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Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 42
  2. Negative: 2 out of 42

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  1. Jul 6, 2019
    ***Revised review nearly ten year later!*** First of all, let me tell you how mind blown I was to stumble across the video on youtube of Steve Jenkins reading the negative review (below) that I had written nearly a decade ago. First of all, I was twenty-five at that time and lacked some tact in the way in which I chose to speak about others. My words were unthoughtful, and I apologize.***Revised review nearly ten year later!*** First of all, let me tell you how mind blown I was to stumble across the video on youtube of Steve Jenkins reading the negative review (below) that I had written nearly a decade ago. First of all, I was twenty-five at that time and lacked some tact in the way in which I chose to speak about others. My words were unthoughtful, and I apologize.

    Secondly, this whole thing is ironic because I actually really enjoyed Ursa Major, but only really started listening to it about two years after I had written this "review". Matter of fact, Ursa Major is my third favorite album after the self titled and out of vein albums!

    I will say, I got a good laugh from the video. LMAO, thanks for the music TEB!

    Original review:
    This album sucked. Sorry to be frank but I don't own TEB anything. I loved their other albums but this one just sucked. Stephen needs to stop smoking and doing drugs and get cleaned up.
  2. StuieM.
    Sep 10, 2009
    I was a fan ever since the first album and I loved every album they ever made which included Out Of The Vein. This album has a couple good songs. I was so pumped after Red Star EP then this album really let me down. "Don't Believe A Word is" is a terrible song to be a single. Overall not to good.
  3. MS
    Sep 6, 2009
    Like Blue and Out of the Vein I you need to listen to the album a couple times through. Top to bottom this is the best album they have put out. The bonus tracks are also good. I may be in the minority here but I love Why Can't you be with Kimya Dawson. Although Bonfire is great, its earlier version as campfire was better.
  4. DanielG
    Sep 2, 2009
    After half a dozen spins I must say this album comes quite close to their debut album. I am not 90's starved and even though I do own their first and greatest hits album I am neither a diehard fan nor a diehard critic of the band I just enjoy good music. Overall this album feels energetic and fun... great hooks and I must say I do like the lyrics. You could put any band's name After half a dozen spins I must say this album comes quite close to their debut album. I am not 90's starved and even though I do own their first and greatest hits album I am neither a diehard fan nor a diehard critic of the band I just enjoy good music. Overall this album feels energetic and fun... great hooks and I must say I do like the lyrics. You could put any band's name in front of this album and I would say it is a great album. Tracks 1, 3 and 10 are specially outstanding. Expand
  5. JR
    Aug 31, 2009
    I cant figure out why so many people are slobbering all over this album. Its not very good. A lot of parts are out of place and the album, as a whole, lacks consistency. Its not an awful release, but it is not good either. For taking so much time off, it should have been better... IMO.
  6. joshp
    Aug 29, 2009
    I think the album is probably just as good as their debut album. They keep the same style in terms of their music but branch out and try a wide range of instrumentals. An perfect example is the rap portion at the end of summer town. I personally love it. The most i love about this album though is they kept one particular technique they use in alot of their songs and that is they start the I think the album is probably just as good as their debut album. They keep the same style in terms of their music but branch out and try a wide range of instrumentals. An perfect example is the rap portion at the end of summer town. I personally love it. The most i love about this album though is they kept one particular technique they use in alot of their songs and that is they start the song out slow and then build it up and just rock it out! My favorite from the album would have to be water landing. Expand
  7. BrianM
    Aug 25, 2009
    I am definitely one of the biggest 3EB fans there is... and although I love the album, I am a bit disappointed. Being such a big fan, I have sought out every song 3EB has ever recorded. Many of the songs off this latest album were played at live shows for years. I find myself liking those other versions better. The lyrics have changed and, IMHO, have gotten a bit weaker. YouTube versions I am definitely one of the biggest 3EB fans there is... and although I love the album, I am a bit disappointed. Being such a big fan, I have sought out every song 3EB has ever recorded. Many of the songs off this latest album were played at live shows for years. I find myself liking those other versions better. The lyrics have changed and, IMHO, have gotten a bit weaker. YouTube versions of Summertown (without the dreaded rap at the end) are better than the one on the album (sound quality aside). Other versions of "Don't Believe a Word" are also better than the one included on the final cut. I was never disappointed with Blue or Out of the Vein. They stayed on high rotation for years. But as much as I am thrilled to have a new album, I feel like they didn't really include the best material. The closest comparison I can give is between the original version of Blinded and the final cut used on Out of the Vein. The final cut was far weaker lyrically and, in my opinion, musically. It seems like the band second guesses themselves too much... or that Stephan keeps re-tweaking the lyrics to the point that they are eventually stripped of some of their most powerful elements. It's George Lucas syndrome all over again. Don't get me wrong, I still love and support the band but this effort could have been a 10. I give it a 7 for too much tweaking. Expand
  8. JosephA
    Aug 24, 2009
    I like it a lot and pretty much agree that it's their best album since their debut. I also agree however that that's not much a difficult title to garner after the very creative but uneven "Blue" and the somewhat DOA "Out Of The Vein". Highlights: Can You Take Me, Don't Believe A Word, Bonfire, Sharp Knife, Summer Town, & Water Landing.
