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Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 20
  2. Negative: 5 out of 20
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  1. Feb 17, 2018
    Vale gives us a different, yet very familiar sound from Black Veil Brides. One of the most notable differences upon first listen is the lack of screams from Andy, which doesn't hinder the album in any way. The band go back to the concept of their "Wretched and Divine" album and seemingly attempt to make this album a sort of sequel to that story. However, this album lacks the cohesion inVale gives us a different, yet very familiar sound from Black Veil Brides. One of the most notable differences upon first listen is the lack of screams from Andy, which doesn't hinder the album in any way. The band go back to the concept of their "Wretched and Divine" album and seemingly attempt to make this album a sort of sequel to that story. However, this album lacks the cohesion in the storytelling that "Wretched and Divine" had. As always the instrumentation throughout the album is flawless. Jaw dropping guitar work is something to be expected from a BVB record and this album did not disappoint. While the second half of the album isn't as captivating as the first half, the songs in the second half are still very high quality. The choruses on this album are some of the catchiest that the band have ever written (i.e. "The Last One", "The Outsider", "My Vow"). While they certainly bring their A game on the heavier songs, the slower songs are given their time to shine without being overshadowed. Moments like "When They Call My Name" and "Vale" show the band embracing their ability to write catchy, meaningful ballads yet again, a trend we have seen from them on their past two efforts as well. The only track on this album that seems to fall flat is the overly long "Dead Man Walking" this song just feels drawn out and forced. The main saving grace for this track is the fact that they kept the violin driven masterpiece Overture II as part of this song instead of making it it's own track (which I would have highly preferred). Overall, this album is a fantastic addition to the bands catalog, if you were already a fan of the band you will love the album, and if you weren't already a fan of the band this album will probably have at least a couple songs that you will find yourself at least nodding along to. Collapse
  2. Jan 26, 2018
    I have a bit of a complex relationship with Black Veil Brides (BVB)... Their first two albums, in my opinion, were emo trash. They were far too over dramatic and edgy for my taste, If you liked them, more power to you, but I couldn't stand them if my life depended on it. Then they released their third album... and it blew me away. Within a year, they changed and created an album I stillI have a bit of a complex relationship with Black Veil Brides (BVB)... Their first two albums, in my opinion, were emo trash. They were far too over dramatic and edgy for my taste, If you liked them, more power to you, but I couldn't stand them if my life depended on it. Then they released their third album... and it blew me away. Within a year, they changed and created an album I still listen to on occasion all these years later. It was damn good, and that got me excited for their eponymous album. And I can confirm, without a doubt, it was the most average album I've ever heard. I didn't like anything, I didn't hate anything, it was the definition of "meh":. So I was worried about this album, as it could really go any way.

    Dammit BVB, why can't you just let me hate you? Instead, they made "Vail, their best album to date.

    It blew me away guys, almost every hook was fantastic, if not it was just great. The guitar work is still fueled with emotion, yet has grown in complexity and brings me utter joy when listening to it. And Andy yet again kicks ass with his vocals. Even from the band's beginning, I knew this guy had talent, it just needed the right band to really bring his voice to it's peak. I never though BVB would be the band to do that, but apparently they were. Basically, everyone in the band did their job phenomenally, all the pieces fit together perfectly.

    So what flaws do I have? Well, track 10 brings the album down a notch. It seems BVB ran out of hooks at that point. It's not bad, it just sounds like they made something that belonged on their prior album. It's beyond average and, though all the songs sound unique, this one blends in and doesn't add anything special. Had they removed this track, the album would have benefited. Our Destiny also falls close to falling to this flaw, yet the orchestral aspect of the song ensures it's kept fresh.

    I'd say the best songs were Dead Man Walking, an 8:32 opus that builds upon itself with every note until an amazing climax, followed by a beautiful orchestral piece akin to the ones present in Wretched and Divine.

    Vale is the album I always wanted from BVB. It's not too edgy, yet it still speaks to it's more emo crowd with a message of hope present throughout the album. All the pieces fit together in a graceful unison that has impressed me with every listen, and will impress me in my listens to come. With maybe a little more orchestral work to avoid songs meshing together a little too well, I think BVB have the potential to reach even higher scores on future albums. Give it a listen, you won't regret it.

