• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Nov 5, 2021
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 63
  2. Negative: 2 out of 63
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  1. Feb 24, 2022
    The best album ever made she really put her whole snussy into this this album. It never gets old makes me wet every time.
  2. Feb 5, 2022
    Snail Mail's "Valentine" is a decent and elegant indie rock album with soulful vocals and guitar accompaniments. Lindsey Jordan's lyrics are honest and emotional and all of the album's 10 songs are pretty chill and mellow.

    Unfortunately, as easy as the record is to listen to, little of it really sticks. In addition, it's lacking in variety and it's hard to differentiate the songs from
    Snail Mail's "Valentine" is a decent and elegant indie rock album with soulful vocals and guitar accompaniments. Lindsey Jordan's lyrics are honest and emotional and all of the album's 10 songs are pretty chill and mellow.

    Unfortunately, as easy as the record is to listen to, little of it really sticks. In addition, it's lacking in variety and it's hard to differentiate the songs from each other.

    My favorites:
    "Ben Franklin"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    February 5, 2022
  3. Dec 14, 2021
    While a decent enough listen, there is very little here that is truly memorable or has me wanting to come back. I was underwhelmed by the hyped debut "Lush", again decent but not amazing. That had a distinctive lo fi vibe. "Valentine" is the opposite, shinier production and it sounds more ambitious but ultimately it failed to grab me as much as the critics promised.
  4. Dec 2, 2021
    Everything you’d want out of a moody, indie-rock, autumnal release. Warm, beautiful, and surprising.
  5. XD2
    Dec 2, 2021
    The album has a very strange sound. It doesn't entice you to listen to every next song. But the lyrics in the songs are generally not bad, but in combination with the music, everything looks very strange.
  6. Dec 1, 2021
    This is horrible!!! Incredibke ynskMxmxxwkdnskdnsndb was nsdbsjdhsbdbsjdbsbskxj
  7. Nov 26, 2021
    I discovered her accidentally and that was a good discovery. I hope she gets the recognition she deserves
  8. Nov 23, 2021
    Young, female artist with indie cred, an ironic band name and dark lyrics? Check. Add 10 points. ... Seriously, this is a decent album, but 88? C'mon. Musically it's rather pedestrian. There's nothing really special or memorable here.
  9. Nov 13, 2021
    Absolutely wonderful. Do yourself a favor and listen to this about three times. Buttery and layered, the highs just get better.
  10. Nov 11, 2021
    Everything you’d want out of a moody, indie-rock, autumnal release. Warm, beautiful, and surprising.
  11. Nov 7, 2021
    Valentine is a bleeding heart even from the start. Coming in at full volume she's paranoid watching eyes but importantly she's still in love,asking not to be forgotten. A wish that embeds itself in most of the 10 tracks. "Ben Franklin" stumbles in jaded,the sour taste of a break up compared to a stain. With music sounding louder and faster than the equally smooth "Lush". Gripping eachValentine is a bleeding heart even from the start. Coming in at full volume she's paranoid watching eyes but importantly she's still in love,asking not to be forgotten. A wish that embeds itself in most of the 10 tracks. "Ben Franklin" stumbles in jaded,the sour taste of a break up compared to a stain. With music sounding louder and faster than the equally smooth "Lush". Gripping each second by the vulnerable horns you aren't bound to be bored. Mirroring the loud sincerity of Indigo de Souza. A truly unforgettable 2021 highlight. Collapse
  12. Nov 5, 2021
    This album has fantastic production, the music sounds rich and the lyricism is incredibly relatable yer poetic and easy to scream sing in the shower! No skips!
  13. Nov 5, 2021
    "Lush" has shaped me and made me the person I am today. Now with "Valentine" Im so excited to meet the person that i will be after listening to it for years. Lindsey is in her own league, absolutely unique, theres no one like her and her music is no different. The album is flawless, her voice, the musicality, the lyrics the songwriting is briliant.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Nov 9, 2021
    Jordan’s second record proves that the singer is capable of oh-so much more.
  2. 60
    While her pure, clear voice is as expressive and engaging as ever, Valentine is more accessible and less interesting.
  3. Nov 8, 2021
    Some of the naggier aspects of her music remain, especially her strained, prickly inflection, still somewhat forced and certainly an acquired taste. But all told, there's no denying that Valentine is a singular statement that is profoundly genuine at every turn.