  9. JeffH
    Aug 23, 2009
    At first, I was a bit skeptical, but after my 2nd or 3rd time through, I decided this album rocks! My only complain was the rap at the end of summertown. Could have done without it, but oh well. Overall, very good. Think about it like this. Besides their self-titled, when have the critics ever liked 3eb's albums? If you are a 3eb fan, you will like this album!
  10. JamesG
    Aug 23, 2009
    I bought this album in MP3 form from Amazon on it's day of release, and it's outstanding. I can't believe it has such a low rating. It's been 2 or 3 days since I bought the album and I already catch myself humming or singing the lyrics.
  11. StephenS.
    Aug 22, 2009
    As a fan since the first album, I'm kind of scratching my head on this one. "Sharp Knife" may be one of the most moving songs SJ has written, however it's followed by "1 in 10" that kind of kills it. Don't get me wrong, it's a great album. It has a strong first song, gets a little lost in the middle, and hits its stride again by the end - just in time to make you press As a fan since the first album, I'm kind of scratching my head on this one. "Sharp Knife" may be one of the most moving songs SJ has written, however it's followed by "1 in 10" that kind of kills it. Don't get me wrong, it's a great album. It has a strong first song, gets a little lost in the middle, and hits its stride again by the end - just in time to make you press play again! Expand
  12. Micah
    Aug 22, 2009
    Huge fan, but I'll try not to be biased. Has some really great songs,- summertown, sharp knife, and a few others. I personally feel, Out of the Vein was better than Blue, this album falls in between, where as the first album is still the best. they just can't repeat the greatness of the first album.
  13. Jmoneybrotha
    Aug 21, 2009
    One of the biggest 3eb fans there is. After a critical couple of listens I am more than satisfied.
  14. JoeB.
    Aug 20, 2009
    Third Eye Blind finally returned to making great albums after Out of the Vein led to slight disappointment for me. Although this may not top their self titled debut album, I do believe this is one of the most thought provoking new albums of the year and I am hoping that Third Eye Blind continue to make great CD's.
  15. TravisD.
    Aug 20, 2009
    I have to say this is an amazing album. Its well worth the wait!
  16. ChrisG.
    Aug 20, 2009
    Lyrically, Stephan Jenkins is still occasionally embarrassing and or horny, but musically this is pure Third Eye Blind charm. Fans won't be disappointed. Fantastic car album.
  17. JayQ
    Aug 19, 2009
    Had really high hopes and it didn't disappoint. They took their time and it paid off. Best since self-titled. Bonfire, about to break, and why can't you be are definitely the highlights.
  18. Matt
    Aug 19, 2009
    There are some songs that are trancendant, Sharp Knife, Bonfire and Water Landing being my favorate. Then, there are some songs that I will skip by regularly like the laborous One In Ten. Also, I have loved this band sing the ninties when it was like the sound track to my life because the songs were so brutally honest and life/relationship oriented. This album gets a little too political There are some songs that are trancendant, Sharp Knife, Bonfire and Water Landing being my favorate. Then, there are some songs that I will skip by regularly like the laborous One In Ten. Also, I have loved this band sing the ninties when it was like the sound track to my life because the songs were so brutally honest and life/relationship oriented. This album gets a little too political and there for makes it more difficult to relate to on a personal level like the last three albums. Expand
  19. KidB
    Aug 19, 2009
    I'd say they are in my Top 10 bands of all time, so i was really excited for this record. 'DBAW' was so good and was the kick in the balls music needed. On first listen though I found the album subdued and i was really dissapointed, but it has grown so much on me now. It could have done with 'Non Dairy Creamer' and 'Red Star' on it but still a good I'd say they are in my Top 10 bands of all time, so i was really excited for this record. 'DBAW' was so good and was the kick in the balls music needed. On first listen though I found the album subdued and i was really dissapointed, but it has grown so much on me now. It could have done with 'Non Dairy Creamer' and 'Red Star' on it but still a good album. After such a poor year for music get this CD and revamp your year. Expand
  20. KurtM
    Aug 19, 2009
    I love this album, but I've loved all of their albums. Obviously, their self titled work is a classic, and was the soundtrck from the late 90's; but they have evolved. I'm enjoying and am intrigued by the songwriting journey Stephan has taken us on over the years. I look forward to Ursa Minor.
  21. MarkD
    Aug 19, 2009
    They take some chances, but it is a great record. The lyrics at the end of Water Landing are incredible. As is Sharp Knife. Best record since self titled for them.
  22. James
    Aug 19, 2009
    Honestly, I had very high hopes for this record. After giving a few runs through I can happily say I am extremely satisfied. Almost every song has that explosive quality that I loved about 3eb's other fan favs. "Sharp Knife", "Don't Believe a Word" and "Water Landing" stand out to me... if you ignore the critics for anything, it should be for this record.
  23. JohnQ.
    Aug 19, 2009
    The best album since self titled. Definitely better than Out of the Vein. Clever, thought-out lyrics and catchy songs that can weather more than one listen.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Third Eye Blind's fourth album and first since 2003--shows that frontman Stephan Jenkins' way with a hook has dimmed little since the band's mid-'90s heyday. The clunky lyrics are another thing.
  2. Jenkins instead comes on like he never left the scene. In fact, with its pulsating rhythms and crisp guitar fuzz, the new record actually does a better job of extending the band's early work than did its lukewarm previous effort, "Out of the Vein."
  3. The formula is dependable and timeworn but ultimately successful, as Third Eye Blind follows the paint-by-numbers blueprint with stunning efficiency.