of the best songs Korn has ever I love this CD and I love Korn soooooo much! This CD is great but not the best they've ever done. A few of the songs including wake up hate, embrace, and beat it upright were kinda lame but some of the songs like no one's there (the best song on this CD), one more time, alone I break, im hiding, here to stay, hating, and thoughtless are just some of the best songs Korn has ever done and the rest of the songs are good. Im so excited about their next CD, take a look in the mirror!!!!!! Expand
  27. Jul 7, 2011
    The Untouchables album, 5th in Korns illustrious and varied career, was also their most experimental at the time, with alot of emphasis on sound effects and making the rhythm section pound harder than ever.
    While at the same time keeping the stereotypical Korn sound. Jonathons songwriting was amateur at best, but his vocal capacity is vastly improved with smooth transitions between melody
    The Untouchables album, 5th in Korns illustrious and varied career, was also their most experimental at the time, with alot of emphasis on sound effects and making the rhythm section pound harder than ever.
    While at the same time keeping the stereotypical Korn sound. Jonathons songwriting was amateur at best, but his vocal capacity is vastly improved with smooth transitions between melody and low growls.
    Its a very atmospheric album reminiscent of the FX used in Follow the Leader, but overall it doesnt live up to the classic nature of the aforementiond. It is basically the Issues album downtuned with more effects. While its nothing spectacular and is one of their lowest selling albums. Its actually very underrated, its heavy, funky, soulful, and very angry and aggressive, everything that Korn became big for. and much much more. I love this album despite its many technical flaws. Its a worthy album from an underrated band
  28. Mar 20, 2012
    Excellent record. Korn is always at their best when they just go and make a record without any secondary reasoning. Standout tracks are Hating, One More Time, and Blame
  29. Sep 24, 2015
    There's real, actual talent shown throughout the entirety of Untouchables that seems to be overlooked by some. It's Korn's best work and it really shows. Highlights include "Blame", "Hollow Life", "Hating" and "No One's There".
  30. Aug 13, 2014
    I love this album it has everything and its KoRn's style its groovy, heavy, soft and calm. This album shows KoRn' s experience and shows how they are capable of doing anything new

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. The song, sentiment and anger remain the same.
  2. 'Untouchables' is a record that grows spikes with each listen and is by turns exhilarating, confusing, inspiring, embarrassing and astonishing.
  3. Alternative Press
    Their darkest, most impenetrable record yet--the aural approximation of staring down a mine shaft at midnight. [Jul 2002, p.75]