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Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 2 out of 8
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  1. Sep 9, 2016
    This album is solid from start to finish. Many people fail to recognize how strong this band really is. This album charted all the way at 69 on the Billboard 100 top albums. Bayside is definitely growing as a band.
  2. Aug 22, 2016
    It's pretty simple. If you like Bayside you will like this album. Smooth and very easy to put on repeat. Only wish they could branch out a little more and take a few risks with their now solid craft.
  3. Aug 21, 2016
    I have to say I'm not sure why there are average reviews anywhere. Bayside's record is one of their best to date. Some of these songs even have mainstream appeal which may have an opportunity to land on the radio, although I'm not sure that's a good thing. The only fault, if you can even say it's a fault is that a lot of the lyrics are personally related to Anthony, but then again heI have to say I'm not sure why there are average reviews anywhere. Bayside's record is one of their best to date. Some of these songs even have mainstream appeal which may have an opportunity to land on the radio, although I'm not sure that's a good thing. The only fault, if you can even say it's a fault is that a lot of the lyrics are personally related to Anthony, but then again he writes most of the lyrics anyways so I'm not sure why that would be an issue. Expand
  4. Aug 20, 2016
    (my first ever review)

    FNALLY A NEW ALBUM !!!! Disclaimer : Ok, I just want to start by saying I'm a huge fan from day 1. Favorite band huge. I'm from Queens an part of the same scene, former bassist in a myself, a year older then Anthony, played the same venues, knew they had the "it" my bands never had, listen through all the history an line up changes, etc etc, I'm a fan cult an
    (my first ever review)


    Disclaimer : Ok, I just want to start by saying I'm a huge fan from day 1. Favorite band huge. I'm from Queens an part of the same scene, former bassist in a myself, a year older then Anthony, played the same venues, knew they had the "it" my bands never had, listen through all the history an line up changes, etc etc, I'm a fan cult an all lol.

    Now for the review part. I've gave it a few good listens an give it a 7. Not their best work but good album front to back. Standout track for me is Behind Enemy Lines. Finally we get a song bringing back the angst of old an at there best. Jack, you are a guitar master an I have nothing bad to say about you personally an your playing, well done as usual. Finally hear some bass, YES! Nick underrated and underused as usual throughout the albumn but on this song perfect, no over kill/underuse just perfect. Anthonys voice is still one of the best in the biz an the production is great overall. Also Anthonys lyrics are great an well thought out, and I feel as if we were best friends with all I know about him now....BUT, that's where the problems lie. It feels like Anthonys solo effeort and Jack an Nick are just his backups...Not sure if this is Anthonys fault or the rest of the band just not speaking up. Don't feel like a team effort, all Anthonys personal life no collab feel at all. The music feels upbeat on most tracks an the lyrics are anything but . More Pop then punk these days. My personal opinion is WTF are you wasteing Jack!!! lol None the less the songs are catchy but no growth. Not there best effort. Solid 7, (Normally if it was anyone else it would get a 6 but its BAYSIDE, even at their worst they are still the best. so point for that lol)
  5. Aug 20, 2016
    Vacany is an absolute solid record from Bayside. Definitely worth a listen. Anthony's lyrics are a bit different in this record than they have been in previous releases. Most of the songs directly relate to his life.
  6. Aug 20, 2016
    Vacancy is one of Bayside's best lyrical efforts as Anthony was going through quite a lot when he wrote this album, while alone in a motel. Bayside continues to have a very strong and loyal fan base for which the masses of mainstream media will most likely never vindicate their passion for this band. While it may be a reality that Bayside will not end up on mainstream media channels,Vacancy is one of Bayside's best lyrical efforts as Anthony was going through quite a lot when he wrote this album, while alone in a motel. Bayside continues to have a very strong and loyal fan base for which the masses of mainstream media will most likely never vindicate their passion for this band. While it may be a reality that Bayside will not end up on mainstream media channels, neither do many other good bands in this day and age.

    The first song on this record titled "Two Words" is one of Bayside's best efforts in quite a long time. Killing Time had a polish of mainstream high production, Vacancy is somewhat of a mix between Shudder and Killing Time. Overall the album is great.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Kerrang!
    Sep 9, 2016
    Their seventh record might just be their most melodically expansive yet. [27 Aug 2016, p.52]
  2. Aug 24, 2016
    This is a band with no bullshit, no frills--just consistent, hardworking musicians putting out music that continues to push the boundaries of what the possibilities of punk can be.
  3. Magnet
    Aug 18, 2016
    Vacancy has a more organic, "big indie rock" real feel to it as opposed to something automatically designed to blast from convertibles and iPods in high-school lockers. [No. 134, p.53]