    8/10 - Fantastic!
  3. Jan 14, 2018
    I keep coming back to Black Veil Brides on a sort of basis where "maybe they'll really blow me out of the water". Look, they are not terrible musicians, and if you found that you liked the previous four records, I can say this is more or less the same Black Veil Brides you come to know. You still have the skilled solos by Jake and Jinxx. Christian and Ashley still push some sick rhythm.I keep coming back to Black Veil Brides on a sort of basis where "maybe they'll really blow me out of the water". Look, they are not terrible musicians, and if you found that you liked the previous four records, I can say this is more or less the same Black Veil Brides you come to know. You still have the skilled solos by Jake and Jinxx. Christian and Ashley still push some sick rhythm. Andy still has that smooth deep voice, which I do think is getting way better with each release. My problem with Vale is one where I keep hearing similar sounds regardless of the experimentation done. Yeah, this album is a lot more poppy than the last, but it still has the same Black Veil Brides sound. Hardcore fans would possibly kill me for saying this, but I feel as though they don't truly live up to their potential; massive potential is seen from various songs throughout their career. "Victory Call" from Wretched and Divine. "Faithless" from their self-titled effort. "Youth & Whiskey" from Set the World On Fire. "The Mortician's Daughter" from We Stitch These Wounds. "Throw The First Stone" from this album. They can be heavy, honest, light, and all around cocky like the bands they are influenced by, They know how to be a glam metal band: they gave an even more sexual undertone to Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell". The question I keep asking myself is why don't they try to mix it up a little bit and make there own "Shout At The Devil" while also incorporating their "lead away from darkness" attitude that has garnered them a massive following. I am not trying to bash Black Veil Brides, but I am a little disappointed that as musicians they aren't allowing themselves to experiment on a larger scale. I'd like to hear them make a raw 80s mid-tempo record at some point to be quite honest. If your a person like me who knows Black Veil Brides can do better, I'd skip this release. If your one of those people that absolutely enjoy this band, please don't take this as me attacking them and listen to Vale; it is not a bad record. If you are one of those people who rip the fan base and make derogatory comments towards what they like, you need to grow up. Hopefully this is helpful to those who want to check this album out. Expand
  4. Jan 12, 2018
    I think I can surely say I enjoy every song on the album to some extent. I thought originally The Outsider would be my favorite, but I can't say for certain if that's true anymore. I quite enjoy Wake Up and Our Destiny. I do have a critique that I think When They Call My Name, sounds very much like an Andy Black song instead of a Black Veil Brides song. Overall I still like the song andI think I can surely say I enjoy every song on the album to some extent. I thought originally The Outsider would be my favorite, but I can't say for certain if that's true anymore. I quite enjoy Wake Up and Our Destiny. I do have a critique that I think When They Call My Name, sounds very much like an Andy Black song instead of a Black Veil Brides song. Overall I still like the song and enjoy the album. Expand
  5. Jan 12, 2018
    This album is something that sounds different from other BVB records. This one leads more into pop, but at the same, still stays true to BVB's rock roots. This album is like 'Wretched & Divine' & Andy's 'The Shadow Side' combined, and honestly that wouldn't sound bad, and the songs on here show the best side of Black Veil Brides. 'Vale' is an album that fans will enjoy and haters to hate,This album is something that sounds different from other BVB records. This one leads more into pop, but at the same, still stays true to BVB's rock roots. This album is like 'Wretched & Divine' & Andy's 'The Shadow Side' combined, and honestly that wouldn't sound bad, and the songs on here show the best side of Black Veil Brides. 'Vale' is an album that fans will enjoy and haters to hate, but at the same time, still deserves the attention it gets. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Kerrang!
    Jan 11, 2018
    Despite throwing some creative curveballs into the mix, Vale feels very much like the rue follow-up to Wretched And Divine, and sees Black Veil Brides writing their own myth once more. [13 Jan 2018, p.50]
  2. Jan 11, 2018
    While the feisty, Imagine Dragons-meets-Twisted Sister vibe remains their forte, it's Vale's pop proclivities that ultimately win out, suggesting that future endeavors may rely less on fighting the man, and more on working alongside him.
  3. Jan 11, 2018
    There are strings, spoken word sections and sweeping solos, so while the themes and melodies may sound familiar, the overall tapestry rarely wears thin.